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G-torsors and universal torsors over nonsplit del Pezzo surfaces

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 نشر من قبل Ulrich Derenthal
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
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Let S be a smooth del Pezzo surface that is defined over a field K and splits over a Galois extension L. Let G be either the split reductive group given by the root system of $S_L$ in Pic $S_L$, or a form of it containing the Neron-Severi torus. Let $mathcal{G}$ be the G-torsor over $S_L$ obtained by extension of structure group from a universal torsor $mathcal{T}$ over $S_L$. We prove that $mathcal{G}$ does not descend to S unless $mathcal{T}$ does. This is in contrast to a result of Friedman and Morgan that such $mathcal{G}$ always descend to singular del Pezzo surfaces over $mathbb{C}$ from their desingularizations.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Let S be a split family of del Pezzo surfaces over a discrete valuation ring such that the general fiber is smooth and the special fiber has ADE-singularities. Let G be the reductive group given by the root system of these singularities. We construct a G-torsor over S whose restriction to the generic fiber is the extension of structure group of the universal torsor. This extends a construction of Friedman and Morgan for individual singular del Pezzo surfaces. In case of very good residue characteristic, this torsor is unique and infinitesimally rigid.
We study the birational properties of geometrically rational surfaces from a derived categorical point of view. In particular, we give a criterion for the rationality of a del Pezzo surface over an arbitrary field, namely, that its derived category d ecomposes into zero-dimensional components. For del Pezzo surfaces of degree at least 5, we construct explicit semiorthogonal decompositions by subcategories of modules over semisimple algebras arising as endomorphism algebras of vector bundles and we show how to retrieve information about the index of the surface from Brauer classes and Chern classes associated to these vector bundles.
Motivated by the study of the structure of algebraic actions the additive group on affine threefolds X, we consider a special class of such varieties whose algebraic quotient morphisms X $rightarrow$ X//Ga restrict to principal homogeneous bundles ov er the complement of a smooth point of the quotient. We establish basic general properties of these varieties and construct families of examples illustrating their rich geometry. In particular, we give a complete classification of a natural subclass consisting of threefolds X endowed with proper Ga-actions, whose algebraic quotient morphisms $pi$ : X $rightarrow$ X//Ga are surjective with only isolated degenerate fibers, all isomorphic to the affine plane A 2 when equipped with their reduced structures.
We classify del Pezzo surfaces with 1/3(1,1) points in 29 qG-deformation families grouped into six unprojection cascades (this overlaps with work of Fujita and Yasutake), we tabulate their biregular invariants, we give good model constructions for su rfaces in all families as degeneracy loci in rep quotient varieties and we prove that precisely 26 families admit qG-degenerations to toric surfaces. This work is part of a program to study mirror symmetry for orbifold del Pezzo surfaces.
We state a number of conjectures that together allow one to classify a broad class of del Pezzo surfaces with cyclic quotient singularities using mirror symmetry. We prove our conjectures in the simplest cases. The conjectures relate mutation-equival ence classes of Fano polygons with Q-Gorenstein deformation classes of del Pezzo surfaces.
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