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(Abridged) The origin of dSphs in the Local Group (LG) remains an enigma. The tidal stirring model posits that late-type, rotationally-supported dwarfs resembling present-day dwarf irregular (dIrr) galaxies can transform into dSphs via interactions w ith Milky Way-sized hosts. Using collisionless N-body simulations, we investigate for the first time how tidal stirring depends on the dark matter (DM) density distribution in the central stellar region of the progenitor disky dwarf. Specifically, we explore various asymptotic inner slopes gamma of the dwarf DM density profiles (rho propto r^{-gamma} as r -> 0). For a given orbit inside the primary, rotationally-supported dwarfs embedded in DM halos with core-like density distributions (gamma = 0.2) and mild density cusps (gamma = 0.6) demonstrate a substantially enhanced likelihood and efficiency of transformation into dSphs compared to their counterparts with steeper DM density profiles (gamma = 1). Such shallow DM distributions are akin to those of observed dIrrs, highlighting tidal stirring as a plausible model for the LG morphology-density relation. When gamma <1, a single pericentric passage can induce dSph formation and disky dwarfs on low-eccentricity or large-pericenter orbits are able to transform into dSphs; these new results allow the tidal stirring model to explain the existence of virtually all known dSphs across a wide range of distances from their hosts. A subset of rotationally-supported dwarfs with gamma <1 are eventually disrupted by the primary; those that survive as dSphs are generally on orbits that are biased towards lower eccentricities and/or larger pericenters relative to those of typical CDM satellites. The latter could explain the rather peculiar orbits of several classic LG dSphs such as Fornax, Leo I, Tucana, and Cetus.
We perform collisionless N-body simulations to investigate whether binary mergers between rotationally-supported dwarfs can lead to the formation of dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs). Our simulation campaign is based on a hybrid approach combining co smological simulations and controlled numerical experiments. We select merger events from a Constrained Local UniversE (CLUES) simulation of the Local Group (LG) and record the properties of the interacting dwarf-sized halos. This information is subsequently used to seed controlled experiments of binary encounters between dwarf galaxies consisting of exponential stellar disks embedded in cosmologically-motivated dark matter halos. These simulations are designed to reproduce eight cosmological merger events, with initial masses of the interacting systems in the range ~ (5-60) x 10^7 Mo, occurring quite early in the history of the LG, more than 10 Gyr ago. We compute the properties of the merger remnants as a distant observer would and demonstrate that at least three of the simulated encounters produce systems with kinematic and structural properties akin to those of the classic dSphs in the LG. Tracing the history of the remnants in the cosmological simulation to z=0, we find that two dSph-like objects remain isolated at distances larger than 800 kpc from either the Milky Way or M31. These systems constitute plausible counterparts of the remote dSphs Cetus and Tucana which reside in the LG outskirts, far from the tidal influence of the primary galaxies. We conclude that merging of rotationally-supported dwarfs represents a viable mechanism for the formation of dSphs in the LG and similar environments.
(Abridged) The tidal stirring model posits the formation of dSph galaxies via the tidal interactions between rotationally-supported dwarfs and MW-sized host galaxies. Using a set of collisionless N-body simulations, we investigate the efficiency of t he tidal stirring mechanism. We explore a wide variety of dwarf orbital configurations and initial structures and demonstrate that in most cases the disky dwarfs experience significant mass loss and their stellar components undergo a dramatic morphological and dynamical transformation: from disks to bars and finally to pressure-supported spheroidal systems with kinematic and structural properties akin to those of the classic dSphs in the Local Group (LG). Our results suggest that such tidal transformations should be common occurrences within the currently favored cosmological paradigm and highlight the key factor responsible for an effective metamorphosis to be the strength of the tidal shocks at the pericenters of the orbit. We demonstrate that the combination of short orbital times and small pericenters, characteristic of dwarfs being accreted at high redshift, induces the strongest transformations. Our models also indicate that the transformation efficiency is affected significantly by the structure of the progenitor disky dwarfs. Lastly, we find that the dwarf remnants satisfy the relation Vmax = sqrt{3} * sigma, where sigma is the 1D, central stellar velocity dispersion and Vmax is the maximum halo circular velocity, with intriguing implications for the missing satellites problem. Overall, we conclude that the action of tidal forces from the hosts constitutes a crucial evolutionary mechanism for shaping the nature of dwarf galaxies in environments such as that of the LG. Environmental processes of this type should thus be included as ingredients in models of dwarf galaxy formation and evolution.
Cosmological simulations indicate that cold dark matter (CDM) halos should be triaxial. Verifying observationally this theoretical prediction is, however, less than straightforward because the assembly of galaxies is expected to modify the halo shape s and to render them more axisymmetric. We use a suite of N-body simulations to investigate quantitatively the effect of the growth of a central disk galaxy on the shape of triaxial dark matter halos. As expected, the halo responds to the presence of the disk by becoming more spherical. The net effect depends only weakly on the orientation of the disk relative to the halo principal axes or the timescale of disk assembly, but strongly on the overall gravitational importance of the disk. Our results show that exponential disks whose contribution peaks at less than ~50% of their circular velocity are unable to modify noticeably the shape of the gravitational potential of their surrounding halos. Many dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies are expected to be in this regime, and therefore their detailed kinematics could be used to probe halo triaxiality, one of the basic predictions of the CDM paradigm. We argue that the complex disk kinematics of the dwarf galaxy NGC 2976 might be the reflection of a triaxial halo. Such signatures of halo triaxiality should be common in galaxies where the luminous component is subdominant.
We perform collisionless N-body simulations to investigate the evolution of the structural and kinematical properties of simulated thick disks induced by the growth of an embedded thin disk. The thick disks used in the present study originate from co smologically-common 5:1 encounters between initially-thin primary disk galaxies and infalling satellites. The growing thin disks are modeled as static gravitational potentials and we explore a variety of growing-disk parameters that are likely to influence the response of thick disks. We find that the final thick-disk properties depend strongly on the total mass and radial scale-length of the growing thin disk, and much less sensitively on its growth timescale and vertical scale-height as well as the initial sense of thick-disk rotation. Overall, the growth of an embedded thin disk can cause a substantial contraction in both the radial and vertical direction, resulting in a significant decrease in the scale-lengths and scale-heights of thick disks. Kinematically, a growing thin disk can induce a notable increase in the mean rotation and velocity dispersions of thick-disk stars. We conclude that the reformation of a thin disk via gas accretion may play a significant role in setting the structure and kinematics of thick disks, and thus it is an important ingredient in models of thick-disk formation.
Minor accretion events with mass ratio M_sat : M_host ~ 1:10 are common in the context of LCDM cosmology. We use high-resolution simulations of Galaxy-analogue systems to show that these mergers can dynamically eject disk stars into a diffuse light c omponent that resembles a stellar halo both spatially and kinematically. For a variety of orbital configurations, we find that ~3-5e8 M_sun of primary stellar disk material is ejected to a distance larger than 5 kpc above the galactic plane. This ejected contribution is similar to the mass contributed by the tidal disruption of the satellite galaxy itself, though it is less extended. If we restrict our analysis to the approximate solar neighborhood in the disk plane, we find that ~1% of the initial disk stars in that region would be classified kinematically as halo stars. Our results suggest that the inner parts of galactic stellar halos contain ancient disk stars and that these stars may have been liberated in the very same events that delivered material to the outer stellar halo.
55 - Ileana M. Vass 2009
We use dissipationless N-body simulations to investigate the evolution of the true coarse-grained phase-space density distribution f(x,v) in equal-mass mergers between dark matter (DM) halos. The halo models are constructed with various asymptotic po wer-law indices ranging from steep cusps to core-like profiles and we employ the phase-space density estimator ``Enbid developed by Sharma & Steinmetz to compute f(x,v). The adopted force resolution allows robust phase-space density profile estimates in the inner ~1% of the virial radii of the simulated systems. We confirm that mergers result in a decrease of the coarse-grained phase-space density in accordance with expectations from Mixing Theorems for collisionless systems. We demonstrate that binary mergers between identical DM halos produce remnants that retain excellent memories of the inner slopes and overall shapes of the phase-space density distribution of their progenitors. The robustness of the phase-space density profiles holds for a range of orbital energies, and a variety of encounter configurations including sequences of several consecutive merger events, designed to mimic hierarchical merging, and collisions occurring at different cosmological epochs. If the progenitor halos are constructed with appreciably different asymptotic power-law indices, we find that the inner slope and overall shape of the phase-space density distribution of the remnant are substantially closer to that of the initial system with the steepest central density cusp. These results explicitly demonstrate that mixing is incomplete in equal-mass mergers between DM halos, as it does not erase memory of the progenitor properties. Our results also confirm the recent analytical predictions of Dehnen (2005) regarding the preservation of merging self-gravitating central density cusps.
237 - Simone Callegari 2009
We examine the pairing process of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) down to scales of 20-100 pc using a set of N-body/SPH simulations of binary mergers of disk galaxies with mass ratios of 1:4 and 1:10. Our numerical experiments are designed to repres ent merger events occurring at various cosmic epochs. The initial conditions of the encounters are consistent with the LambdaCDM paradigm of structure formation, and the simulations include the effects of radiative cooling, star formation, and supernovae feedback. We find that the pairing of SMBHs depends sensitively on the amount of baryonic mass preserved in the center of the companion galaxies during the last phases of the merger. In particular, due to the combination of gasdynamics and star formation, we find that a pair of SMBHs can form in 1:10 minor mergers provided that galaxies are relatively gas-rich (gas fractions of 30% of the disk mass) and that the mergers occur at relatively high redshift (z~3), when dynamical friction timescales are shorter. Since 1:10 mergers are most common events during the assembly of galaxies, and mergers are more frequent at high redshift when galaxies are also more gas-rich, our results have positive implications for future gravitational wave experiments such as the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna.
Most Galaxy-sized systems (M_host ~ 10^12 M_sun) in the LCDM cosmology are expected to have accreted at least one satellite with a total mass M_sat ~ 10^11 M_sun = 3M_disk in the past 8 Gyr. Analytic and numerical investigations suggest that this is the most precarious type of merger for the survival of thin galactic disks because more massive accretion events are relatively rare and less massive ones preserve thin disk components. We use high-resolution, dissipationless N-body simulations to study the response of an initially-thin, fully-formed Milky-Way type stellar disk to these cosmologically common events and show that the thin disk does not survive. Regardless of orbital configuration, the impacts transform the disks into structures that are roughly three times as thick and more than twice as kinematically hot as the observed dominant thin disk component of the Milky Way. We conclude that if the Galactic thin disk is a representative case, then the presence of a stabilizing gas component is the only recourse for explaining the preponderance of disk galaxies in an LCDM universe; otherwise, the disk of the Milky Way must be uncommonly cold and thin for its luminosity, perhaps as a consequence of an unusually quiescent accretion history.
(Abridged) We perform dissipationless N-body simulations to elucidate the dynamical response of thin disks to bombardment by cold dark matter (CDM) substructure. Our method combines (1) cosmological simulations of the formation of Milky Way (MW)-size d CDM halos to derive the properties of substructure and (2) controlled numerical experiments of consecutive subhalo impacts onto an initially-thin, fully-formed MW type disk galaxy. The present study is the first to account for the evolution of satellite populations over cosmic time in such an investigation of disk structure. We find that accretions of massive subhalos onto the central regions of host halos, where the galactic disks reside, since z~1 should be common. One host halo accretion history is used to initialize the controlled simulations of satellite-disk encounters. We show that these accretion events severely perturb the thin galactic disk and produce a wealth of distinctive dynamical signatures on its structure and kinematics. These include (1) considerable thickening and heating at all radii, with the disk thickness and velocity ellipsoid nearly doubling at the solar radius; (2) prominent flaring associated with an increase in disk thickness greater than a factor of 4 in the disk outskirts; (3) surface density excesses at large radii, beyond ~5 disk scale lengths, resembling those of observed antitruncated disks; (4) lopsidedness at levels similar to those measured in observational samples of disk galaxies; and (5) substantial tilting. The interaction with the most massive subhalo drives the disk response while subsequent bombardment is much less efficient at disturbing the disk. We conclude that substructure-disk encounters of the kind expected in the LCDM paradigm play a significant role in setting the structure of disk galaxies and driving galaxy evolution.

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