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136 - V. Ripepi , M. Cignoni , M. Tosi 2014
STEP (the SMC in Time: Evolution of a Prototype interacting late-type dwarf galaxy) is a Guaranteed Time Observation survey being performed at the VST (the ESO VLT Survey Telescope). STEP will image an area of 74 deg$^2$ covering the main body of the Small Magellanic Cloud (32 deg$^2$), the Bridge that connects it to the Large Magellanic Cloud (30 deg$^2$) and a small part of the Magellanic Stream (2 deg$^2$). Our $g,r,i,H_{alpha}$ photometry is able to resolve individual stars down to magnitudes well below the main-sequence turnoff of the oldest populations. In this first paper we describe the observing strategy, the photometric techniques, and the upcoming data products of the survey. We also present preliminary results for the first two fields for which data acquisition is completed, including some detailed analysis of the two stellar clusters IC,1624 and NGC,419.
61 - E. Sabbi , A. Nota , M. Tosi 2011
We use deep images acquired with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on board of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in the filters F555W and F814W to characterize the properties of NGC 376, a young star cluster located in the wing of the Small Magell anic Cloud (SMC). Using isochrone fitting we derive for NGC 376 an age of 28+/-7 Myr, in good agreement with previous studies. The high spatial resolution ACS data allow us to determine the center of gravity of the cluster and to construct extended surface brightness and radial density profiles. Neither of these profiles can be fitted with a theoretical model, suggesting that the cluster is not in virial equilibrium. Considering the young age of the cluster, we speculate that the distortion of the radial profiles may be the result of the rapid gas dispersal that follows the initial phase of star formation. The cluster shows clear evidence of dynamical mass segregation. From the properties of the radial profiles and the present day mass function (PDMF) we conclude that NGC 376 appears to have already lost nearly 90% of its initial stellar mass, probably as a consequence of the sudden gas dispersal that follows the early phase of star formation (SF).
101 - M. Cignoni 2010
We discuss the star formation history of the SMC region NGC 346 based on Hubble Space Telescope images. The region contains both field stars and cluster members. Using a classical synthetic CMD procedure applied to the field around NGC 346 we find th at there the star formation pace has been rising from a quite low rate 13 Gyr ago to approx 1.4 times 10^{-8} Mo yr^{-1}pc^{-2} in the last 100 Myr. This value is significantly higher than in other star forming regions of the SMC. For NGC 346 itself, we compare theoretical and observed Color-Magnitude Diagrams (CMDs) of several stellar sub-clusters identified in the region, and we derive their basic evolution parameters. We find that NGC 346 experienced different star formation regimes, including a dominant and focused high density mode, with the sub-clusters hosting both pre-main sequence (PMS) and upper main sequence (UMS) stars, and a diffuse low density mode, as indicated by the presence of low-mass PMS sub-clusters. Quantitatively, the star formation in the oldest sub-clusters started about 6 Myr ago with remarkable synchronization, it continued at high rate (up to 2 times 10^{-5} Mo yr^{-1} pc^{-2}) for about 3 Myr and is now progressing at a lower rate. Interestingly, sub-clusters mainly composed by low mass PMS stars seem to experience now the first episode of star formation, following multi-seeded spatial patterns instead of resulting from a coherent trigger. Two speculative scenarios are put forth to explain the deficiency of UMS stars: the first invokes under-threshold conditions of the parent gas; the second speculates that the initial mass function (IMF) is a function of time, with the youngest sub-clusters not having had sufficient time to form more massive stars.
283 - M. Cignoni 2010
We present a novel approach to derive the age of very young star clusters, by using the Turn-On (TOn). The TOn is the point in the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) where the pre-main sequence (PMS) joins the main sequence (MS). In the MS luminosity func tion (LF) of the cluster, the TOn is identified as a peak followed by a dip. We propose that by combining the CMD analysis with the monitoring of the spatial distribution of MS stars it is possible to reliably identify the TOn in extragalactic star forming regions. Compared to alternative methods, this technique is complementary to the turn-off dating and avoids the systematic biases affecting the PMS phase. We describe the method and its uncertainties, and apply it to the star forming region NGC346, which has been extensively imaged with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). This study extends the LF approach in crowded extragalactic regions and opens the way for future studies with HST/WFC3, JWST and from the ground with adaptive optics.
We observed six fields of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) with the Advanced Camera for Survey on board the Hubble Space Telescope in the F555W and F814W filters. These fields sample regions characterized by very different star and gas densities, and , possibly, by different evolutionary histories. We find that the SMC was already forming stars ~12 Gyr ago, even if the lack of a clear horizontal branch suggests that in the first few billion years the star formation activity was low. Within the uncertainties of our two-band photometry, we find evidence of a radial variation in chemical enrichment, with the SMC outskirts characterized by lower metallicity than the central zones. From our CMDs we also infer that the SMC formed stars over a long interval of time until ~2-3 Gyr ago. After a period of modest activity, star formation increased again in the recent past, especially in the bar and the wing of the SMC, where we see an enhancement in the star-formation activity starting from ~500 Myr ago. The inhomogeneous distribution of stars younger than ~100 Myr indicates that recent star formation has mainly developed locally.
166 - M. Cignoni 2008
We have used the field stars from the open cluster survey BOCCE, to study three low-latitude fields imaged with the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope (CFHT), with the aim of better understanding the Galactic structure in those directions. Due to the dee p and accurate photometry in these fields, they provide a powerful discriminant among Galactic structure models. In the present paper we discuss if a canonical star count model, expressed in terms of thin and thick disc radial scales, thick disc normalization and reddening distribution, can explain the observed CMDs. Disc and thick disc are described with double exponentials, the spheroid is represented with a De Vaucouleurs density law. In order to assess the fit quality of a particular set of parameters, the colour distribution and luminosity function of synthetic photometry is compared to that of target stars selected from the blue sequence of the observed colour-magnitude diagrams. Through a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test we find that the classical decomposition halo-thin/thick disc is sufficient to reproduce the observations--no additional population is strictly necessary. In terms of solutions common to all three fields, we have found a thick disc scale length that is equal to (or slightly longer than) the thin disc scale.
163 - A. Aloisi 2007
We present new V and I-band HST/ACS photometry of I Zw 18, the most metal-poor blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxy in the nearby universe. It has been argued in the past that I Zw 18 is a very young system that started forming stars only < 500 Myr ago, b ut other work has hinted that older (> 1 Gyr) red giant branch (RGB) stars may also exist. Our new data, once combined with archival HST/ACS data, provide a deep and uncontaminated optical color-magnitude diagram (CMD) that now strongly indicates an RGB. The RGB tip (TRGB) magnitude yields a distance modulus (m-M)_0 = 31.30 +/- 0.17, i.e., D = 18.2 +/- 1.5 Mpc. The time-series nature of our observations allows us to also detect and characterize for the first time three classical Cepheids in I~Zw~18. The time-averaged Cepheid <V> and <I> magnitudes are compared to the VI reddening-free Wesenheit relation predicted from new non-linear pulsation models specifically calculated at the metallicity of I Zw 18. For the one bona-fide classical Cepheid with a period of 8.63 days this implies a distance modulus (m-M)_0 = 31.42 +/- 0.26. The other two Cepheids have unusually long periods (125.0 and 129.8 d) but are consistent with this distance. The coherent picture that emerges is that I Zw 18 is older and farther away than previously believed. This rules out the possibility that I Zw 18 is a truly primordial galaxy formed recently (z < 0.1) in the local universe.

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