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195 - S. J. Garratt , Sthitadhi Roy , 2021
By varying the disorder realisation in the many-body localised (MBL) phase, we investigate the influence of resonances on spectral properties. The standard theory of the MBL phase is based on the existence of local integrals of motion (LIOM), and eig enstates of the time evolution operator can be described as LIOM configurations. We show that smooth variations of the disorder give rise to avoided level crossings, and we identify these with resonances between LIOM configurations. Through this parametric approach, we develop a theory for resonances in terms of standard properties of non-resonant LIOM. This framework describes resonances that are locally pairwise, and is appropriate in arbitrarily large systems deep within the MBL phase. We show that resonances are associated with large level curvatures on paths through the ensemble of disorder realisations, and we determine the curvature distribution. By considering the level repulsion associated with resonances we calculate the two-point correlator of the level density. We also find the distributions of matrix elements of local observables and discuss implications for low-frequency dynamics.
A quantum many-body system whose dynamics includes local measurements at a nonzero rate can be in distinct dynamical phases, with differing entanglement properties. We introduce theoretical approaches to measurement-induced phase transitions (MPT) an d also to entanglement transitions in random tensor networks. Many of our results are for all-to-all quantum circuits with unitaries and measurements, in which any qubit can couple to any other, and related settings where some of the complications of low-dimensional models are reduced. We also propose field theory descriptions for spatially local systems of any finite dimensionality. To build intuition, we first solve the simplest minimal cut toy model for entanglement dynamics in all-to-all circuits, finding scaling forms and exponents within this approximation. We then show that certain all-to-all measurement circuits allow exact results by exploiting local tree-like structure in the circuit geometry. For this reason, we make a detour to give general universal results for entanglement phase transitions random tree tensor networks, making a connection with classical directed polymers on a tree. We then compare these results with numerics in all-to-all circuits, both for the MPT and for the simpler Forced Measurement Phase Transition (FMPT). We characterize the two different phases in all-to-all circuits using observables sensitive to the amount of information propagated between initial and final time. We demonstrate signatures of the two phases that can be understood from simple models. Finally we propose Landau-Ginsburg-Wilson-like field theories for the MPT, the FMPT, and entanglement transitions in random tensor networks. This analysis shows a surprising difference between the MPT and the other cases. We discuss measurement dynamics with additional structure (e.g. free-fermion structure), and questions for the future.
We investigate the conditions under which periodically driven quantum systems subject to dissipation exhibit a stable subharmonic response. Noting that coupling to a bath introduces not only cooling but also noise, we point out that a system subject to the latter for the entire cycle tends to lose coherence of the subharmonic oscillations, and thereby the long-time temporal symmetry breaking. We provide an example of a short-ranged two-dimensional system which does not suffer from this and therefore displays persistent subharmonic oscillations stabilised by the dissipation. We also show that this is fundamentally different from the disordered DTC previously found in closed systems, both conceptually and in its phenomenology. The framework we develop here clarifies how fully connected models constitute a special case where subharmonic oscillations are stable in the thermodynamic limit.
We study classical percolation models in Fock space as proxies for the quantum many-body localisation (MBL) transition. Percolation rules are defined for two models of disordered quantum spin-chains using their microscopic quantum Hamiltonians and th e topologies of the associated Fock-space graphs. The percolation transition is revealed by the statistics of Fock-space cluster sizes, obtained by exact enumeration for finite-sized systems. As a function of disorder strength, the typical cluster size shows a transition from a volume law in Fock space to sub-volume law, directly analogous to the behaviour of eigenstate participation entropies across the MBL transition. Finite-size scaling analyses for several diagnostics of cluster size statistics yield mutually consistent critical properties. We show further that local observables averaged over Fock-space clusters also carry signatures of the transition, with their behaviour across it in direct analogy to that of corresponding eigenstate expectation values across the MBL transition. The Fock-space clusters can be explored under a mapping to kinetically constrained models. Dynamics within this framework likewise show the ergodicity-breaking transition via Monte Carlo averaged local observables, and yield critical properties consistent with those obtained from both exact cluster enumeration and analytic results derived in our recent work [arXiv:1812.05115]. This mapping allows access to system sizes two orders of magnitude larger than those accessible in exact enumerations. Simple physical pictures based on freezing of local real-space segments of spins are also presented, and shown to give values for the critical disorder strength and correlation length exponent $ u$ consistent with numerical studies.
We construct and solve a classical percolation model with a phase transition that we argue acts as a proxy for the quantum many-body localisation transition. The classical model is defined on a graph in the Fock space of a disordered, interacting qua ntum spin chain, using a convenient choice of basis. Edges of the graph represent matrix elements of the spin Hamiltonian between pairs of basis states that are expected to hybridise strongly. At weak disorder, all nodes are connected, forming a single cluster. Many separate clusters appear above a critical disorder strength, each typically having a size that is exponentially large in the number of spins but a vanishing fraction of the Fock-space dimension. We formulate a transfer matrix approach that yields an exact value $ u=2$ for the localisation length exponent, and also use complete enumeration of clusters to study the transition numerically in finite-sized systems.
Condensed matter systems realizing Weyl fermions exhibit striking phenomenology derived from their topologically protected surface states as well as chiral anomalies induced by electromagnetic fields. More recently, inhomogeneous strain or magnetizat ion were predicted to result in chiral electric $mathbf{E}_5$ and magnetic $mathbf{B}_5$ fields, which modify and enrich the chiral anomaly with additional terms. In this work, we develop a lattice-based approach to describe the chiral anomaly, which involves Landau and pseudo-Landau levels and treats all anomalous terms on equal footing, while naturally incorporating Fermi arcs. We exemplify its potential by physically interpreting the largely overlooked role of Fermi arcs in the covariant (Fermi level) contribution to the anomaly and revisiting the factor of $1/3$ difference between the covariant and consistent (complete band) contributions to the $mathbf{E}_5cdotmathbf{B}_5$ term in the anomaly. Our framework provides a versatile tool for the analysis of anomalies in realistic lattice models as well as a source of simple physical intuition for understanding strained and magnetized inhomogeneous Weyl semimetals.
Though the Fermi surface of surface states of a 3D topological insulator (TI) has zero magnetization, an arbitrary segment of the full Fermi surface has a unique magnetic moment consistent with the type of spin-momentum locking in hand. We propose a three-terminal set up, which directly couples to the magnetization of a chosen segment of a Fermi surface hence leading to a finite tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) response of the nonmagnetic TI surface states, when coupled to spin polarized STM probe. This multiterminal TMR not only provides a unique signature of spin-momentum locking for a pristine TI but also provides a direct measure of momentum resolved out of plane polarization of hexagonally warped Fermi surfaces relevant for $Bi_2Te_3$, which could be as comprehensive as spin-resolved ARPES. Implication of this unconventional TMR is also discussed in the broader context of 2D spin-orbit (SO) materials.

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