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Experimental demonstrations of tunable correlation effects in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene have put two-dimensional moire quantum materials at the forefront of condensed-matter research. Other twisted few-layer graphitic structures, boron-nit ride, and homo- or hetero-stacks of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have further enriched the opportunities for analysis and utilization of correlations in these systems. Recently, within the latter material class, strong spin-orbit coupling or excitonic physics were experimentally explored. The observation of a Mott insulating state and other fascinating collective phenomena such as generalized Wigner crystals, stripe phases and quantum anomalous Hall insulators confirmed the relevance of many-body interactions, and demonstrated the importance of their extended range. Since the interaction, its range, and the filling can be tuned experimentally by twist angle, substrate engineering and gating, we here explore Fermi surface instabilities and resulting phases of matter of hetero-bilayer TMDs. Using an unbiased renormalization group approach, we establish in particular that hetero-bilayer TMDs are unique platforms to realize topological superconductivity with winding number $|mathcal{N}|=4$. We show that this state reflects in pronounced experimental signatures, such as distinct quantum Hall features.
We study symmetry-broken phases in twisted bilayer graphene at small filling above charge neutrality and at Van Hove filling. We argue that the Landau functionals for the particle-hole order parameters at these fillings both have an approximate SU(4) symmetry, but differ in the sign of quartic terms. We determine the order parameter manifold of the ground state and analyze its excitations. For small fillings, we find a strong 1st-order transition to an SU(3)$otimes$U(1) manifold of orders that break spin-valley symmetry and induce a 3-1 splitting of fermionic excitations. For Van Hove filling, we find a weak 1st-order transition to an SO(4)$otimes$U(1) manifold of orders that preserves the two-fold band degeneracy. We discuss the effect of particle-hole orders on superconductivity and compare with strong-coupling approaches.
We study a model of $N$ fermions in a quantum dot, coupled to $M$ bosons by a disorder-induced complex Yukawa coupling (Yukawa-SYK model), in order to explore the interplay between non-Fermi liquid and superconductivity in a strongly coupled, (quantu m-)critical environment. We analyze the phase diagram of the model for an arbitrary complex interaction and arbitrary ratio of $N/M$, with special focus on the two regimes of non-Fermi-liquid behavior: an SYK-like behavior with a power-law frequency dependence of the fermionic self-energy and an impurity-like behavior with frequency independent self-energy. We show that the crossover between the two. can be reached by varying either the strength of the fermion-boson coupling or the ratio $M/N$. We next argue that in both regimes the system is unstable to superconductivity if the strength of time-reversal-symmetry-breaking disorder is below a certain threshold. We show how the corresponding onset temperatures vary between the two regimes. We argue that the superconducting state is highly unconventional with an infinite set of minima of the condensation energy at $T=0$, corresponding to topologically different gap functions. We discuss in detail similarities and differences between this model and the model of dispersion-full fermions tuned to a metallic quantum-critical point, with an effective singular dynamical interaction $V(Omega) propto 1/|Omega|^gamma$ (the $gamma-$model).
Van Hove points are special points in the energy dispersion, where the density of states exhibits analytic singularities. When a Van Hove point is close to the Fermi level, tendencies towards density wave orders, Pomeranchuk orders, and superconducti vity can all be enhanced, often in more than one channel, leading to a competition between different orders and unconventional ground states. Here we consider the effects from higher-order Van Hove points, around which the dispersion is flatter than near a conventional Van Hove point, and the density of states has a power-law divergence. We argue that such points are present in intercalated graphene and other materials. We use an effective low-energy model for electrons near higher-order Van Hove points and analyze the competition between different ordering tendencies using an unbiased renormalization group approach. For purely repulsive interactions, we find that two key competitors are ferromagnetism and chiral superconductivity. For a small attractive exchange interaction, we find a new type of spin Pomeranchuk order, in which the spin order parameter winds around the Fermi surface. The supermetal state, predicted for a single higher-order Van Hove point, is an unstable fixed point in our case.
We study the quantum many-body instabilities of interacting electrons with SU(2)$times$SU(2) symmetry in spin and orbital degrees of freedom on the triangular lattice near van-Hove filling. Our work is motivated by effective models for the flat bands in hexagonal moire heterostructures like twisted bilayer boron nitride and trilayer graphene-boron nitride systems. We consider an extended Hubbard model including onsite Hubbard and Hunds couplings, as well as nearest-neighbor exchange interactions and analyze the different ordering tendencies with the help of an unbiased functional renormalization group approach. We find three classes of instabilities controlled by the filling and bare interactions. For a nested Fermi surface at van-Hove filling, Hund-like couplings induce a weak instability towards spin or orbital density wave phases. An SU(4) exchange interaction moves the system towards a Chern insulator, which is robust with respect to perturbations from Hund-like interactions or deviations from perfect nesting. Further, in an extended range of fillings and interactions, we find topological $dpm id$ and (spin-singlet)-(orbital-singlet) $f$-wave superconductivity.
In the nested limit of the spin-fermion model for the cuprates, one-dimensional physics in the form of half-filled two-leg ladders emerges. We show that the renormalization group flow of the corresponding ladder is towards the d-Mott phase, a gapped spin-liquid with short-ranged d-wave pairing correlations, and reveals an intermediate SO(5)$times$SO(3) symmetry. We use the results of the renormalization group in combination with a memory-function approach to calculate the optical conductivity of the spin-fermion model in the high-frequency regime, where processes within the hot spot region dominate the transport. We argue that umklapp processes play a major role. For finite temperatures, we determine the resistivity in the zero-frequency (dc) limit. Our results show an approximate linear temperature dependence of the resistivity and a conductivity that follows a non-universal power law. A comparison to experimental data supports our assumption that the conductivity is dominated by the antinodal contribution above the pseudogap.
We study the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity in a system composed of critical spin chains interacting with three dimensional conduction electrons and driven to criticality via an external magnetic field. The relevant experimental system is Yb$_2$Pt$_2$Pb, a metal where itinerant electrons coexist with localized moments of Yb-ions which can be described in terms of effective S = 1/2 spins with dominantly one-dimensional exchange interaction. The spin subsystem becomes critical in a relatively weak magnetic field, where it behaves like a Luttinger liquid. We theoretically examine a Kondo lattice with different effective space dimensionalities of the two interacting subsystems. We characterize the corresponding non-Fermi liquid behavior due to the spin criticality by calculating the electronic relaxation rate and the dc resistivity and establish its quasi linear temperature dependence.
We establish a scenario where fluctuations of new degrees of freedom at a quantum phase transition change the nature of a transition beyond the standard Landau-Ginzburg paradigm. To this end we study the quantum phase transition of gapless Dirac ferm ions coupled to a $mathbb{Z}_3$ symmetric order parameter within a Gross-Neveu-Yukawa model in 2+1 dimensions, appropriate for the Kekule transition in honeycomb lattice materials. For this model the standard Landau-Ginzburg approach suggests a first order transition due to the symmetry-allowed cubic terms in the action. At zero temperature, however, quantum fluctuations of the massless Dirac fermions have to be included. We show that they reduce the putative first-order character of the transition and can even render it continuous, depending on the number of Dirac fermions $N_f$. A non-perturbative functional renormalization group approach is employed to investigate the phase transition for a wide range of fermion numbers. For the first time we obtain the critical $N_f$, where the nature of the transition changes. Furthermore, it is shown that for large $N_f$ the change from the first to second order of the transition as a function of dimension occurs exactly in the physical 2+1 dimensions. We compute the critical exponents and predict sizable corrections to scaling for $N_f =2$.
We study the competition of spin- and charge-density waves and their quantum multicritical behavior for the semimetal-insulator transitions of low-dimensional Dirac fermions. Employing the effective Gross-Neveu-Yukawa theory with two order parameters as a model for graphene and a growing number of other two-dimensional Dirac materials allows us to describe the physics near the multicritical point at which the semimetallic and the spin- and charge-density-wave phases meet. With the help of a functional renormalization group approach, we are able to reveal a complex structure of fixed points, the stability properties of which decisively depend on the number of Dirac fermions $N_f$. We give estimates for the critical exponents and observe crucial quantitative corrections as compared to the previous first-order $epsilon$ expansion. For small $N_f$, the universal behavior near the multicritical point is determined by the chiral Heisenberg universality class supplemented by a decoupled, purely bosonic, Ising sector. At large $N_f$, a novel fixed point with nontrivial couplings between all sectors becomes stable. At intermediate $N_f$, including the graphene case ($N_f = 2$) no stable and physically admissible fixed point exists. Graphenes phase diagram in the vicinity of the intersection between the semimetal, antiferromagnetic and staggered density phases should consequently be governed by a triple point exhibiting first-order transitions.
We study the multicritical behavior for the semimetal-insulator transitions on graphenes honeycomb lattice using the Gross-Neveu-Yukawa effective theory with two order parameters: the SO(3) (Heisenberg) order parameter describes the antiferromagnetic transition, and the $mathbb{Z}_2$ (Ising) order parameter describes the transition to a staggered density state. Their coupling induces multicritical behavior which determines the structure of the phase diagram close to the multicritical point. Depending on the number of fermion flavors $N_f$ and working in the perturbative regime in vicinity of three (spatial) dimensions, we observe first order or continuous phase transitions at the multicritical point. For the graphene case of $N_f=2$ and within our low order approximation, the phase diagram displays a tetracritical structure.

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