ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
The main goals of the first Workshop on FLAvor SYmmetries and consequences in accelerators and cosmology (FLASY) was to summarize the theoretical status of flavor symmetries, bringing together young researchers in the field to stimulate discussions and new collaborations, with the aim of investigating possible new physics scenarios to be tested at the LHC, as well as in future neutrino, cosmology experiments and dark matter searches.
These are the proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Flavor Symmetries and Consequences in Accelerators and Cosmology, held 30 June 2012 - 4 July 2012, Dortmund, Germany.
We present the activities performed during the first MadAnalysis 5 workshop on LHC recasting that has been organized at High 1 (Gangwon privince, Korea) on August 20-27, 2017. This report includes details on the implementation in the MadAnalysis 5 fr
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Deep Learning and Music, joint with IJCNN, Anchorage, US, May 17-18, 2017
The sixth SuperB Workshop was convened in response to questions posed by the INFN Review Committee, evaluating the SuperB project at the request of INFN. The working groups addressed the capability of a high-luminosity flavor factory that can gather
2nd workshop on the implications of HERA for LHC physics. Working groups: Parton Density Functions Multi-jet final states and energy flows Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) Diffraction Cosmic Rays Monte Carlos and Tools