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246 - John A. ZuHone 2020
Radio relics in galaxy clusters are extended synchrotron sources produced by cosmic-ray electrons in the $mu$G magnetic field. Many relics are found in the cluster periphery and have a cluster-centric, narrow arc-like shape, which suggests that the e lectrons are accelerated or re-accelerated by merger shock fronts propagating outward in the intracluster plasma. In the X-ray, some relics do exhibit such shocks at the location of the relic, but many do not. We explore the possibility that radio relics trace not the shock fronts but the shape of the underlying distribution of seed relativistic electrons, lit up by a recent shock passage. We use magnetohydrodynamic simulations of cluster mergers and include bubbles of relativistic electrons injected by jets from the central AGN or from an off-center radio galaxy. We show that the merger-driven gas motions (a) can advect the bubble cosmic rays to very large radii, and (b) spread the relativistic seed electrons preferentially in tangential direction -- along the gravitational equipotential surfaces -- producing extended, filamentary or sheet-like regions of intracluster plasma enriched with aged cosmic rays, which resemble radio relics. Once a shock front passes across such a region, the sharp radio emission edges would trace the sharp boundaries of these enriched regions rather than the front. We also show that these elongated cosmic ray features are naturally associated with magnetic fields stretched tangentially along their long axis, which could help explain the high polarization of relics.
347 - Keith Jahoda 2019
We describe Cal X-1, a SmallSat mission concept to establish X-ray standard candles in the sky, which will enable absolute calibration of the current and future X-ray observatories. It consists of two CubeSats flying in formation, one containing an a bsolutely calibrated X-ray source and another, 1-2 km away, a simple X-ray telescope.
Radio minihalos are diffuse synchrotron sources of unknown origin found in the cool cores of some galaxy clusters. We use GMRT and VLA data to expand the sample of minihalos by reporting three new minihalo detections (A 2667, A 907 and PSZ1 G139.61+2 4.20) and confirming minihalos in five clusters (MACS J0159.8-0849, MACS J0329.6-0211, RXC J2129.6+0005, AS 780 and A 3444). With these new detections and confirmations, the sample now stands at 23, the largest sample to date. For consistency, we also reanalyze archival VLA 1.4 GHz observations of 7 known minihalos. We revisit possible correlations between the non-thermal emission and the thermal properties of their cluster hosts. Consistently with our earlier findings from a smaller sample, we find no strong relation between the minihalo radio luminosity and the total cluster mass. Instead, we find a strong positive correlation between the minihalo radio power and X-ray bolometric luminosity of the cool core (r<70 kpc). This supplements our earlier result that most if not all cool cores in massive clusters contain a minihalo. Comparison of radio and Chandra X-ray images indicates that the minihalo emission is typically confined by concentric sloshing cold fronts in the cores of most of our clusters, supporting the hypothesis that minihalos arise from electron reacceleration by turbulence caused by core gas sloshing. Taken together, our findings suggest that the origin of minihalos should be closely related to the properties of thermal plasma in cluster cool cores.
Galaxy clusters are massive dark matter-dominated systems filled with X-ray emitting, optically thin plasma. Their large size and relative simplicity (at least as astrophysical objects go) make them a unique laboratory to measure some of the interest ing plasma properties that are inaccessible by other means but fundamentally important for understanding and modeling many astrophysical phenomena -- from solar flares to black hole accretion to galaxy formation and the emergence of the cosmological Large Scale Structure. While every cluster astrophysicist is eagerly anticipating the direct gas velocity measurements from the forthcoming microcalorimeters onboard XRISM, Athena and future missions such as Lynx, a number of those plasma properties can best be probed by high-resolution X-ray imaging of galaxy clusters. Chandra has obtained some trailblazing results, but only grazed the surface of such studies. In this white paper, we discuss why we need arcsecond-resolution, high collecting area, low relative background X-ray imagers (with modest spectral resolution), such as the proposed AXIS and the imaging detector of Lynx.
We investigate the occurrence of radio minihalos --- diffuse radio sources of unknown origin observed in the cores of some galaxy clusters --- in a statistical sample of 58 clusters drawn from the Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster catalog using a mass cut ($M_{500}>6times 10^{14} M_{odot}$). We supplement our statistical sample with a similarly-sized non-statistical sample mostly consisting of clusters in the ACCEPT X-ray catalog with suitable X-ray and radio data, which includes lower-mass clusters. Where necessary (for 9 clusters), we reanalyzed the Very Large Array archival radio data to determine if a mihinalo is present. Our total sample includes all 28 currently known and recently discovered radio minihalos, including 6 candidates. We classify clusters as cool-core or non-cool core according to the value of the specific entropy floor in the cluster center, rederived or newly derived from the Chandra X-ray density and temperature profiles where necessary (for 27 clusters). Contrary to the common wisdom that minihalos are rare, we find that almost all cool cores - at least 12 out of 15 (80%) - in our complete sample of massive clusters exhibit minihalos. The supplementary sample shows that the occurrence of minihalos may be lower in lower-mass cool-core clusters. No minihalos are found in non-cool-cores or warm cores. These findings will help test theories of the origin of minihalos and provide information on the physical processes and energetics of the cluster cores.
We perform a detailed study of the stacked Suzaku observations of 47 galaxy clusters, spanning a redshift range of 0.01-0.45, to search for the unidentified 3.5 keV line. This sample provides an independent test for the previously detected line. We d etect only a 2sigma-significant spectral feature at 3.5 keV in the spectrum of the full sample. When the sample is divided into two subsamples (cool-core and non-cool core clusters), cool-core subsample shows no statistically significant positive residuals at the line energy. A very weak (2sigma-confidence) spectral feature at 3.5 keV is permitted by the data from the non-cool core clusters sample. The upper limit on a neutrino decay mixing angle from the full Suzaku sample is consistent with the previous detections in the stacked XMM-Newton sample of galaxy clusters (which had a higher statistical sensitivity to faint lines), M31, and Galactic Center at a 90% confidence level. However, the constraint from the present sample, which does not include the Perseus cluster, is in tension with previously reported line flux observed in the core of the Perseus cluster with XMM-Newton and Suzaku.
With Australia Telescope Compact Array observations, we detect a highly elongated Mpc-scale diffuse radio source on the eastern periphery of the Bullet cluster 1E0657-55.8, which we argue has the positional, spectral and polarimetric characteristics of a radio relic. This powerful relic (2.3+/-0.1 x 10^25 W Hz^-1) consists of a bright northern bulb and a faint linear tail. The bulb emits 94% of the observed radio flux and has the highest surface brightness of any known relic. Exactly coincident with the linear tail we find a sharp X-ray surface brightness edge in the deep Chandra image of the cluster -- a signature of a shock front in the hot intracluster medium (ICM), located on the opposite side of the cluster to the famous bow shock. This new example of an X-ray shock coincident with a relic further supports the hypothesis that shocks in the outer regions of clusters can form relics via diffusive shock (re-)acceleration. Intriguingly, our new relic suggests that seed electrons for reacceleration are coming from a local remnant of a radio galaxy, which we are lucky to catch before its complete disruption. If this scenario, in which a relic forms when a shock crosses a well-defined region of the ICM polluted with aged relativistic plasma -- as opposed to the usual assumption that seeds are uniformly mixed in the ICM -- is also the case for other relics, this may explain a number of peculiar properties of peripheral relics.
The recent paper by Jeltema & Profumo(2014) claims that contributions from ion{K}{18} and ion{Cl}{17} lines can explain the unidentified emission line found by Bulbul et al 2014 and also by Boyarsky et al, 2014a, 2014b. We show that their analysis re lies upon incorrect atomic data and inconsistent spectroscopic modeling. We address these points and summarize in the appendix the correct values for the relevant atomic data from AtomDB.
We present new deep, high-resolution radio images of the diffuse minihalo in the cool core of the galaxy cluster RX J1720.1+2638. The images have been obtained with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope at 317, 617 and 1280 MHz and with the Very Large Array at 1.5, 4.9 and 8.4 GHz, with angular resolutions ranging from 1 to 10. This represents the best radio spectral and imaging dataset for any minihalo. Most of the radio flux of the minihalo arises from a bright central component with a maximum radius of ~80 kpc. A fainter tail of emission extends out from the central component to form a spiral-shaped structure with a length of ~230 kpc, seen at frequencies 1.5 GHz and below. We find indication of a possible steepening of the total radio spectrum of the minihalo at high frequencies. Furthermore, a spectral index image shows that the spectrum of the diffuse emission steepens with the increasing distance along the tail. A striking spatial correlation is observed between the minihalo emission and two cold fronts visible in the Chandra X-ray image of this cool core. These cold fronts confine the minihalo, as also seen in numerical simulations of minihalo formation by sloshing-induced turbulence. All these observations favor the hypothesis that the radio emitting electrons in cluster cool cores are produced by turbulent reacceleration.
We detect a weak unidentified emission line at E=(3.55-3.57)+/-0.03 keV in a stacked XMM spectrum of 73 galaxy clusters spanning a redshift range 0.01-0.35. MOS and PN observations independently show the presence of the line at consistent energies. W hen the full sample is divided into three subsamples (Perseus, Centaurus+Ophiuchus+Coma, and all others), the line is significantly detected in all three independent MOS spectra and the PN all others spectrum. It is also detected in the Chandra spectra of Perseus with the flux consistent with XMM (though it is not seen in Virgo). However, it is very weak and located within 50-110eV of several known faint lines, and so is subject to significant modeling uncertainties. On the origin of this line, we argue that there should be no atomic transitions in thermal plasma at this energy. An intriguing possibility is the decay of sterile neutrino, a long-sought dark matter particle candidate. Assuming that all dark matter is in sterile neutrinos with m_s=2E=7.1 keV, our detection in the full sample corresponds to a neutrino decay mixing angle sin^2(2theta)=7e-11, below the previous upper limits. However, based on the cluster masses and distances, the line in Perseus is much brighter than expected in this model. This appears to be because of an anomalously bright line at E=3.62 keV in Perseus, possibly an Ar XVII dielectronic recombination line, although its flux would be 30 times the expected value and physically difficult to understand. In principle, such an anomaly might explain our line detection in other subsamples as well, though it would stretch the line energy uncertainties. Another alternative is the above anomaly in the Ar line combined with the nearby 3.51 keV K line also exceeding expectation by factor 10-20. Confirmation with Chandra and Suzaku, and eventually Astro-H, are required to determine the nature of this new line.(ABRIDGED)

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