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The interest in the topological properties of materials brings into question the problem of topological phase transitions. As a control parameter is varied, one may drive a system through phases with different topological properties. What is the natu re of these transitions and how can we characterize them? The usual Landau approach, with the concept of an order parameter that is finite in a symmetry broken phase is not useful in this context. Topological transitions do not imply a change of symmetry and there is no obvious order parameter. A crucial observation is that they are associated with a diverging length that allows a scaling approach and to introduce critical exponents which define their universality classes. At zero temperature the critical exponents obey a quantum hyperscaling relation. We study finite size effects at topological transitions and show they exhibit universal behavior due to scaling. We discuss the possibility that they become discontinuous as a consequence of these effects and point out the relevance of our study for real systems.
In this paper we study the effects of hybridization in the superconducting properties of a two-band system. We consider the cases that these bands are formed by electronic orbitals with angular momentum, such that, the hybridization $V(mathbf{k})$ am ong them can be symmetric or antisymmetric under inversion symmetry. We take into account only intra-band attractive interactions in the two bands and investigate the appearance of an induced inter-band pairing gap. We show that (inter-band) superconducting orderings are induced in the total absence of attractive interaction between the two bands, which turns out to be completely dependent on the hybridization between them. For the case of antisymmetric hybridization we show that the induced inter-band superconductivity has a p-wave symmetry.
The study of Majorana fermions is of great importance for the implementation of a quantum computer. These modes are topologically protected and very stable. It is now well known that a p-wave superconducting wire can sustain, in its topological non-t rivial phase, Majorana quasi-particles at its ends. Since this type of superconductor is not found in nature, many methods have been devised to implement it. Most of them rely on the spin-orbit interaction. In this paper we study the superconducting properties of a two-band system in the presence of antisymmetric hybridization. We consider inter-band attractive interactions and also an attractive interaction in one of the bands. We show that superconducting fluctuations with p-wave character are induced in the non-interacting band due to the combined effects of inter-band coupling and hybridization. In the case of a wire, this type of induced superconductivity gives rise to four Majorana modes at its ends. The long range correlation between the different charge states of these modes offers new possibilities for the implementation of protected q-bits.
We study a two-band model of fermions in a 1d chain with an antisymmetric hybridization that breaks inversion symmetry. We find that for certain values of its parameters, the $sp$-chain maps formally into a $p$-wave superconducting chain, the archety pical 1d system exhibiting Majorana fermions. The eigenspectra, including the existence of zero energy modes in the topological phase, agree for both models. The end states too share several similarities in both models, such as the behavior of the localization length, the non-trivial topological index and robustness to disorder. However, we show by mapping the $s$- and $p$- fermions to two copies of Majoranas, that the excitations in the ends of a finite $sp$ chain are indeed conventional fermions though endowed with protected topological properties. Our results are obtained by a scattering approach in a semi-infinite chain with an edge defect treated within the $T$-matrix approximation. We augment the analytical results with exact numerical diagonalization that allow us to extend our results to arbitrary parameters and also to disordered systems.
We present in this work an exact renormalization group (RG) treatment of a one-dimensional $p$-wave superconductor. The model proposed by Kitaev consists of a chain of spinless fermions with a $p$-wave gap. It is a paradigmatic model of great actual interest since it presents a weak pairing superconducting phase that has Majorana fermions at the ends of the chain. Those are predicted to be useful for quantum computation. The RG allows to obtain the phase diagram of the model and to study the quantum phase transition from the weak to the strong pairing phase. It yields the attractors of these phases and the critical exponents of the weak to strong pairing transition. We show that the weak pairing phase of the model is governed by a chaotic attractor being non-trivial from both its topological and RG properties. In the strong pairing phase the RG flow is towards a conventional strong coupling fixed point. Finally, we propose an alternative way for obtaining $p$-wave superconductivity in a one-dimensional system without spin-orbit interaction.
The study of multi-band superconductivity is relevant for a variety of systems, from ultra cold atoms with population imbalance to particle physics, and condensed matter. As a consequence, this problem has been widely investigated bringing to light m any new and interesting phenomena. In this work we point out and explore a correspondence between a two-band metal with a $k$-dependent hybridization and a uniformly polarized fermionic system in the presence of spin-orbit coupling (SOC). We study the ground state phase diagram of the metal in the presence of an attractive interaction. We find remarkable superconducting properties whenever hybridization mixes orbitals of different parities in neighboring sites. We show that this mechanism enhances superconductivity and drives the crossover from weak to strong coupling in analogy with SOC in cold atoms. We obtain the quantum phase transitions between the normal and superfluid states, as the intensity of different parameters characterizing the metal are varied, including Lifshitz transitions, with no symmetry breaking, associated with the appearance of soft modes in the Fermi surface.
In physical systems, coupling to the environment gives rise to dissipation and decoherence. For nanoscopic materials this may be a determining factor of their physical behavior. However, even for macroscopic many-body systems, if the strength of this coupling is sufficiently strong, their ground state properties and phase diagram may be severely modified. Also dissipation is essential to allow a system in the presence of a time dependent perturbation to attain a steady, time independent state. In this case, the non-equilibrium phase diagram depends on the intensity of the perturbation and on the strength of the coupling of the system to the outside world. In this paper, we investigate the effects of both, dissipation and time dependent external sources in the phase diagram of a many-body system at zero and finite temperatures. For concreteness we consider the specific case of a superconducting layer under the action of an electric field and coupled to a metallic substrate. The former arises from a time dependent vector potential minimally coupled to the electrons in the layer. We introduce a Keldysh approach that allows to obtain the time dependence of the superconducting order parameter in an adiabatic regime. We study the phase diagram of this system as a function of the electric field, the coupling to the metallic substrate and temperature.
For a system near a quantum critical point (QCP), above its lower critical dimension $d_L$, there is in general a critical line of second order phase transitions that separates the broken symmetry phase at finite temperatures from the disordered phas e. The phase transitions along this line are governed by thermal critical exponents that are different from those associated with the quantum critical point. We point out that, if the effective dimension of the QCP, $d_{eff}=d+z$ ($d$ is the Euclidean dimension of the system and $z$ the dynamic quantum critical exponent) is above its upper critical dimension $d_C$, there is an intermingle of classical (thermal) and quantum critical fluctuations near the QCP. This is due to the breakdown of the generalized scaling relation $psi= u z$ between the shift exponent $psi$ of the critical line and the crossover exponent $ u z$, for $d+z>d_C$ by a textit{dangerous irrelevant interaction}. This phenomenon has clear experimental consequences, like the suppression of the amplitude of classical critical fluctuations near the line of finite temperature phase transitions as the critical temperature is reduced approaching the QCP.
In fermionic systems with different types of quasi-particles, attractive interactions can give rise to exotic superconducting states, as pair density wave (PDW) superconductivity and breached pairing. In the last years the search for these new types of ground states in cold atom and in metallic systems has been intense. In the case of metals the different quasi-particles may be the up and down spin bands in an external magnetic field or bands arising from distinct atomic orbitals that coexist at a common Fermi surface. These systems present a complex phase diagram as a function of the difference between the Fermi wave-vectors of the different bands. This can be controlled by external means, varying the density in the two-component cold atom system or, in a metal, by applying an external magnetic field or pressure. Here we study the zero temperature instability of the normal system as the Fermi wave-vectors mismatch of the quasi-particles (bands) is reduced and find a second order quantum phase transition to a PDW superconducting state. From the nature of the quantum critical fluctuations close to the superconducting quantum critical point (SQCP), we obtain its dynamic critical exponent. It turns out to be $z=2$ and this allows to fully characterize the SQCP for dimensions $d ge 2$.
In multi-band metals quasi-particles arising from different atomic orbitals coexist at a common Fermi surface. Superconductivity in these materials may appear due to interactions within a band (intra-band) or among the distinct metallic bands (inter- band). Here we consider the suppression of superconductivity in the intra-band case due to hybridization. The fluctuations at the superconducting quantum critical point (SQCP) are obtained calculating the response of the system to a fictitious space and time dependent field, which couples to the superconducting order parameter. The appearance of superconductivity is related to the divergence of a generalized susceptibility. For a single band superconductor this coincides with the textit{Thouless criterion}. For fixed chemical potential and large hybridization, the superconducting state has many features in common with breached pair superconductivity with unpaired electrons at the Fermi surface. The T=0 phase transition from the superconductor to the normal state is in the universality class of the density-driven Bose-Einstein condensation. For fixed number of particles and in the strong coupling limit, the system still has an instability to the normal sate with increasing hybridization.

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