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Several recent works have shown separation results between deep neural networks, and hypothesis classes with inferior approximation capacity such as shallow networks or kernel classes. On the other hand, the fact that deep networks can efficiently ex press a target function does not mean that this target function can be learned efficiently by deep neural networks. In this work we study the intricate connection between learnability and approximation capacity. We show that learnability with deep networks of a target function depends on the ability of simpler classes to approximate the target. Specifically, we show that a necessary condition for a function to be learnable by gradient descent on deep neural networks is to be able to approximate the function, at least in a weak sense, with shallow neural networks. We also show that a class of functions can be learned by an efficient statistical query algorithm if and only if it can be approximated in a weak sense by some kernel class. We give several examples of functions which demonstrate depth separation, and conclude that they cannot be efficiently learned, even by a hypothesis class that can efficiently approximate them.
Convolutional neural networks (CNN) exhibit unmatched performance in a multitude of computer vision tasks. However, the advantage of using convolutional networks over fully-connected networks is not understood from a theoretical perspective. In this work, we show how convolutional networks can leverage locality in the data, and thus achieve a computational advantage over fully-connected networks. Specifically, we show a class of problems that can be efficiently solved using convolutional networks trained with gradient-descent, but at the same time is hard to learn using a polynomial-size fully-connected network.
A supervised learning algorithm has access to a distribution of labeled examples, and needs to return a function (hypothesis) that correctly labels the examples. The hypothesis of the learner is taken from some fixed class of functions (e.g., linear classifiers, neural networks etc.). A failure of the learning algorithm can occur due to two possible reasons: wrong choice of hypothesis class (hardness of approximation), or failure to find the best function within the hypothesis class (hardness of learning). Although both approximation and learnability are important for the success of the algorithm, they are typically studied separately. In this work, we show a single hardness property that implies both hardness of approximation using linear classes and shallow networks, and hardness of learning using correlation queries and gradient-descent. This allows us to obtain new results on hardness of approximation and learnability of parity functions, DNF formulas and $AC^0$ circuits.
The AI-alignment problem arises when there is a discrepancy between the goals that a human designer specifies to an AI learner and a potential catastrophic outcome that does not reflect what the human designer really wants. We argue that a formalism of AI alignment that does not distinguish between strategic and agnostic misalignments is not useful, as it deems all technology as un-safe. We propose a definition of a strategic-AI-alignment and prove that most machine learning algorithms that are being used in practice today do not suffer from the strategic-AI-alignment problem. However, without being careful, todays technology might lead to strategic misalignment.
The lottery ticket hypothesis (Frankle and Carbin, 2018), states that a randomly-initialized network contains a small subnetwork such that, when trained in isolation, can compete with the performance of the original network. We prove an even stronger hypothesis (as was also conjectured in Ramanujan et al., 2019), showing that for every bounded distribution and every target network with bounded weights, a sufficiently over-parameterized neural network with random weights contains a subnetwork with roughly the same accuracy as the target network, without any further training.
While on some natural distributions, neural-networks are trained efficiently using gradient-based algorithms, it is known that learning them is computationally hard in the worst-case. To separate hard from easy to learn distributions, we observe the property of local correlation: correlation between local patterns of the input and the target label. We focus on learning deep neural-networks using a gradient-based algorithm, when the target function is a tree-structured Boolean circuit. We show that in this case, the existence of correlation between the gates of the circuit and the target label determines whether the optimization succeeds or fails. Using this result, we show that neural-networks can learn the (log n)-parity problem for most product distributions. These results hint that local correlation may play an important role in separating easy/hard to learn distributions. We also obtain a novel depth separation result, in which we show that a shallow network cannot express some functions, while there exists an efficient gradient-based algorithm that can learn the very same functions using a deep network. The negative expressivity result for shallow networks is obtained by a reduction from results in communication complexity, that may be of independent interest.
A leading hypothesis for the surprising generalization of neural networks is that the dynamics of gradient descent bias the model towards simple solutions, by searching through the solution space in an incremental order of complexity. We formally def ine the notion of incremental learning dynamics and derive the conditions on depth and initialization for which this phenomenon arises in deep linear models. Our main theoretical contribution is a dynamical depth separation result, proving that while shallow models can exhibit incremental learning dynamics, they require the initialization to be exponentially small for these dynamics to present themselves. However, once the model becomes deeper, the dependence becomes polynomial and incremental learning can arise in more natural settings. We complement our theoretical findings by experimenting with deep matrix sensing, quadratic neural networks and with binary classification using diagonal and convolutional linear networks, showing all of these models exhibit incremental learning.
We propose a new batch mode active learning algorithm designed for neural networks and large query batch sizes. The method, Discriminative Active Learning (DAL), poses active learning as a binary classification task, attempting to choose examples to label in such a way as to make the labeled set and the unlabeled pool indistinguishable. Experimenting on image classification tasks, we empirically show our method to be on par with state of the art methods in medium and large query batch sizes, while being simple to implement and also extend to other domains besides classification tasks. Our experiments also show that none of the state of the art methods of today are clearly better than uncertainty sampling when the batch size is relatively large, negating some of the reported results in the recent literature.
ReLU neural-networks have been in the focus of many recent theoretical works, trying to explain their empirical success. Nonetheless, there is still a gap between current theoretical results and empirical observations, even in the case of shallow (on e hidden-layer) networks. For example, in the task of memorizing a random sample of size $m$ and dimension $d$, the best theoretical result requires the size of the network to be $tilde{Omega}(frac{m^2}{d})$, while empirically a network of size slightly larger than $frac{m}{d}$ is sufficient. To bridge this gap, we turn to study a simplified model for ReLU networks. We observe that a ReLU neuron is a product of a linear function with a gate (the latter determines whether the neuron is active or not), where both share a jointly trained weight vector. In this spirit, we introduce the Gated Linear Unit (GaLU), which simply decouples the linearity from the gating by assigning different vectors for each role. We show that GaLU networks allow us to get optimization and generalization results that are much stronger than those available for ReLU networks. Specifically, we show a memorization result for networks of size $tilde{Omega}(frac{m}{d})$, and improved generalization bounds. Finally, we show that in some scenarios, GaLU networks behave similarly to ReLU networks, hence proving to be a good choice of a simplified model.

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