ترغب بنشر مسار تعليمي؟ اضغط هنا

224 - S. De Palo , R. Citro , E. Orignac 2019
We propose a variational approximation to the ground state energy of a one-dimensional gas of interacting bosons on the continuum based on the Bethe Ansatz ground state wavefunction of the Lieb-Liniger model. We apply our variational approximation to a gas of dipolar bosons in the single mode approximation and obtain its ground state energy per unit length. This allows for the calculation of the Tomonaga-Luttinger exponent as a function of density and the determination of the structure factor at small momenta. Moreover, in the case of attractive dipolar interaction, an instability is predicted at a critical density, which could be accessed in lanthanide atoms.
113 - R. Citro , S. De Palo , M. Di Dio 2018
We consider a two leg bosonic ladder in a $U(1)$ gauge field with both interleg hopping and interleg repulsion. As a function of the flux, the interleg interaction converts the commensurate-incommensurate transition from the Meissner to a Vortex phas e, into an Ising-type of transition towards a density wave phase. A disorder point is also found after which the correlation functions develop a damped sinusoid behavior signaling a melting of the vortex phase. We discuss the differences on the phase diagram for attractive and repulsive interleg interaction. In particular, we show how repulsion favors the Meissner phase at low-flux and a phase with a second incommensuration in the correlation functions for intermediate flux, leading to a richer phase diagram than in the case of interleg attraction. The effect of the temperature on the chiral current is also discussed.
90 - E. Orignac , R. Citro , M. Di Dio 2017
We consider a two-leg boson ladder in an artificial U(1) gauge field and show that, in the presence of interleg attractive interaction, the flux induced Vortex state can be melted by dislocations. For increasing flux, instead of the Meissner to Vorte x transition in the commensurate-incommensurate universality class, first an Ising transition from the Meissner state to a charge density wave takes place, then, at higher flux, the melted Vortex phase is established via a disorder point where incommensuration develops in the rung current correlation function and in momentum distribution.Finally, the quasi-long range ordered Vortex phase is recovered for sufficiently small interaction. Our predictions for the observables, such as the spin current and the static structure factor, could be tested in current experiments with cold atoms in bosonic ladders.
The transport dynamics of a quenched Luttinger liquid tunnel-coupled to a fermionic reservoir is investigated. In the transient dynamics, we show that for a sudden quench of the electron interaction universal power-law decay in time of the tunneling current occurs, ascribed to the presence of entangled compound excitations created by the quench. In sharp contrast to the usual non universal power-law behavior of a zero-temperature non-quenched Luttinger liquid, the steady state tunneling current is ohmic and can be explained in terms of an effective quench-activated heating of the system. Our study unveils an unconventional dynamics for a quenched Luttinger liquid that could be identified in quenched cold Fermi gases.
A good description of the electronic structure of BiS$_{2}$-based superconductors is essential to understand their phase diagram, normal state and superconducting properties. To describe the first reports of normal state electronic structure features from angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) in LaO$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$BiS$_{2}$, we used a minimal microscopic model to study their low energy properties. It includes the two effective tight-binding bands proposed by Usui et al [Phys.Rev.B 86, 220501(R)(2012)], and we added moderate intra- and inter-orbital electron correlations related to Bi-($p_{Y}$, $p_{X}$) and S-($p_{Y}$, $p_{X}$) orbitals. We calculated the electron Greens functions using their equations of motion, which we decoupled in second-order of perturbations on the correlations. We determined the normal state spectral density function and total density of states for LaO$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$BiS$_{2}$, focusing on the description of the k-dependence, effect of doping, and the prediction of the temperature dependence of spectral properties. Including moderate electron correlations, improves the description of the few experimental ARPES and soft X-ray photoemission data available for LaO$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$BiS$_{2}$. Our analytical approximation enabled us to calculate the spectral density around the conduction band minimum at $vec{k}_{0}=(0.45pi,0.45pi)$, and to predict the temperature dependence of the spectral properties at different BZ points, which might be verified by temperature dependent ARPES.
Using a second-order perturbative Greens functions approach we determined the normal state single-particle spectral function $A(vec{k},omega)$ employing a minimal effective model for iron-based superconductors. The microscopic model, used before to s tudy magnetic fluctuations and superconducting properties, includes the two effective tight-binding bands proposed by S.Raghu et al. [Phys. Rev. B 77, 220503 (R) (2008)], and intra- and inter-orbital local electronic correlations, related to the Fe-3d orbitals. Here, we focus on the study of normal state electronic properties, in particular the temperature and doping dependence of the total density of states, $A(omega)$, and of $A(vec{k},omega)$ in different Brillouin zone regions, and compare them to the existing angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and previous theoretical results in ferropnictides. We obtain an asymmetric effect of electron and hole doping, quantitative agreement with the experimental chemical potential shifts as a function of doping, as well as spectral weight redistributions near the Fermi level as a function of temperature consistent with the available experimental data. In addition, we predict a non-trivial dependence of the total density of states with the temperature, exhibiting clear renormalization effects by correlations. Interestingly, investigating the origin of this predicted behaviour by analyzing the evolution with temperature of the k-dependent self-energy obtained in our approach, we could identify a number of specific Brillouin zone points, none of them probed by ARPES experiments yet, where the largest non-trivial effects of temperature on the renormalization are present.
The temperature dependence of magnetization in ferromagnetic nanostructures (e.g., nanoparticles or nanoclusters) is usually analyzed by means of an empirical extension of the Bloch law sufficiently flexible for a good fitting to the observed data an d indicates a strong softening of magnetic coupling compared to the bulk material. We analytically derive a microscopic generalization of the Bloch law for the Heisenberg spin model which takes into account the effects of size, shape and various surface boundary conditions. The result establishes explicit connection to the microscopic parameters and differs significantly from the existing description. In particular, we show with a specific example that the latter may be misleading and grossly overestimates magnetic softening in nanoparticles. It becomes clear why the usual $T^{3/2}$ dependence appears to be valid in some nanostructures, while large deviations are a general rule. We demonstrate that combination of geometrical characteristics and coupling to environment can be used to efficiently control magnetization and, in particular, to reach a magnetization higher than in the bulk material.
96 - E. Orignac , R. Citro 2012
We derive an analytic expression for the zero temperature Fourier transform of the density-density correlation function of a multicomponent Luttinger liquid with different velocities. By employing Schwinger identity and a generalized Feynman identity exact integral expressions are derived, and approximate analytical forms are given for frequencies close to each component singularity. We find power-like singularities and compute the corresponding exponents. Numerical results are shown for the case of three components.
171 - E. Orignac , R. Citro , S. De Palo 2011
We derive the dynamical structure factor for an inhomogeneous Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid as can be formed in a confined strongly interacting one-dimensional gas. In view of current experimental progress in the field, we provide a simple analytic expre ssion for the light-scattering cross section, requiring only the knowledge of the density dependence of the ground-state energy, as they can be extracted e.g. from exact or Quantum Monte Carlo techniques, and a Thomas-Fermi description. We apply the result to the case of one-dimensional quantum bosonic gases with dipolar interaction in a harmonic trap, using an energy functional deduced from Quantum Monte Carlo computations. We find an universal scaling behavior peculiar of the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid, a signature that can be eventually probed by Bragg spectroscopy in experimental realizations of such systems.
62 - A. Leo , G. Grimaldi , R. Citro 2010
We study the quasiparticle energy relaxation processes in superconducting Nb films of different thicknesses corresponding to different electron mean free paths in a state far from equilibrium, that is the highly dissipative flux-flow state driven up to the instability point. From the measured current-voltage curves we derive the vortex critical velocity $v^{*}$ for several temperatures. From the $v^{*}(T)$ values, the quasiparticle energy relaxation time $tau_{epsilon}$ is evaluated within the Larkin-Ovchinnikov model and numerical calculations of the quasiparticle energy relaxation rates are carried out to support the experimental findings. Besides the expected constant behavior of $tau_{epsilon}(T)$ for the dirty samples, we observe a strong temperature dependence of the quasiparticle energy relaxation time in the clean samples. This feature is associated with the increasing contribution from the electron-phonon scattering process as the dirty limit is approached from the clean regime.

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