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We extend the random characteristics approach to Wigner matrices whose entries are not required to have a normal distribution. As an application, we give a simple and fully dynamical proof of the weak local semicircle law in the bulk.
This paper studies the delocalized regime of an ultrametric random operator whose independent entries have variances decaying in a suitable hierarchical metric on $mathbb{N}$. When the decay-rate of the off-diagonal variances is sufficiently slow, we prove that the spectral measures are uniformly $theta$-H{o}lder continuous for all $theta in (0,1)$. In finite volumes, we prove that the corresponding ultrametric random matrices have completely extended eigenfunctions and that the local eigenvalue statistics converge in the Wigner-Dyson-Mehta universality class.
We consider the Rosenzweig-Porter model $H = V + sqrt{T}, Phi$, where $V$ is a $N times N$ diagonal matrix, $Phi$ is drawn from the $N times N$ Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble, and $N^{-1} ll T ll 1$. We prove that the eigenfunctions of $H$ are typicall y supported in a set of approximately $NT$ sites, thereby confirming the existence of a previously conjectured non-ergodic delocalized phase. Our proof is based on martingale estimates along the characteristic curves of the stochastic advection equation satisfied by the local resolvent of the Brownian motion representation of $H$.
We use trace class scattering theory to exclude the possibility of absolutely continuous spectrum in a large class of self-adjoint operators with an underlying hierarchical structure and provide applications to certain random hierarchical operators a nd matrices. We proceed to contrast the localizing effect of the hierarchical structure in the deterministic setting with previous results and conjectures in the random setting. Furthermore, we survey stronger localization statements truly exploiting the disorder for the hierarchical Anderson model and report recent results concerning the spectral statistics of the ultrametric random matrix ensemble.
We study the hierarchical analogue of power-law random band matrices, a symmetric ensemble of random matrices with independent entries whose variances decay exponentially in the metric induced by the tree topology on $mathbb{N}$. We map out the entir ety of the localization regime by proving the localization of eigenfunctions and Poisson statistics of the suitably scaled eigenvalues. Our results complement existing works on complete delocalization and random matrix universality, thereby proving the existence of a phase transition in this model.
We apply Feshbach-Krein-Schur renormalization techniques in the hierarchical Anderson model to establish a criterion on the single-site distribution which ensures exponential dynamical localization as well as positive inverse participation ratios and Poisson statistics of eigenvalues. Our criterion applies to all cases of exponentially decaying hierarchical hopping strengths and holds even for spectral dimension $d > 2$, which corresponds to the regime of transience of the underlying hierarchical random walk. This challenges recent numerical findings that the spectral dimension is significant as far as the Anderson transition is concerned.

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