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This paper is concerned with the question of whether geometric structures such as cell complexes can be used to simultaneously describe the minimal free resolutions of all powers of a monomial ideal. We provide a full answer in the case of square-fre e monomial ideals of projective dimension one, by introducing a combinatorial construction of a family of (cubical) cell complexes whose 1-skeletons are powers of a graph that supports the resolution of the ideal.
Let $R$ be a polynomial ring over a field and $M= bigoplus_n M_n$ a finitely generated graded $R$-module, minimally generated by homogeneous elements of degree zero with a graded $R$-minimal free resolution $mathbf{F}$. A Cohen-Macaulay module $M$ is Gorenstein when the graded resolution is symmetric. We give an upper bound for the first Hilbert coefficient, $e_1$ in terms of the shifts in the graded resolution of $M$. When $M = R/I$, a Gorenstein algebra, this bound agrees with the bound obtained in cite{ES} in Gorenstein algebras with quasi-pure resolution. We conjecture a similar bound for the higher coefficients.
Let $R=S/I$ be a graded algebra with $t_i$ and $T_i$ being the minimal and maximal shifts in the minimal $S$ resolution of $R$ at degree $i$. In this paper we prove that $t_nleq t_1+T_{n-1}$, for all $n$ and as a consequence, we show that for Gorenst ein algebras of codimension $h$, the subadditivity of maximal shifts $T_i$ in the minimal resolution holds for $i geq h-1$, i.e, we show that $T_i leq T_a+T_{i-a}$ for $igeq h-1$.
Let $R = k[w, x_1,..., x_n]/I$ be a graded Gorenstein Artin algebra . Then $I = ann F$ for some $F$ in the divided power algebra $k_{DP}[W, X_1,..., X_n]$. If $RI_2$ is a height one idealgenerated by $n$ quadrics, then $I_2 subset (w)$ after a possib le change of variables. Let $J = I cap k[x_1,..., x_n]$. Then $mu(I) le mu(J)+n+1$ and $I$ is said to be generic if $mu(I) = mu(J) + n+1$. In this article we prove necessary conditions, in terms of $F$, for an ideal to be generic. With some extra assumptions on the exponents of terms of $F$, we obtain a characterization for $I = ann F$ to be generic in codimension four.
We prove upper bounds for the Hilbert-Samuel multiplicity of standard graded Gorenstein algebras. The main tool that we use is Boij-Soderberg theory to obtain a decomposition of the Betti table of a Gorenstein algebra as the sum of rational multiples of symmetrized pure tables. Our bound agrees with the one in the quasi-pure case obtained by Srinivasan [J. Algebra, vol.~208, no.~2, (1998)].

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