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Deep neural networks have developed rapidly and have achieved outstanding performance in several tasks, such as image classification and natural language processing. However, recent studies have indicated that both digital and physical adversarial ex amples can fool neural networks. Face-recognition systems are used in various applications that involve security threats from physical adversarial examples. Herein, we propose a physical adversarial attack with the use of full-face makeup. The presence of makeup on the human face is a reasonable possibility, which possibly increases the imperceptibility of attacks. In our attack framework, we combine the cycle-adversarial generative network (cycle-GAN) and a victimized classifier. The Cycle-GAN is used to generate adversarial makeup, and the architecture of the victimized classifier is VGG 16. Our experimental results show that our attack can effectively overcome manual errors in makeup application, such as color and position-related errors. We also demonstrate that the approaches used to train the models can influence physical attacks; the adversarial perturbations crafted from the pre-trained model are affected by the corresponding training data.
Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) enables cross-domain learning without target domain labels by transferring knowledge from a labeled source domain whose distribution differs from the target. However, UDA is not always successful and several accou nts of negative transfer have been reported in the literature. In this work, we prove a simple lower bound on the target domain error that complements the existing upper bound. Our bound shows the insufficiency of minimizing source domain error and marginal distribution mismatch for a guaranteed reduction in the target domain error, due to the possible increase of induced labeling function mismatch. This insufficiency is further illustrated through simple distributions for which the same UDA approach succeeds, fails, and may succeed or fail with an equal chance. Motivated from this, we propose novel data poisoning attacks to fool UDA methods into learning representations that produce large target domain errors. We evaluate the effect of these attacks on popular UDA methods using benchmark datasets where they have been previously shown to be successful. Our results show that poisoning can significantly decrease the target domain accuracy, dropping it to almost 0% in some cases, with the addition of only 10% poisoned data in the source domain. The failure of UDA methods demonstrates the limitations of UDA at guaranteeing cross-domain generalization consistent with the lower bound. Thus, evaluation of UDA methods in adversarial settings such as data poisoning can provide a better sense of their robustness in scenarios unfavorable for UDA.
Model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) is one of the most popular and widely-adopted meta-learning algorithms nowadays, which achieves remarkable success in various learning problems. Yet, with the unique design of nested inner-loop and outer-loop updat es which respectively govern the task-specific and meta-model-centric learning, the underlying learning objective of MAML still remains implicit and thus impedes a more straightforward understanding of it. In this paper, we provide a new perspective to the working mechanism of MAML and discover that: MAML is analogous to a meta-learner using a supervised contrastive objective function, where the query features are pulled towards the support features of the same class and against those of different classes, in which such contrastiveness is experimentally verified via an analysis based on the cosine similarity. Moreover, our analysis reveals that the vanilla MAML algorithm has an undesirable interference term originating from the random initialization and the cross-task interaction. We therefore propose a simple but effective technique, zeroing trick, to alleviate such interference, where the extensive experiments are then conducted on both miniImagenet and Omniglot datasets to demonstrate the consistent improvement brought by our proposed technique thus well validating its effectiveness.
Learning to classify time series with limited data is a practical yet challenging problem. Current methods are primarily based on hand-designed feature extraction rules or domain-specific data augmentation. Motivated by the advances in deep speech pr ocessing models and the fact that voice data are univariate temporal signals, in this paper, we propose Voice2Series (V2S), a novel end-to-end approach that reprograms acoustic models for time series classification, through input transformation learning and output label mapping. Leveraging the representation learning power of a large-scale pre-trained speech processing model, on 30 different time series tasks we show that V2S either outperforms or is tied with state-of-the-art methods on 20 tasks, and improves their average accuracy by 1.84%. We further provide a theoretical justification of V2S by proving its population risk is upper bounded by the source risk and a Wasserstein distance accounting for feature alignment via reprogramming. Our results offer new and effective means to time series classification.
Federated Learning (FL) as a distributed learning paradigm that aggregates information from diverse clients to train a shared global model, has demonstrated great success. However, malicious clients can perform poisoning attacks and model replacement to introduce backdoors into the trained global model. Although there have been intensive studies designing robust aggregation methods and empirical robust federated training protocols against backdoors, existing approaches lack robustness certification. This paper provides the first general framework, Certifiably Robust Federated Learning (CRFL), to train certifiably robust FL models against backdoors. Our method exploits clipping and smoothing on model parameters to control the global model smoothness, which yields a sample-wise robustness certification on backdoors with limited magnitude. Our certification also specifies the relation to federated learning parameters, such as poisoning ratio on instance level, number of attackers, and training iterations. Practically, we conduct comprehensive experiments across a range of federated datasets, and provide the first benchmark for certified robustness against backdoor attacks in federated learning. Our code is available at https://github.com/AI-secure/CRFL.
There has been a rise in the use of Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) Vision APIs as they offer multiple services including pre-built models and algorithms, which otherwise take a huge amount of resources if built from scratch. As these APIs get deployed for high-stakes applications, its very important that they are robust to different manipulations. Recent works have only focused on typical adversarial attacks when evaluating the robustness of vision APIs. We propose two new aspects of adversarial image generation methods and evaluate them on the robustness of Google Cloud Vision APIs optical character recognition service and object detection APIs deployed in real-world settings such as sightengine.com, picpurify.com, Google Cloud Vision API, and Microsoft Azures Computer Vision API. Specifically, we go beyond the conventional small-noise adversarial attacks and introduce secret embedding and transparent adversarial examples as a simpler way to evaluate robustness. These methods are so straightforward that even non-specialists can craft such attacks. As a result, they pose a serious threat where APIs are used for high-stakes applications. Our transparent adversarial examples successfully evade state-of-the art object detections APIs such as Azure Cloud Vision (attack success rate 52%) and Google Cloud Vision (attack success rate 36%). 90% of the images have a secret embedded text that successfully fools the vision of time-limited humans but is detected by Google Cloud Vision APIs optical character recognition. Complementing to current research, our results provide simple but unconventional methods on robustness evaluation.
134 - Sayak Paul , Pin-Yu Chen 2021
Transformers, composed of multiple self-attention layers, hold strong promises toward a generic learning primitive applicable to different data modalities, including the recent breakthroughs in computer vision achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) standa rd accuracy with better parameter efficiency. Since self-attention helps a model systematically align different components present inside the input data, it leaves grounds to investigate its performance under model robustness benchmarks. In this work, we study the robustness of the Vision Transformer (ViT) against common corruptions and perturbations, distribution shifts, and natural adversarial examples. We use six different diverse ImageNet datasets concerning robust classification to conduct a comprehensive performance comparison of ViT models and SOTA convolutional neural networks (CNNs), Big-Transfer. Through a series of six systematically designed experiments, we then present analyses that provide both quantitative and qualitative indications to explain why ViTs are indeed more robust learners. For example, with fewer parameters and similar dataset and pre-training combinations, ViT gives a top-1 accuracy of 28.10% on ImageNet-A which is 4.3x higher than a comparable variant of BiT. Our analyses on image masking, Fourier spectrum sensitivity, and spread on discrete cosine energy spectrum reveal intriguing properties of ViT attributing to improved robustness. Code for reproducing our experiments is available here: https://git.io/J3VO0.
This paper proposes Characteristic Examples for effectively fingerprinting deep neural networks, featuring high-robustness to the base model against model pruning as well as low-transferability to unassociated models. This is the first work taking bo th robustness and transferability into consideration for generating realistic fingerprints, whereas current methods lack practical assumptions and may incur large false positive rates. To achieve better trade-off between robustness and transferability, we propose three kinds of characteristic examples: vanilla C-examples, RC-examples, and LTRC-example, to derive fingerprints from the original base model. To fairly characterize the trade-off between robustness and transferability, we propose Uniqueness Score, a comprehensive metric that measures the difference between robustness and transferability, which also serves as an indicator to the false alarm problem.
Adversarial examples causing evasive predictions are widely used to evaluate and improve the robustness of machine learning models. However, current studies on adversarial examples focus on supervised learning tasks, relying on the ground-truth data label, a targeted objective, or supervision from a trained classifier. In this paper, we propose a framework of generating adversarial examples for unsupervised models and demonstrate novel applications to data augmentation. Our framework exploits a mutual information neural estimator as an information-theoretic similarity measure to generate adversarial examples without supervision. We propose a new MinMax algorithm with provable convergence guarantees for efficient generation of unsupervised adversarial examples. Our framework can also be extended to supervised adversarial examples. When using unsupervised adversarial examples as a simple plug-in data augmentation tool for model retraining, significant improvements are consistently observed across different unsupervised tasks and datasets, including data reconstruction, representation learning, and contrastive learning. Our results show novel methods and advantages in studying and improving robustness of unsupervised learning problems via adversarial examples. Our codes are available at https://github.com/IBM/UAE.
Data heterogeneity has been identified as one of the key features in federated learning but often overlooked in the lens of robustness to adversarial attacks. This paper focuses on characterizing and understanding its impact on backdooring attacks in federated learning through comprehensive experiments using synthetic and the LEAF benchmarks. The initial impression driven by our experimental results suggests that data heterogeneity is the dominant factor in the effectiveness of attacks and it may be a redemption for defending against backdooring as it makes the attack less efficient, more challenging to design effective attack strategies, and the attack result also becomes less predictable. However, with further investigations, we found data heterogeneity is more of a curse than a redemption as the attack effectiveness can be significantly boosted by simply adjusting the client-side backdooring timing. More importantly,data heterogeneity may result in overfitting at the local training of benign clients, which can be utilized by attackers to disguise themselves and fool skewed-feature based defenses. In addition, effective attack strategies can be made by adjusting attack data distribution. Finally, we discuss the potential directions of defending the curses brought by data heterogeneity. The results and lessons learned from our extensive experiments and analysis offer new insights for designing robust federated learning methods and systems

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