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In this paper we present steady-state RMHD simulations that include a mass-load term to study the process of jet deceleration. The mass-load mimics the injection of a proton-electron plasma from stellar winds within the host galaxy into initially pai r plasma jets, with mean stellar mass-losses ranging from $10^{-14}$ to $10^{-9},{M_odot,yr^{-1}}$. The spatial jet evolution covers $sim 500,{rm pc}$ from jet injection in the grid at 10~pc from the jet nozzle. Our simulations use a relativistic gas equation of state and a pressure profile for the ambient medium. We compare these simulations with previous dynamical simulations of relativistic, non-magnetised jets. Our results show that toroidal magnetic fields can prevent fast jet expansion and the subsequent embedding of further stars via magnetic tension. In this sense, magnetic fields avoid a runaway deceleration process. Furthermore, when the mass-load is large enough to increase the jet density and produce fast, differential jet expansion, the conversion of magnetic energy flux into kinetic energy flux (i.e., magnetic acceleration), helps to delay the deceleration process with respect to non-magnetised jets. We conclude that the typical stellar population in elliptical galaxies cannot explain jet deceleration in classical FRI radio galaxies. However, we observe a significant change in the jet composition, thermodynamical parameters and energy dissipation along its evolution, even for moderate values of the mass-load.
375 - Manel Perucho 2020
Since Fanaroff & Riley (1974) reported the morphological and brightness dichotomy of radiogalaxies, and it became clear that the symmetric emission from jets and counter-jets in the centre-brightened, less powerful, FRI sources could be caused by jet deceleration, many works have addressed different mechanisms that could cause this difference. Recent observational results seem to indicate that the deceleration must be caused by the development of small-scale instabilities that force mixing at the jet boundary. According to these results, the mixing layer expands and propagates down to the jet axis along several kiloparsecs, until it covers the whole jet cross-section. Several candidate mechanisms have been proposed as the initial trigger for the generation of such mixing layer. However, the instabilities proposed so far do not fully manage to explain the observations of FRI jets and/or require a triggering mechanism. Therefore, there is not still a satisfactory explanation for the original cause of jet deceleration. In this letter, I show that the penetration (and exit) of stars from jets could give the adequate explanation by means of creating a jet-interstellar medium mixing layer that expands across the jet.
63 - Manel Perucho 2019
A simple look at the steady high-energy Universe reveals a clear correlation with outflows generated around compact objects (winds and jets). In the case of relativistic jets, they are thought to be produced as a consequence of the extraction of rota tional energy from a Kerr black hole (Blandford-Znajek), or from the disc (Blandford-Payne). A fraction of the large energy budget provided by accretion and/or black hole rotational energy is invested into jet formation. After formation, the acceleration and collimation of these outflows allow them to propagate to large distances away from the compact object. The synchrotron cooling times demand that re-acceleration of particles takes place along the jets to explain high-energy and very-high-energy emission from kiloparsec scales. At these scales, jets in radio galaxies are divided in two main morphological/luminosity types, namely, Fanaroff-Riley type I and II (FRI, FRII), the latter being more luminous, collimated and edge-brightened than the former, which show clear hints of decollimation and deceleration. In this contribution, I summarise a set of mechanisms that may contribute to dissipate magnetic and kinetic energy: Magnetohydrodynamic instabilities or jet-obstacle interactions trigger shocks, shearing and mixing, which are plausible scenarios for particle acceleration. I also derive an expression for the expected distance in which the entrainment by stellar winds starts to be relevant, which is applicable to FRI jets. Finally, I discuss the differences in the evolutionary scenarios and the main dissipative mechanisms that take place in extragalactic and microquasar jets.
Our goal is to study the termination of an AGN jet in the young universe and to deduce physical parameters of the jet and the intergalactic medium. We use LOFAR to image the long-wavelength radio emission of the high-redshift blazar S5 0836+710 on ar csecond scales between 120 MHz and 160 MHz. The LOFAR image shows a compact unresolved core and a resolved emission region about 1.5 arcsec to the southwest of the radio core. This structure is in general agreement with previous higher-frequency radio observations with MERLIN and the VLA. The southern component shows a moderately steep spectrum with a spectral index of about $gtrsim -1$ while the spectral index of the core is flat to slightly inverted. In addition, we detect for the first time a resolved steep-spectrum halo with a spectral index of about $-1$ surrounding the core. The arcsecond-scale radio structure of S5 0836+710 can be understood as an FR II-like radio galaxy observed at a small viewing angle. The southern component can be interpreted as the region of the approaching jets terminal hotspot and the halo-like diffuse component near the core can be interpreted as the counter-hotspot region. From the differential Doppler boosting of both features, we can derive the hotspot advance speed to $(0.01-0.036)$ c. At a constant advance speed, the derived age of the source would exceed the total lifetime of such a powerful FR II-like radio galaxy substantially. Thus, the hotspot advance speed must have been higher in the past in agreement with a scenario in which the originally highly relativistic jet has lost collimation due to the growth of instabilities and has transformed into an only mildly relativistic flow. Our data suggest that the density of the intergalactic medium around this distant ($z=2.22$) AGN could be substantially higher than the values typically found in less distant FR II radio galaxies.
174 - Manel Perucho 2019
Particle acceleration in relativistic jets to very high energies occurs at the expense of the dissipation of magnetic or kinetic energy. Therefore, understanding the processes that can trigger this dissipation is key to the characterization of the en ergy budgets and particle acceleration mechanisms at action in active galaxies. Instabilities and entrainment are two obvious candidates to trigger dissipation. On the one hand, supersonic, relativistic flows threaded by helical fields, as expected from the standard formation models of jets in supermassive black-holes, are unstable to a series of magnetohydrodynamical instabilities, such as the Kelvin-Helmholtz, current-driven, or possibly the pressure-driven instabilities. Furthermore, in the case of expanding jets, the Rayleigh-Taylor and centrifugal instabilities may also develop. With all these destabilizing processes at action, a natural question is how can some jets keep their collimated structure along hundreds of kiloparsecs. On the other hand, the interaction of the jet with stars and clouds of gas that cross the flow in their orbits around the galactic centers provides another scenario in which kinetic energy can be efficiently converted into internal energy and particles can be accelerated to non-thermal energies. In this contribution, I review the conditions under which these processes occur and their role both in jet evolution and propagation and energy dissipation.
244 - Manel Perucho 2019
There is compelling evidence showing that extragalactic jets are a crucial ingredient in the evolution of host galaxies and their environments. Extragalactic jets are well collimated and relativistic, both in terms of thermodynamics and kinematics at sub-parsec and parsec scales. They generate strong shocks in the ambient medium, associated with observed hotspots in FRII radio galaxies, and carve cavities that are filled with the shocked jet flow, dragging a large fraction of the interstellar gas along, in the form of slow, massive outflows within the host galaxies. In this paper, I discuss relevant processes associated to jet evolution in the frame of FRI-FRII dichotomy. In particular, I focus on the role of 1) the interaction between galactic atmospheres and the jet head on global FRII jet kinematics, and 2) mass load by stellar winds or small-scale instabilities on jet deceleration in FRI jets. The results presented are based on 3D relativistic hydrodynamical (RHD) and/or 2D axisymmetric, time-independent relativistic magnetohydrodynamical (RMHD) simulations.
371 - Manel Perucho 2018
We present a long-term numerical three-dimensional simulation of a relativistic outflow designed to be compared with previous results from axisymmetric, two-dimensional simulations, with existing analytical models and state-of-art observations. We fo llow the jet evolution from 1~kpc to 200~kpc, using a relativistic gas equation of state and a galactic profile for the ambient medium. We also show results from smaller scale simulations aimed to test convergence and different three-dimensional effects. We conclude that jet propagation can be faster than expected from axisymmetric simulations, covering tens of kiloparsecs in a few million years, until the dentist drill effect produced by the growth of helical instabilities slows down the propagation speed of the jet head. A comparison of key physical parameters of the jet structure as obtained from the simulations with values derived from observations of FRII sources reveals good agreement. Our simulations show that shock heating can play a significant role in the feedback from active galaxies, confirming previous 2D results. A proper description of galactic jets as a relativistic scenario, both dynamical and thermodynamical, reveals an extremely fast and efficient feedback process reheating the ICM, and therefore, with dramatic consequences on the galactic evolution. Our results point towards FRII jets as the source of the energetic electrons observed in radio relics.
Extragalactic jets are formed close to supermassive black-holes in the center of galaxies. Large amounts of gas, dust, and stars cluster in the galaxy nucleus, and interactions between this ambient material and the jet base should be frequent, having dynamical as well as radiative consequences. This work studies the dynamical interaction of an obstacle, a clump of matter or the atmosphere of an evolved star, with the innermost region of an extragalactic jet. Jet mass-loading and the high-energy outcome of this interaction are briefly discussed. Relativistic hydrodynamical simulations with axial symmetry have been carried out for homogeneous and inhomogeneous obstacles inside a relativistic jet. These obstacles may represent a medium inhomogeneity or the disrupted atmosphere of a red giant star. Once inside the jet, an homogeneous obstacle expands and gets disrupted after few dynamical timescales, whereas in the inhomogeneous case, a solid core can smoothen the process, with the obstacle mass-loss dominated by a dense and narrow tail pointing in the direction of the jet. In either case, matter is expected to accelerate and eventually get incorporated to the jet. Particles can be accelerated in the interaction region, and produce variable gamma-rays in the ambient matter, magnetic and photon fields. The presence of matter clumps or red giants into the base of an extragalactic jet likely implies significant jet mass-loading and slowing down. Fast flare-like gamma-ray events, and some level of persistent emission, are expected due to these interactions.
High-mass microquasars consist of a massive star and a compact object, the latter producing jets that will interact with the stellar wind. The evolution of the jets, and ultimately their radiative outcome, could depend strongly on the inhomogeneity o f the wind, which calls for a detailed study. The hydrodynamics of the interaction between a jet and a clumpy wind is studied, focusing on the global wind and single clump-jet interplay. We have performed, using the code textit{Ratpenat}, three-dimensional numerical simulations of a clumpy wind interacting with a mildly relativistic jet, and of individual clumps penetrating into a jet. For typical wind and jet velocities, filling factors of about > 0.1 are already enough for the wind to be considered as clumpy. An inhomogeneous wind makes the jet more unstable when crossing the system. Kinetic luminosities of the order 1.e37 erg/s allow the jet to reach the borders of a compact binary with an O star, as in the smooth wind case, although with a substantially higher degree of disruption. When able to enter into the jet, clumps are compressed and heated during a time of about their size divided by the sound speed in the shocked clump. Then, clumps quickly disrupt, mass-loading and slowing down the jet. We conclude that moderate wind clumpiness makes already a strong difference with the homogeneous wind case, enhancing jet disruption, mass-loading, bending, and likely energy dissipation in the form of emission. All this can have observational consequences at high-energies and also in the large scale radio jets.

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