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63 - H. Geng , G. Y. Qi , L. Sheng 2021
The three-dimensional (3D) quantum Hall effect (3DQHE) was initially proposed to be realized in systems with spontaneous charge-density-wave (CDW) or spin-density-wave (SDW), which has stimulated recent experimental progress in this direction. Here, instead of such intrinsic scenarios, we propose to realize the 3DQHE in a synthetic semiconductor superlattice. The superlattice is engineered along one direction, which is modeled by the Kronig-Penney type periodic potential. By applying a magnetic field along this direction, quantized 3D Hall conductivity can be achieved in certain parameter regimes, along with a vanishing transverse conductivity. We show that such results are robust against the disorder effect and can be hopefully realized by state-of-the-art fabrication techniques. Our work opens a new research avenue for exploring the 3DQHE in electronic superlattice structures.
159 - R. Ma , D. N. Sheng , L. Sheng 2020
We numerically study the three-dimensional (3D) quantum Hall effect (QHE) and magnetothermoelectric transport of Weyl semimetals in the presence of disorder. We obtain a bulk picture that the exotic 3D QHE emerges in a finite range of Fermi energy ne ar the Weyl points determined by the gap between the $n=-1$ and $n=1$ Landau levels (LLs). The quantized Hall conductivity is attributable to the chiral zeroth LLs traversing the gap, and is robust against disorder scattering for an intermediate number of layers in the direction of the magnetic field. Moreover, we predict several interesting characteristic features of the thermoelectric transport coefficients in the 3D QHE regime, which can be probed experimentally. This may open an avenue for exploring Weyl physics in topological materials.
75 - Huichao Li , L. Sheng , R. Shen 2013
The quantum spin Hall (QSH) effect is known to be unstable to perturbations violating time-reversal symmetry. We show that creating a narrow ferromagnetic (FM) region near the edge of a QSH sample can push one of the counterpropagating edge states to the inner boundary of the FM region, and leave the other at the outer boundary, without changing their spin polarizations and propagation directions. Since the two edge states are spatially separated into different lanes, the QSH effect becomes robust against symmetry-breaking perturbations.
Topological phase transitions in a three-dimensional (3D) topological insulator (TI) with an exchange field of strength $g$ are studied by calculating spin Chern numbers $C^pm(k_z)$ with momentum $k_z$ as a parameter. When $|g|$ exceeds a critical va lue $g_c$, a transition of the 3D TI into a Weyl semimetal occurs, where two Weyl points appear as critical points separating $k_z$ regions with different first Chern numbers. For $|g|<g_c$, $C^pm(k_z)$ undergo a transition from $pm 1$ to 0 with increasing $|k_z|$ to a critical value $k_z^{tiny C}$. Correspondingly, surface states exist for $|k_z| < k_z^{tiny C}$, and vanish for $|k_z| ge k_z^{tiny C}$. The transition at $|k_z| = k_z^{tiny C}$ is acompanied by closing of spin spectrum gap rather than energy gap.
115 - Huichao Li , L. Sheng , 2012
We propose a topological understanding of the quantum spin Hall state without considering any symmetries, and it follows from the gauge invariance that either the energy gap or the spin spectrum gap needs to close on the system edges, the former scen ario generally resulting in counterpropagating gapless edge states. Based upon the Kane-Mele model with a uniform exchange field and a sublattice staggered confining potential near the sample boundaries, we demonstrate the existence of such gapless edge states and their robust properties in the presence of impurities. These gapless edge states are protected by the band topology alone, rather than any symmetries.
100 - Huichao Li , L. Sheng , 2011
We show that a thin film of a three-dimensional topological insulator (3DTI) with an exchange field is a realization of the famous Haldane model for quantum Hall effect (QHE) without Landau levels. The exchange field plays the role of staggered fluxe s on the honeycomb lattice, and the hybridization gap of the surface states is equivalent to alternating on-site energies on the AB sublattices. A peculiar phase diagram for the QHE is predicted in 3DTI thin films under an applied magnetic field, which is quite different from that either in traditional QHE systems or in graphene.
236 - R. Ma , L. Sheng , R. Shen 2009
We numerically study the quantum Hall effect (QHE) in bilayer graphene based on tight-binding model in the presence of disorder. Two distinct QHE regimes are identified in the full energy band separated by a critical region with non-quantized Hall Ef fect. The Hall conductivity around the band center (Dirac point) shows an anomalous quantization proportional to the valley degeneracy, but the $ u=0$ plateau is markedly absent, which is in agreement with experimental observation. In the presence of disorder, the Hall plateaus can be destroyed through the float-up of extended levels toward the band center and higher plateaus disappear first. The central two plateaus around the band center are most robust against disorder scattering, which is separated by a small critical region in between near the Dirac point. The longitudinal conductance around the Dirac point is shown to be nearly a constant in a range of disorder strength, till the last two QHE plateaus completely collapse.
We design an ingenious scheme to realize the Haldanes quantum Hall model without Landau level by using ultracold atoms trapped in an optical lattice. Three standing-wave laser beams are used to construct a wanted honeycomb lattice, where different on -site energies in two sublattices required in the Haldanes model can be implemented through tuning the phase of one of the laser beams. The staggered magnetic field is generated from the Berry phase associated with the atom moving in a region with other three standing-wave laser beams. Moreover, we establish a relation between the Hall conductivity and the equilibrium atomic density upon turning on a stimulated uniform magnetic field, which enables us to detect the topological Chern number with the density profile measurement technique that is typically used in ultracold atoms experiments.
We present a topological description of quantum spin Hall effect (QSHE) in a two-dimensional electron system on honeycomb lattice with both intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit couplings. We show that the topology of the band insulator can be characterize d by a $2times 2$ traceless matrix of first Chern integers. The nontrivial QSHE phase is identified by the nonzero diagonal matrix elements of the Chern number matrix (CNM). A spin Chern number is derived from the CNM, which is conserved in the presence of finite disorder scattering and spin nonconserving Rashba coupling. By using the Laughlins gedanken experiment, we numerically calculate the spin polarization and spin transfer rate of the conducting edge states, and determine a phase diagram for the QSHE.
90 - D. N. Sheng , L. Sheng , 2006
We numerically study the interplay of band structure, topological invariant and disorder effect in two-dimensional electron system of graphene in a magnetic field. Two emph{distinct} quantum Hall effect (QHE) regimes exist in the energy band with the unconventional half-integer QHE appearing near the band center, consistent with the experimental observation. The latter is more robust against disorder scattering than the conventional QHE states near the band edges. The phase diagram for the unconventional QHE is obtained where the destruction of the Hall plateaus at strong disorder is through the float-up of extended levels toward band center and higher plateaus always disappear first. We further predict a new insulating phase between $ u =pm 2$ QHE states at the band center, which may explain the experimentally observed resistance discontinuity near zero gate voltage.

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