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We investigate the production of primordial black holes (PBHs) and scalar-induced gravitational waves (GWs) for cosmological models in the Horndeski theory of gravity. The cosmological models of our interest incorporate the derivative self-interactio n of the scalar field and the kinetic coupling between the scalar field and gravity. We show that the scalar power spectrum of the primordial fluctuations can be enhanced on small scales due to these additional interactions. Thus, the formation of PBHs and the production of induced GWs are feasible for our model. Parameterizing the scalar power spectrum with a local Gaussian peak, we first estimate the abundance of PBHs and the energy spectrum of GWs produced in the radiation-dominated era. Then, to explain the small-scale enhancement in the power spectrum, we reconstruct the inflaton potential and self-coupling functions from the power spectrum and their spectral tilt. Our results show that the small-scale enhancement in the power spectrum can be explained by the local feature, either a peak or dip, in the self-coupling function rather than the local feature in the inflaton potential.
In light of the cosmological observations, we investigate dark energy models from the Horndeski theory of gravity. In particular, we consider cosmological models with the derivative self-interaction of the scalar field and the derivative coupling bet ween the scalar field and gravity. We choose the self-interaction term to have an exponential function of the scalar field with both positive and negative exponents. For the function that has a positive exponent, our result shows that the derivative self-interaction term plays an important role in the late-time universe. On the other hand, to reproduce the right cosmic history, the derivative coupling between the scalar field and gravity must dominate during the radiation-dominated phase. However, the importance of such a coupling in the present universe found to be negligible due to its drastic decrease over time. Moreover, the propagation speed of gravitational waves estimated for our model is within the observational bounds, and our model satisfies the observational constraints on the dark energy equation of state.
124 - Seoktae Koh , Bum-Hoon Lee , 2018
We study the effects of the Gauss-Bonnet term on the energy spectrum of inflationary gravitational waves. The models of inflation are classified into two types based on their predictions for the tensor power spectrum: red-tilted ($n_T<0$) and blue-ti lted spectra ($n_T>0$), respectively, and then the energy spectra of the gravitational waves are calculated for each type of model. We find that the gravitational wave spectra are enhanced depending on the model parameter if the predicted inflationary tensor spectra have a blue tilt, whereas they are suppressed for the spectra that have a red tilt. Moreover, we perform the analyses on the reheating parameters involving the temperature, the equation-of-state parameter, and the number of $e$-folds using the gravitational wave spectrum. Our results imply that the Gauss-Bonnet term plays an important role not only during inflation but also during reheating whether the process is instantaneous or lasts for a certain number of $e$-folds until it thermalizes and eventually completes.
We study inflationary models with a Gauss-Bonnet term to reconstruct the scalar field potentials and the Gauss-Bonnet coupling functions from the observable quantities. Using the observationally favored relations for both $n_s$ and $r$, we derive the expressions for both the scalar field potentials and the coupling functions. The implication of the blue-tilted spectrum, $n_t>0$, of the primordial tensor fluctuations is discussed for the reconstructed configurations of the scalar field potential and the Gauss-Bonnet coupling.
We consider the space-condensate inflation model to study the primordial gravitational waves generated in the early Universe. We calculate the energy spectrum of gravitational waves induced by the space-condensate inflation model for full frequency r ange with assumption that the phase transition between two consecutive regimes to be abrupt during evolution of the Universe. The suppression of energy spectrum is found in our model for the decreasing frequency of gravitational waves depending on the model parameter. To realize the suppression of energy spectrum of the primordial gravitational waves, we study an existence of the early phase transition during inflation for the space-condensate inflation model.
We study an inflation model with a nonlinear sigma field which has $SO(3)$ symmetry. The background solution of the nonlinear sigma field is proportional to the space coordinates linearly while keeping the homogeneous and isotropic background spaceti me. We calculate the observable quantities including the power spectra of the scalar and tensor modes, the spectral indices, the tensor-to-scalar ratio, and the running of the spectral indices, and then constrain our model with the Planck 2015 observational data.
The modified gravity is considered to be one of possible explanations of the accelerated expansions of the present and the early universe. We study effects of the modified gravity on big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). If effects of the modified gravity are significant during the BBN epoch, they should be observed as changes of primordial light element abundances. We assume a $f(G)$ term with the Gauss-Bonnet term $G$, during the BBN epoch. A power-law relation of $df/dG propto t^p$ where $t$ is the cosmic time was assumed for the function $f(G)$ as an example case. We solve time evolutions of physical variables during BBN in the $f(G)$ gravity model numerically, and analyzed calculated results. It is found that a proper solution for the cosmic expansion rate can be lost in some parameter region. In addition, we show that calculated results of primordial light element abundances can be significantly different from observational data. Especially, observational limits on primordial D abundance leads to the strongest constraint on the $f(G)$ gravity. We then derive constraints on parameters of the $f(G)$ gravity taking into account the existence of the solution of expansion rate and final light element abundances.
Big bang nucleosynthesis in a modified gravity model of $f(R)propto R^n$ is investigated. The only free parameter of the model is a power-law index $n$. We find cosmological solutions in a parameter region of $1< n leq (4+sqrt{6})/5$. We calculate ab undances of $^4$He, D, $^3$He, $^7$Li, and $^6$Li during big bang nucleosynthesis. We compare the results with the latest observational data. It is then found that the power-law index is constrained to be $(n-1)=(-0.86pm 1.19)times 10^{-4}$ (95 % C.L.) mainly from observations of deuterium abundance as well as $^4$He abundance.
We study slow-roll inflation with a Gauss-Bonnet term that is coupled to an inflaton field nonminimally. We investigate the inflationary solutions for a specific type of the nonminimal coupling to the Gauss-Bonnet term and inflaton potential both ana lytically and numerically. We also calculate the observable quantities such as the power spectra of the scalar and tensor modes, the spectral indices, the tensor-to-scalar ratio and the running spectral indices. Finally, we constrain our result with the observational data by Planck and BICEP2 experiment.
We consider the linear perturbations for the single scalar field inflation model interacting with an additional triad of scalar fields. The background solutions of the three additional scalar fields depend on spatial coordinates with a constant gradi ent $alpha$ and the ensuing evolution preserves the homogeneity of the cosmological principle. After we discuss the properties of background evolution including an exact solution for the exponential-type potential, we investigate the linear perturbations of the scalar and tensor modes in the background of the slow-roll inflation. In our model with small $alpha$, the comoving wavenumber has {it a lower bound} $sim alpha M_{rm P}$ to have well-defined initial quantum states. We find that cosmological quantities, for instance, the power spectrums and spectral indices of the comoving curvature and isocurvature perturbations, and the running of the spectral indices have small corrections depending on {it the lower bound}. Similar behaviors happen for the tensor perturbation with the same lower bound.

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