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78 - P.Hoeflich , C. Ashall , S. Bose 2021
We present and analyze a near infrared(NIR) spectrum of the under-luminous Type Ia supernova SN~2020qxp/ASASSN-20jq obtained with NIRES at the Keck Observatory 191 days after B-band maximum. The spectrum is dominated by a number of broad emission fea tures including the [FeII] at 1.644mu which is highly asymmetric with a tilted top and a peak red-shifted by ~2,000km/s. In comparison with 2-D non-LTE synthetic spectra computed from 3-D simulations of off-center delayed-detonation Chandrasekhar-mass white-dwarf(WD) models, we find good agreement between the observed lines and the synthetic profiles, and are able to unravel the structure of the progenitors envelope. We find that the size and tilt of the [Fe II] 1.644mu-profile (in velocity space) is an effective way to determine the location of an off-center delayed-detonation transition (DDT) and the viewing angle, and it requires a WD with a high central density of ~4E9$g/cm^3$. We also tentatively identify a stable Ni feature around 1.9mu characterized by a `pot-belly profile that is slightly offset with respect to the kinematic center. In the case of SN~2020qxp/ASASSN-20jq, we estimate that the location of the DDT is ~0.3M(WD) off-center, which gives rise to an asymmetric distribution of the underlying ejecta. We also demonstrate that low-luminosity and high-density WD SNIa progenitors exhibit a very strong overlap of Ca and 56Ni in physical space. This results in the formation of a prevalent [Ca II] 0.73mu emission feature, which is sensitive to asymmetry effects. Our findings are discussed within the context of alternative scenarios, including off-center C/O detonations in He-triggered sub-M(Ch)-WDs and the direct collision of two WDs. Snapshot programs with Gemini/Keck/VLT/ELT class instruments and our spectropolarimetry program are complementary to mid-IR spectra by JWST.
The Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy (CRES) technique pioneered by Project 8 measures electromagnetic radiation from individual electrons gyrating in a background magnetic field to construct a highly precise energy spectrum for beta decay st udies and other applications. The detector, magnetic trap geometry, and electron dynamics give rise to a multitude of complex electron signal structures which carry information about distinguishing physical traits. With machine learning models, we develop a scheme based on these traits to analyze and classify CRES signals. Understanding and proper use of these traits will be instrumental to improve cyclotron frequency reconstruction and help Project 8 achieve world-leading sensitivity on the tritium endpoint measurement in the future.
The recently developed technique of Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy (CRES) uses frequency information from the cyclotron motion of an electron in a magnetic bottle to infer its kinetic energy. Here we derive the expected radio frequency sig nal from an electron in a waveguide CRES apparatus from first principles. We demonstrate that the frequency-domain signal is rich in information about the electrons kinematic parameters, and extract a set of measurables that in a suitably designed system are sufficient for disentangling the electrons kinetic energy from the rest of its kinematic features. This lays the groundwork for high-resolution energy measurements in future CRES experiments, such as the Project 8 neutrino mass measurement.
X-ray magnetic critical scattering measurements and specific heat measurements were performed on the perovskite iridate Sr$_3$Ir$_2$O$_7$. We find that the magnetic interactions close to the N{e}el temperature $T_N$ = 283.4(2) K are three-dimensional . This contrasts with previous studies which suggest two-dimensional behaviour like Sr$_2$IrO$_4$. Violation of the Harris criterion ($d u>2$) means that weak disorder becomes relevant. This leads a rounding of the antiferromagnetic phase transition at $T_N$, and modifies the critical exponents relative to the clean system. Specifically, we determine that the critical behaviour of Sr$_3$Ir$_2$O$_7$ is representative of the diluted 3D Ising universality class.
The chemical and magnetic structures of the series of compounds Ca$_{2-x}$La$_x$RuO$_4$ [$x = 0$, $0.05(1)$, $0.07(1)$, $0.12(1)$] have been investigated using neutron diffraction and resonant elastic x-ray scattering. Upon La doping, the low tempera ture S-Pbca space group of the parent compound is retained in all insulating samples [$xleq0.07(1)$], but with significant changes to the atomic positions within the unit cell. These changes can be characterised in terms of the local RuO$_6$ octahedral coordination: with increasing doping the structure, crudely speaking, evolves from an orthorhombic unit cell with compressed octahedra to a quasi-tetragonal unit cell with elongated ones. The magnetic structure on the other hand, is found to be robust, with the basic $k=(0,0,0)$, $b$-axis antiferromagnetic order of the parent compound preserved below the critical La doping concentration of $xapprox0.11$. The only effects of La doping on the magnetic structure are to suppress the A-centred mode, favouring the B mode instead, and to reduce the N{e}el temperature somewhat. Our results are discussed with reference to previous experimental reports on the effects of cation substitution on the $d^4$ Mott insulator Ca$_2$RuO$_4$, as well as with regard to theoretical studies on the evolution of its electronic and magnetic structure. In particular, our results rule out the presence of a proposed ferromagnetic phase, and suggest that the structural effects associated with La substitution play an important role in the physics of the system.
We study the indirect effects of New Physics in the Higgs decay into four charged leptons, using an Effective Field Theory (EFT) approach to Higgs interactions. We evaluate the deviations induced by the EFT dimension-six operators in observables like partial decay width and various kinematic distributions, including angular observables, and compare them with the contribution of the full SM electroweak corrections. The calculation is implemented in an improved version of the event generator Hto4l, which can provide predictions in terms of different EFT-bases and is available for data analysis at the LHC. We also perform a phenomenological study in order to assess the benefits coming from the inclusion of differential information in the future analyses of very precise data which will be collected during the high luminosity phase of the LHC.
44 - C. Wan , M. Scala , S. Bose 2015
The scheme recently proposed in [M. Scala et al., Phys Rev Lett 111, 180403 (2013)], where a gravity-dependent phase shift is induced on the spin of a nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in a trapped nanodiamond by the interaction between its magnetic momen t and the quantized motion of the particle, provides a way to detect spatial quantum superpositions by means of spin measurements only. Here, the effect of unwanted coupling with other motional degrees of freedom is considered and we show that it does not affect the validity of the scheme. Both this coupling and the additional error source due to misalignment between the quantization axis of the NV center spin and the trapping axis are shown not to change the qualitative behavior of the system, so that a proof-of- principle experiment can be neatly performed. Our analysis, which shows that the scheme retains the important features of not requiring ground state cooling and of being resistant to thermal fluctuations, can be useful for the several schemes which have been proposed recently for testing macroscopic superpositions in trapped microsystems.
85 - S. Bose , D. Home 2013
We point out an earlier unnoticed implication of quantum indistinguishability, namely, a property which we call `dualism that characterizes the entanglement of two identical particles (say, two ions of the same species) -- a feature which is absent i n the entanglement of two non-identical particles (say, two ions of different species). A crucial application of this property is that it can be used to test quantum indistinguishability without bringing the relevant particles together, thereby avoiding the effects of mutual interaction. This is in contrast to the existing tests of quantum indistinguishability. Such a scheme, being independent of the nature and strength of mutual interactions of the identical particles involved, has potential applications, including the probing of the transition from quantum indistinguishability to classical distinguishability.
75 - P. Mallet , I. Brihuega , S. Bose 2012
Pseudospin, an additional degree of freedom related to the honeycomb structure of graphene, is responsible of many of the outstanding electronic properties found in this material. This article provides a clear understanding of how such pseudospin imp acts the quasiparticle interferences of monolayer (ML) and bilayer (BL) graphene measured by low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. We have used this technique to map, with very high energy and space resolution, the spatial modulations of the local density of states of ML and BL graphene epitaxialy grown on SiC(0001), in presence of native disorder. We perform a Fourier transform analysis of such modulations including wavevectors up to unit-vectors of the reciprocal lattice. Our data demonstrate that the quasiparticle interferences associated to some particular scattering processes are suppressed in ML graphene, but not in BL graphene. Most importantly, interferences with 2qF wavevector associated to intravalley backscattering are not measured in ML graphene, even on the images with highest resolution. In order to clarify the role of the pseudospin on the quasiparticle interferences, we use a simple model which nicely captures the main features observed on our data. The model unambiguously shows that graphenes pseudospin is responsible for such suppression of quasiparticle interferences features in ML graphene, in particular for those with 2qF wavevector. It also confirms scanning tunneling microscopy as a unique technique to probe the pseudospin in graphene samples in real space with nanometer precision. Finally, we show that such observations are robust with energy and obtain with great accuracy the dispersion of the pi-bands for both ML and BL graphene in the vicinity of the Fermi level, extracting their main tight binding parameters.
The low-energy electronic structure of the J_{eff}=1/2 spin-orbit insulator Sr3Ir2O7 has been studied by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. A comparison of the results for bilayer Sr3Ir2O7 with available literature data for the relat ed single-layer compound Sr2IrO4 reveals qualitative similarities and similar J_{eff}=1/2 bandwidths for the two materials, but also pronounced differences in the distribution of the spectral weight. In particuar, photoemission from the J_{eff}=1/2 states appears to be suppressed. Yet, it is found that the Sr3Ir2O7 data are in overall better agreement with band-structure calculations than the data for Sr2IrO4.

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