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To assess generalization, machine learning scientists typically either (i) bound the generalization gap and then (after training) plug in the empirical risk to obtain a bound on the true risk; or (ii) validate empirically on holdout data. However, (i ) typically yields vacuous guarantees for overparameterized models. Furthermore, (ii) shrinks the training set and its guarantee erodes with each re-use of the holdout set. In this paper, we introduce a method that leverages unlabeled data to produce generalization bounds. After augmenting our (labeled) training set with randomly labeled fresh examples, we train in the standard fashion. Whenever classifiers achieve low error on clean data and high error on noisy data, our bound provides a tight upper bound on the true risk. We prove that our bound is valid for 0-1 empirical risk minimization and with linear classifiers trained by gradient descent. Our approach is especially useful in conjunction with deep learning due to the early learning phenomenon whereby networks fit true labels before noisy labels but requires one intuitive assumption. Empirically, on canonical computer vision and NLP tasks, our bound provides non-vacuous generalization guarantees that track actual performance closely. This work provides practitioners with an option for certifying the generalization of deep nets even when unseen labeled data is unavailable and provides theoretical insights into the relationship between random label noise and generalization.
The likelihood ratio test (LRT) based on the asymptotic chi-squared distribution of the log likelihood is one of the fundamental tools of statistical inference. A recent universal LRT approach based on sample splitting provides valid hypothesis tests and confidence sets in any setting for which we can compute the split likelihood ratio statistic (or, more generally, an upper bound on the null maximum likelihood). The universal LRT is valid in finite samples and without regularity conditions. This test empowers statisticians to construct tests in settings for which no valid hypothesis test previously existed. For the simple but fundamental case of testing the population mean of d-dimensional Gaussian data, the usual LRT itself applies and thus serves as a perfect test bed to compare against the universal LRT. This work presents the first in-depth exploration of the size, power, and relationships between several universal LRT variants. We show that a repeated subsampling approach is the best choice in terms of size and power. We observe reasonable performance even in a high-dimensional setting, where the expected squared radius of the best universal LRT confidence set is approximately 3/2 times the squared radius of the standard LRT-based set. We illustrate the benefits of the universal LRT through testing a non-convex doughnut-shaped null hypothesis, where a universal inference procedure can have higher power than a standard approach.
This paper studies the minimax rate of nonparametric conditional density estimation under a weighted absolute value loss function in a multivariate setting. We first demonstrate that conditional density estimation is impossible if one only requires t hat $p_{X|Z}$ is smooth in $x$ for all values of $z$. This motivates us to consider a sub-class of absolutely continuous distributions, restricting the conditional density $p_{X|Z}(x|z)$ to not only be Holder smooth in $x$, but also be total variation smooth in $z$. We propose a corresponding kernel-based estimator and prove that it achieves the minimax rate. We give some simple examples of densities satisfying our assumptions which imply that our results are not vacuous. Finally, we propose an estimator which achieves the minimax optimal rate adaptively, i.e., without the need to know the smoothness parameter values in advance. Crucially, both of our estimators (the adaptive and non-adaptive ones) impose no assumptions on the marginal density $p_Z$, and are not obtained as a ratio between two kernel smoothing estimators which may sound like a go to approach in this problem.
Permutation tests are widely used in statistics, providing a finite-sample guarantee on the type I error rate whenever the distribution of the samples under the null hypothesis is invariant to some rearrangement. Despite its increasing popularity and empirical success, theoretical properties of the permutation test, especially its power, have not been fully explored beyond simple cases. In this paper, we attempt to fill this gap by presenting a general non-asymptotic framework for analyzing the power of the permutation test. The utility of our proposed framework is illustrated in the context of two-sample and independence testing under both discrete and continuous settings. In each setting, we introduce permutation tests based on U-statistics and study their minimax performance. We also develop exponential concentration bounds for permuted U-statistics based on a novel coupling idea, which may be of independent interest. Building on these exponential bounds, we introduce permutation tests which are adaptive to unknown smoothness parameters without losing much power. The proposed framework is further illustrated using more sophisticated test statistics including weighted U-statistics for multinomial testing and Gaussian kernel-based statistics for density testing. Finally, we provide some simulation results that further justify the permutation approach.
We consider the problem of conditional independence testing of $X$ and $Y$ given $Z$ where $X,Y$ and $Z$ are three real random variables and $Z$ is continuous. We focus on two main cases - when $X$ and $Y$ are both discrete, and when $X$ and $Y$ are both continuous. In view of recent results on conditional independence testing (Shah and Peters, 2018), one cannot hope to design non-trivial tests, which control the type I error for all absolutely continuous conditionally independent distributions, while still ensuring power against interesting alternatives. Consequently, we identify various, natural smoothness assumptions on the conditional distributions of $X,Y|Z=z$ as $z$ varies in the support of $Z$, and study the hardness of conditional independence testing under these smoothness assumptions. We derive matching lower and upper bounds on the critical radius of separation between the null and alternative hypotheses in the total variation metric. The tests we consider are easily implementable and rely on binning the support of the continuous variable $Z$. To complement these results, we provide a new proof of the hardness result of Shah and Peters.
We consider clustering based on significance tests for Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). Our starting point is the SigClust method developed by Liu et al. (2008), which introduces a test based on the k-means objective (with k = 2) to decide whether the data should be split into two clusters. When applied recursively, this test yields a method for hierarchical clustering that is equipped with a significance guarantee. We study the limiting distribution and power of this approach in some examples and show that there are large regions of the parameter space where the power is low. We then introduce a new test based on the idea of relative fit. Unlike prior work, we test for whether a mixture of Gaussians provides a better fit relative to a single Gaussian, without assuming that either model is correct. The proposed test has a simple critical value and provides provable error control. One version of our test provides exact, finite sample control of the type I error. We show how our tests can be used for hierarchical clustering as well as in a sequential manner for model selection. We conclude with an extensive simulation study and a cluster analysis of a gene expression dataset.
Global null testing is a classical problem going back about a century to Fishers and Stouffers combination tests. In this work, we present simple martingale analogs of these classical tests, which are applicable in two distinct settings: (a) the onli ne setting in which there is a possibly infinite sequence of $p$-values, and (b) the batch setting, where one uses prior knowledge to preorder the hypotheses. Through theory and simulations, we demonstrate that our martingale variants have higher power than their classical counterparts even when the preordering is only weakly informative. Finally, using a recent idea of masking $p$-values, we develop a novel interactive test for the global null that can take advantage of covariates and repeated user guidance to create a data-adaptive ordering that achieves higher detection power against structured alternatives.
Large bundles of myelinated axons, called white matter, anatomically connect disparate brain regions together and compose the structural core of the human connectome. We recently proposed a method of measuring the local integrity along the length of each white matter fascicle, termed the local connectome. If communication efficiency is fundamentally constrained by the integrity along the entire length of a white matter bundle, then variability in the functional dynamics of brain networks should be associated with variability in the local connectome. We test this prediction using two statistical approaches that are capable of handling the high dimensionality of data. First, by performing statistical inference on distance-based correlations, we show that similarity in the local connectome between individuals is significantly correlated with similarity in their patterns of functional connectivity. Second, by employing variable selection using sparse canonical correlation analysis and cross-validation, we show that segments of the local connectome are predictive of certain patterns of functional brain dynamics. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that structural variability along axon bundles constrains communication between disparate brain regions.

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