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The energy for the coronal heating must be provided from the convection zone. The amount and the method by which this energy is transferred into the corona depends on the properties of the lower atmosphere and the corona itself. We review: 1) how the energy could be built in the lower solar atmosphere; 2) how this energy is transferred through the solar atmosphere; and 3) how the energy is finally dissipated in the chromosphere and/or corona. Any mechanism of energy transport has to deal with the various physical processes in the lower atmosphere. We will focus on a physical process that seems to be highly important in the chromosphere and not deeply studied until recently: the ion-neutral interaction effects (INIE) in the chromosphere. We review the relevance and the role of the partial ionization in the chromosphere and show that this process actually impacts considerably the outer solar atmosphere. We include analysis of our 2.5D radiative MHD simulations with the Bifrost code (Gudiksen et al. 2011) including the partial ionization effects on the chromosphere and corona and thermal conduction along magnetic field lines. The photosphere, chromosphere and transition region are partially ionized and the interaction between ionized particles and neutral particles has important consequences on the magneto-thermodynamics of these layers. The INIE are treated using generalized Ohms law, i.e., we consider the Hall term and the ambipolar diffusion in the induction equation. The interaction between the different species affects the modeled atmosphere as follows: 1) the ambipolar diffusion dissipates magnetic energy and increases the minimum temperature in the chromosphere; 2) the upper chromosphere may get heated and expanded over a greater range of heights. These processes reveal appreciable differences between the modeled atmospheres of simulations with and without INIE.
The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) reveals small-scale rapid brightenings in the form of bright grains all over coronal holes and the quiet sun. These bright grains are seen with the IRIS 1330 AA, 1400 AA and 2796 AA slit-jaw filters. W e combine coordinated observations with IRIS and from the ground with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) which allows us to have chromospheric (Ca II 8542 AA, Ca II H 3968 AA, Halpha, and Mg II k 2796 AA), and transition region (C II 1334 AA, Si IV 1402) spectral imaging, and single-wavelength Stokes maps in Fe I 6302 AA at high spatial (0.33), temporal and spectral resolution. We conclude that the IRIS slit-jaw grains are the counterpart of so-called acoustic grains, i.e., resulting from chromospheric acoustic waves in a non-magnetic environment. We compare slit-jaw images with spectra from the IRIS spectrograph. We conclude that the grain intensity in the 2796 AA slit-jaw filter comes from both the Mg II k core and wings. The signal in the C II and Si IV lines is too weak to explain the presence of grains in the 1300 and 1400 AA slit-jaw images and we conclude that the grain signal in these passbands comes mostly from the continuum. Even though weak, the characteristic shock signatures of acoustic grains can often be detected in IRIS C II spectra. For some grains, spectral signature can be found in IRIS Si IV. This suggests that upward propagating acoustic waves sometimes reach all the way up to the transition region.
Aims. We use advanced 3D NLTE radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the solar atmosphere to carry out detailed tests of chromospheric diagnostics at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. Methods. We focused on the diagnostics of the therma l structure of the chromosphere in the wavelength bands from 0.4 mm up to 9.6 mm that can be accessed with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) and investigated how these diagnostics are affected by the instrumental resolution. Results. We find that the formation height range of the millimeter radiation depends on the location in the simulation domain and is related to the underlying magnetic structure. Nonetheless, the brightness temperature is a reasonable measure of the gas temperature at the effective formation height at a given location on the solar surface. There is considerable scatter in this relationship, but this is significantly reduced when very weak magnetic fields are avoided. Our results indicate that although instrumental smearing reduces the correlation between brightness and temperature, millimeter brightness can still be used to reliably diagnose electron temperature up to a resolution of 1. If the resolution is more degraded, then the value of the diagnostic diminishes rapidly. Conclusions. We conclude that millimeter brightness can image the chromospheric thermal structure at the height at which the radiation is formed. Thus multiwavelength observations with ALMA with a narrow step in wavelength should provide sufficient information for a tomographic imaging of the chromosphere.
Context. The radiative energy balance in the solar chromosphere is dominated by strong spectral lines that are formed out of LTE. It is computationally prohibitive to solve the full equations of radiative transfer and statistical equilibrium in 3D ti me dependent MHD simulations. Aims. To find simple recipes to compute the radiative energy balance in the dominant lines under solar chromospheric conditions. Methods. We use detailed calculations in time-dependent and 2D MHD snapshots to derive empirical formulae for the radiative cooling and heating. Results. The radiative cooling in neutral hydrogen lines and the Lyman continuum, the H and K and intrared triplet lines of singly ionized calcium and the h and k lines of singly ionized magnesium can be written as a product of an optically thin emission (dependent on temperature), an escape probability (dependent on column mass) and an ionization fraction (dependent on temperature). In the cool pockets of the chromosphere the same transitions contribute to the heating of the gas and similar formulae can be derived for these processes. We finally derive a simple recipe for the radiative heating of the chromosphere from incoming coronal radiation. We compare our recipes with the detailed results and comment on the accuracy and applicability of the recipes.
3D numerical simulations of a horizontal magnetic flux tube emergence with different twist are carried out in a computational domain spanning the upper layers of the convection zone to the lower corona. We use the Oslo Staggered Code to solve the ful l MHD equations with non-grey and non-LTE radiative transfer and thermal conduction along the magnetic field lines. The emergence of the magnetic flux tube input at the bottom boundary into a weakly magnetized atmosphere is presented. The photospheric and chromospheric response is described with magnetograms, synthetic images and velocity field distributions. The emergence of a magnetic flux tube into such an atmosphere results in varied atmospheric responses. In the photosphere the granular size increases when the flux tube approaches from below. In the convective overshoot region some 200km above the photosphere adiabatic expansion produces cooling, darker regions with the structure of granulation cells. We also find collapsed granulation in the boundaries of the rising flux tube. Once the flux tube has crossed the photosphere, bright points related with concentrated magnetic field, vorticity, high vertical velocities and heating by compressed material are found at heights up to 500km above the photosphere. At greater heights in the magnetized chromosphere, the rising flux tube produces a cool, magnetized bubble that tends to expel the usual chromospheric oscillations. In addition the rising flux tube dramatically increases the chromospheric scale height, pushing the transition region and corona aside such that the chromosphere extends up to 6Mm above the photosphere. The emergence of magnetic flux tubes through the photosphere to the lower corona is a relatively slow process, taking of order 1 hour.
We use coordinated Hinode SOT/EIS observations that include high-resolution magnetograms, chromospheric and TR imaging and TR/coronal spectra in a first test to study how the dynamics of the TR are driven by the highly dynamic photospheric magnetic f ields and the ubiquitous chromospheric waves. Initial analysis shows that these connections are quite subtle and require a combination of techniques including magnetic field extrapolations, frequency-filtered time-series and comparisons with synthetic chromospheric and TR images from advanced 3D numerical simulations. As a first result, we find signatures of magnetic flux emergence as well as 3 and 5 mHz wave power above regions of enhanced photospheric magnetic field in both chromospheric, transition region and coronal emission.
We use Hinode/SOT Ca II H-line and blue continuum broadband observations to study the presence and power of high frequency acoustic waves at high spatial resolution. We find that there is no dominant power at small spatial scales; the integrated powe r using the full resolution of Hinode (0.05 pixels, 0.16 resolution) is larger than the power in the data degraded to 0.5 pixels (TRACE pixel size) by only a factor of 1.2. At 20 mHz the ratio is 1.6. Combining this result with the estimates of the acoustic flux based on TRACE data of Fossum & Carlsson (2006), we conclude that the total energy flux in acoustic waves of frequency 5-40 mHz entering the internetwork chromosphere of the quiet Sun is less than 800 W m$^{-2}$, inadequate to balance the radiative losses in a static chromosphere by a factor of five.

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