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We analyze the oscillations of Rydberg atoms in the framework of quantum field theory and we reveal non-trivial vacuum energy which has the equation of state of the dark matter. This energy is similar to that expected for mixed neutrinos and affects the thermal capacity of the gas. Therefore, the deflection of the thermal capacity of Rydberg atoms could prove the condensate structure of vacuum for mixing fermions and open new scenarios in the study of the dark components of the universe.
We analyze many aspects of the phenomenon of the decoherence for neutrinos propagating in long baseline experiments. We show that, in the presence of an off-diagonal term in the dissipative matrix, the Majorana neutrino can violate the CP T symmetry, which, on the contrary, is preserved for Dirac neutrinos. We show that oscillation formulas for Majorana neutrinos depend on the choice of the mixing matrix U. Indeed, different choices of U lead to different oscillation formulas. Moreover, we study the possibility to reveal the differences between Dirac and Majorana neutrinos in the oscillations. We use the present values of the experimental parameters in order to relate our theoretical proposal with experiments.
150 - G. Zonzo , S. M. Giampaolo 2017
In this paper we analize a family of one dimensional fully analytically solvable models, named the n-cluster models in a transverse magnetic field, in which a many-body cluster interaction competes with a uniform transverse magnetic field. These mode ls, independently by the cluster size n + 2, exibit a quantum phase transition, that separates a paramagnetic phase from a cluster one, that corresponds to a nematic ordered phase or a symmetry-protected topological ordered phase for even or odd n respectively. Due to the symmetries of the spin correlation functions, we prove that these models have no genuine n+2-partite entanglement. On the contrary, a non vanishing concurrence arises between spins at the endpoints of the cluster, for a magnetic field strong enough. Due to their analyticity and peculiar entanglement properties, the n-cluster models in a transverse magnetic field serve as a prototype for studying non trivial-spin orderings and as a potential reference system for the applications of quantum information tasks.
Frustration of classical many-body systems can be used to distinguish ferromagnetic interactions from anti-ferromagnetic ones via the Toulouse conditions. A quantum version of the Toulouse conditions provides a similar classification based on the loc al ground states. We compute the global ground states for a family of models with Heisenberg-like interactions and analyse their behaviour with respect to frustration, entanglement and degeneracy. For that we develop analytical and numerical analysing tools capable to quantify the interplay between those three quantities. We find that the quantum Toulouse conditions provide a proper classification, however, refinements can be found. Our results show how the different local ground states affect the interplay and pave the way for further generalisation and possible applications to other quantum many-body systems.
We analyse the nature of spontaneous symmetry breaking in complex quantum systems by investigating the long-standing conjecture that the maximally symmetry-breaking quantum ground states are the most classical ones corresponding to a globally ordered phase. We make this argument quantitatively precise by comparing different local and global indicators of classicality and quantumness, respectively in symmetry-breaking and symmetry-preserving quantum ground states. We first discuss how naively comparing local, pairwise entanglement and discord apparently leads to the opposite conclusion. Indeed, we show that in symmetry-preserving ground states the two-body entanglement captures only a modest portion of the total two-body quantum correlations, while, on the contrary, in maximally symmetry-breaking ground states it contributes the largest amount to the total two-body quantum correlations. We then put to test the conjecture by looking at the global, macroscopic correlation properties of quantum ground states. We prove that the ground states which realize the maximum breaking of the Hamiltonian symmetries, associated to a globally ordered phase, are the only ones that: I) are always locally convertible, i.e. can be obtained from all other ground states by only applying LOCC transformations (local operations and classical communication), while the reverse is never possible; II) minimize the monogamy inequality on the globally shared, macroscopic bipartite entanglement.
We present a fully analytically solvable family of models with many-body cluster interaction and Ising interaction. This family exhibits two phases, dubbed cluster and Ising phases, respectively. The critical point turns out to be independent of the cluster size $n+2$ and is reached exactly when both interactions are equally weighted. For even $n$ we prove that the cluster phase corresponds to a nematic ordered phase and in the case of odd $n$ to a symmetry protected topological ordered phase. Though complex, we are able to quantify the multi-particle entanglement content of neighboring spins. We prove that there exists no bipartite or, in more detail, no $n+1$-partite entanglement. This is possible since the non-trivial symmetries of the Hamiltonian restrict the state space. Indeed, only if the Ising interaction is strong enough (local) genuine $n+2$-partite entanglement is built up. Due to their analytically solvableness the $n$-cluster-Ising models serve as a prototype for studying non trivial-spin orderings and due to their peculiar entanglement properties they serve as a potential reference system for the performance of quantum information tasks.
186 - A. Hamma , S. M. Giampaolo , 2015
We show that the metastable, symmetry-breaking ground states of quantum many-body Hamiltonians have vanishing quantum mutual information between macroscopically separated regions, and are thus the most classical ones among all possible quantum ground states. This statement is obvious only when the symmetry-breaking ground states are simple product states, e.g. at the factorization point. On the other hand, symmetry-breaking states are in general entangled along the entire ordered phase, and to show that they actually feature the least macroscopic correlations compared to their symmetric superpositions is highly non trivial. We prove this result in general, by considering the quantum mutual information based on the $2-$Renyi entanglement entropy and using a locality result stemming from quasi-adiabatic continuation. Moreover, in the paradigmatic case of the exactly solvable one-dimensional quantum $XY$ model, we further verify the general result by considering also the quantum mutual information based on the von Neumann entanglement entropy.
Frustration in quantum many body systems is quantified by the degree of incompatibility between the local and global orders associated, respectively, to the ground states of the local interaction terms and the global ground state of the total many-bo dy Hamiltonian. This universal measure is bounded from below by the ground-state bipartite block entanglement. For many-body Hamiltonians that are sums of two-body interaction terms, a further inequality relates quantum frustration to the pairwise entanglement between the constituents of the local interaction terms. This additional bound is a consequence of the limits imposed by monogamy on entanglement shareability. We investigate the behavior of local pair frustration in quantum spin models with competing interactions on different length scales and show that valence bond solids associated to exact ground-state dimerization correspond to a transition from generic frustration, i.e. geometric, common to classical and quantum systems alike, to genuine quantum frustration, i.e. solely due to the non-commutativity of the different local interaction terms. We discuss how such frustration transitions separating genuinely quantum orders from classical-like ones are detected by observable quantities such as the static structure factor and the interferometric visibility.
Local unitary operations allow for a unifying approach to the quantification of quantum correlations among the constituents of a bipartite quantum system. For pure states, the distance between a given state and its image under least-perturbing local unitary operations is a bona fide measure of quantum entanglement, the so-called entanglement of response, which can be extended to mixed states via the convex roof construction. On the other hand, when defined directly on mixed states perturbed by local unitary operations, such a distance turns out to be a bona fide measure of quantum correlations, the so-called discord of response. Exploiting this unified framework, we perform a detailed comparison between two-body entanglement and two-body quantum discord in infinite XY quantum spin chains both in symmetry-preserving and symmetry-breaking ground states as well as in thermal states at finite temperature. The results of the investigation show that in symmetry-preserving ground states the two-point quantum discord dominates over the two-point entanglement, while in symmetrybreaking ground states the two-point quantum discord is strongly suppressed and the two-point entanglement is essentially unchanged. In thermal states, for certain regimes of Hamiltonian parameters, we show that the pairwise quantum discord and the pairwise entanglement can increase with increasing thermal fluctuations.
We investigate the nature of spontaneous symmetry breaking in complex quantum systems by conjecturing that the maximally symmetry breaking quantum ground states are the most classical ones corresponding to an ordered phase. We make this argument quan titatively precise by showing that the ground states which realize the maximum breaking of the Hamiltonian symmetries are the only ones that: I) are always locally convertible, i.e. can be obtained from all other ground states by local operations and classical communication, while the reverse is never possible; II) minimize the monogamy inequality for bipartite entanglement; III) minimize quantum correlations, as measured by the quantum discord, for all pairs of dynamical variables and are the only ground states for which the pairwise quantum correlations vanish asymptotically with the intra-pair distance.

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