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Effects from nonstandard corrections to Newtonian gravity, at large scale, can be investigated using the cosmological structure formation. In particular, it is possible to show if and how a logarithmic correction (as that induced from nonlocal gravit y) modifies the clustering properties of galaxies and of clusters of galaxies. The thermodynamics of such systems can be used to obtain important information about the effects of such modification on clustering. We will compare its effects with observational data and it will be demonstrated that the observations seem to point to a characteristic scale where such a logarithmic correction might be in play at galactic scales. However, at larger scales such statistical inferences are much weaker, so that a fully reliable statistical evidence for this kind of corrections cannot be stated without further investigations and the use of more varied and precise cosmological and astrophysical probes.
In this paper, we analyze the inflationary cosmology using string field theory. This is done by using the zero level contribution from string field theory, which is a non-local tachyonic action. We will use the non-local Friedmann equations for this model based on string field theory, and calculate the slow-roll parameters for this model. We will then explicitly obtain the scalar and tensorial power spectrum, their related indices, and the tensor-to-scalar ratio for this model. Finally, we use cosmological data from Planck 2013 to 2018 to constrain the free parameters in this model and find that string field theory is compatible with them.
In this paper, we analyze the clustering of galaxies using a modified theory of gravity, in which the field content of general relativity has been be increased. This increasing in the field content of general relativity changes the large distance beh avior of the theory, and in weak field approximation, it will also modify the large distance behavior of Newtonian potential. So, we will analyzing the clustering of multi-component system of galaxies interacting through this modified Newtonian potential. We will obtain the partition function for this multi-component system, and study the thermodynamics of this system. So, we will analyze the effects of the large distance modification to the Newtonian potential on Helmholtz free energy, internal energy, entropy, pressure and chemical potential of this system. We obtain also the modified distribution function and the modified clustering parameter for this system, and hence observe the effect of large distance modification of Newtonian potential on clustering of galaxies.
As quantum optical phenomena are based on Maxwells equations, and it is becoming important to understand quantum optical phenomena at short distances, so it is important to analyze quantum optics using short distance corrected Maxwells equation. Maxw ells action can be obtained from quantum electrodynamics using the framework of effective field theory, and so the leading order short distance corrections to Maxwells action can also be obtained from the derivative expansion of the same effective field theory. Such short distance corrections will be universal for all quantum optical systems, and they will effect all short distance quantum optical phenomena. In this paper, we will analyze the form of such corrections, and demonstrate the standard formalism of quantum optics can still be used (with suitable modifications), to analyze quantum optical phenomena from this short distance corrected Maxwells actions.
83 - Saurya Das , Mir Faizal 2018
Many theories of quantum gravity live in higher dimensions, and their reduction to four dimensions via mechanisms such as Kaluza-Klein compactification or brane world models have associated problems. We propose a novel mechanism of dimensional reduct ion via spontaneous symmetry breaking of a higher dimensional local Lorentz group to one in lower dimensions. Working in the gauge theory formulation of gravity, we couple a scalar field to spin connections, include a potential for the field, and show that for a suitable choice of scalar vacuum, the local Lorentz symmetry of the action gets spontaneously reduced to one in a lower dimension. Thus effectively the dimension of spacetime gets reduced by one. This provides a viable mechanism for the dimensional reduction, and may have applications in theories of quantum gravity.
In this paper, we have constructed the Feynman path integral method for non-paraxial optics. This is done by using the mathematical analogy between a non-paraxial optical system and the generalized Schrodinger equation deformed by the existence a min imal measurable length. Using this analogy, we investigated the consequences of a minimal length in this optical system. This path integral has been used to obtain instanton solution for such a optical systems. Moreover, the Berry phase of this optical system has been investigated. These results may disclose a new way to use the path integral approach in optics. Furthermore, as such system with an intrinsic minimal length have been studied in quantum gravity, the ultra-focused optical pluses can be used as an optical analog of quantum gravity.
Based on thermodynamics, we discuss the galactic clustering of expanding Universe by assuming the gravitational interaction through the modified Newtons potential given by $f(R)$ gravity. We compute the corrected $N$-particle partition function analy tically. The corrected partition function leads to more exact equations of states of the system. By assuming that system follows quasi-equilibrium, we derive the exact distribution function which exhibits the $f(R)$ correction. Moreover, we evaluate the critical temperature and discuss the stability of the system. We observe the effects of correction of $f(R)$ gravity on the power law behavior of particle-particle correlation function also. In order to check feasibility of an $f(R)$ gravity approach to the clustering of galaxies, we compare our results with an observational galaxy cluster catalog.
In this paper, we will analyze the connection between the fidelity susceptibility, the holographic complexity and the thermodynamic volume. We will regularize the fidelity susceptibility and the holographic complexity by subtracting the contribution of the background AdS spacetime from the deformation of the AdS spacetime. It will be demonstrated that this regularized fidelity susceptibility has the same behavior as the thermodynamic volume and that the regularized complexity has a very different behavior. As the information dual to different volumes in the bulk would be measured by the fidelity susceptibility and the holographic complexity, this paper will establish a connection between thermodynamics and information dual to a volume.
In this paper, we will propose a universal relation between the holographic complexity (dual to a volume in AdS) and the holographic entanglement entropy (dual to an area in AdS). We will explicitly demonstrate that our conjuncture hold for all a met ric asymptotic to AdS$_3$, and then argue that such a relation should hold in general due to the AdS version of the Cavalieri principle. We will demonstrate that it holds for Janus solution, which have been recently been obtained in type IIB string theory. We will also show that this conjecture holds for a circular disk. This conjecture will be used to show that the proposal that the complexity equals action, and the proposal that the complexity equal volume can represent the same physics. Thus, using this conjecture, we will show that the black holes are fastest computers, using the proposal that complexity equals volume.

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