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225 - Liming Ling , Xuan Sun 2021
We study the spectral (linear) stability and orbital (nonlinear) stability of the elliptic solutions for the focusing modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equation with respect to subharmonic perturbations and construct the corresponding breather soluti ons to exhibit the unstable or stable dynamic behavior. The elliptic function solutions of mKdV equation and the fundamental solutions of Lax pair are exactly represented by using the theta function. Based on the `modified squared wavefunction (MSW) method, we construct all linear independent solutions of the linearized KdV equation, and then provide a necessary and sufficient condition of the spectral stability for the elliptic function solutions with respect to subharmonic perturbations. In the case of spectrum stable, the orbital stability of the elliptic function solutions with respect to subharmonic perturbations is established under a suitable Hilbert space. Using Darboux-Backlund transformation, we construct the breather solutions to exhibit the unstable or stable dynamic behavior. Through analyzing the asymptotical behavior, we find the breather solution under the $mathrm{cn}$-background is equivalent to the elliptic function solution adding a small perturbation as $ttopminfty$.
The extreme events are investigated for an $n$-component nonlinear Schrodinger ($n$-NLS) system in the focusing Kerr-like nonlinear media, which appears in many physical fields. We report and discuss the novel multi-parametric families of vector rati onal rogue wave (RW) solutions featuring the parity-time (PT) symmetry, which are characterized by non-identical boundary conditions for the components, and consistent with the degeneracy of $n$ branches of Benjamin-Feir instability. Explicit examples of PT-symmetric vector RWs are presented. Some parameter constraints can make some components generate the RWs with high amplitudes due to many-body resonant interactions.Effect of a non-integrable deformation of the model on the excitation of vector RWs is also discussed. These results will be useful to design the RW experiments in multi-component physical systems.

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