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The 2-years MESE IceCube events show a slightly excess in the energy range 10-100 TeV with a maximum local statistical significance of 2.3$sigma$, once a hard astrophysical power-law is assumed. A spectral index smaller than 2.2 is indeed suggested b y multi-messenger studies related to $p$-$p$ sources and by the recent IceCube analysis regarding 6-years up-going muon neutrinos. In the present paper, we propose a two-components scenario where the extraterrestrial neutrinos are explained in terms of an astrophysical power-law and a Dark Matter signal. We consider both decaying and annihilating Dark Matter candidates with different final states (quarks and leptons) and different halo density profiles. We perform a likelihood-ratio analysis that provides a statistical significance up to 3.9$sigma$ for a Dark Matter interpretation of the IceCube low energy excess.
120 - L. Dorame , S. Morisi , E. Peinado 2012
A class of discrete flavor-symmetry-based models predicts constrained neutrino mass matrix schemes that lead to specific neutrino mass sum-rules (MSR). One of these implies in a lower bound on the effective neutrinoless double beta mass parameter, ev en for normal hierarchy neutrinos. Here we propose a new model based on the S4 flavor symmetry that leads to the new neutrino mass sum-rule and discuss how to generate a nonzero value for the reactor mixing angle indicated by recent experiments, and the resulting correlation with the solar mixing angle.
244 - M. Hirsch , D. Meloni , S. Morisi 2012
The main goals of the first Workshop on FLAvor SYmmetries and consequences in accelerators and cosmology (FLASY) was to summarize the theoretical status of flavor symmetries, bringing together young researchers in the field to stimulate discussions a nd new collaborations, with the aim of investigating possible new physics scenarios to be tested at the LHC, as well as in future neutrino, cosmology experiments and dark matter searches.
We investigate a model in which Dark Matter is stabilized by means of a Z2 parity that results from the same non-abelian discrete flavor symmetry which accounts for the observed pattern of neutrino mixing. In our A4 example the standard model is exte nded by three extra Higgs doublets and the Z2 parity emerges as a remnant of the spontaneous breaking of A4 after electroweak symmetry breaking. We perform an analysis of the parameter space of the model consistent with electroweak precision tests, collider searches and perturbativity. We determine the regions compatible with the observed relic dark matter density and we present prospects for detection in direct as well as indirect Dark Matter search experiments.
We study a supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model based on discrete A4xZ3xZ4 flavor symmetry. We obtain quark mixing angles as well as a realistic fermion mass spectrum and we predict tribimaximal leptonic mixing by a spontaneous breaking of A4. The top quark Yukawa interaction is present at the renormalizable level in the superpotential while all the other Yukawa interactions arise only at higher orders. We study the Higgs potential and show that it can potentially solve the so called vacuum alignment problem. The leading order predictions are not spoiled by subleading corrections.

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