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The discovery of magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene (tTLG) adds a new twist to the family of graphene moire. The additional graphene layer unlocks a series of intriguing properties in the superconducting phase, such as the violation of Pauli limit and re-entrant superconductivity at large in-plane magnetic field. In this work, we integrate magic-angle tTLG into a double-layer structure to study the superconducting phase. Utilizing proximity screening from the adjacent metallic layer, we examine the stability of the superconducting phase and demonstrate that Coulomb repulsion competes against the mechanism underlying Cooper pairing. Furthermore, we use a combination of transport and thermodynamic measurements to probe the isospin order, which shows that the isospin configuration at half moire filling, and for the nearby fermi surface, is spin-polarized and valley-unpolarized. In addition, we show that valley isospin plays a dominating role in the Pomeranchuk effect, whereas the spin degree of freedom is frozen, which indicates small valley isospin stiffness and large spin stiffness in tTLG. Taken together, our findings provide important constraints for theoretical models aiming to understand the nature of superconductivity. A possible scenario is that electron-phonon coupling stabilizes a superconducting phase with a spin-triplet, valley singlet order parameter.
Non-equilibrium dynamics of strongly correlated systems constitutes a fascinating problem of condensed matter physics with many open questions. Here we investigate the relaxation dynamics of Landau-quantized electron system into spin-valley polarized ground state in a gate-tunable MoSe$_2$ monolayer subjected to a strong magnetic field. The system is driven out of equilibrium with optically injected excitons that depolarize the electron spins and the subsequent electron spin-valley relaxation is probed in time-resolved experiments. We demonstrate that the relaxation rate at millikelvin temperatures sensitively depends on the Landau level filling factor: it becomes faster whenever the electrons form an integer quantum Hall liquid and slows down appreciably at non-integer fillings. Our findings evidence that valley relaxation dynamics may be used as a tool to investigate the interplay between the effects of disorder and strong interactions in the electronic ground state.
In this study, the electrostatically induced quantum confinement structure, quantum point contact, has been realized in p-type trilayer tungsten diselenide-based van der Waals heterostructure with modified van der Waals contact method with degenerate ly doped transition metal dichalcogenide crystals. Clear quantized conductance and pinch-off state through the one-dimensional confinement were observed by dual-gating of split gate electrodes and top gate. Conductance plateaus were observed at step of 0.5 $times$ 2e$^{2}$/h at zero and high magnetic field in addition to quarter plateaus at a finite bias voltage condition indicating the signature of spin-polarized quantum point contact realization.
We demonstrate superconducting vertical interconnect access (VIA) contacts to a monolayer of molybdenum disulfide (MoS$_2$), a layered semiconductor with highly relevant electronic and optical properties. As a contact material we use MoRe, a supercon ductor with a high critical magnetic field and high critical temperature. The electron transport is mostly dominated by a single superconductor/normal conductor junction with a clear superconductor gap. In addition, we find MoS$_2$ regions that are strongly coupled to the superconductor, resulting in resonant Andreev tunneling and junction dependent gap characteristics, suggesting a superconducting proximity effect. Magnetoresistance measurements show that the bandstructure and the high intrinsic carrier mobility remain intact in the bulk of the MoS$_2$. This type of VIA contact is applicable to a large variety of layered materials and superconducting contacts, opening up a path to monolayer semiconductors as a platform for superconducting hybrid devices.
Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MA-TBG) exhibits intriguing quantum phase transitions triggered by enhanced electron-electron interactions when its flat-bands are partially filled. However, the phases themselves and their connection to the puta tive non-trivial topology of the flat bands are largely unexplored. Here we report transport measurements revealing a succession of doping-induced Lifshitz transitions that are accompanied by van Hove singularities (VHS) which facilitate the emergence of correlation-induced gaps and topologically non-trivial sub-bands. In the presence of a magnetic field, well quantized Hall plateaus at filling of 1, 2, 3 carriers per moire-cell reveal the sub-band topology and signal the emergence of Chern insulators with Chern-numbers, ! = !, !, !, respectively. Surprisingly, for magnetic fields exceeding 5T we observe a VHS at a filling of 3.5, suggesting the possibility of a fractional Chern insulator. This VHS is accompanied by a crossover from low-temperature metallic, to high-temperature insulating behavior, characteristic of entropically driven Pomeranchuk-like transitions,
401 - S. Omar , M. Gurram , K. Watanabe 2020
The current generation of spintronic devices, which use electron-spin relies on linear operations for spin-injection, transport and detection processes. The existence of nonlinearity in a spintronic device is indispensable for spin-based complex sign al processing operations. Here we for the first time demonstrate the presence of electron-spin dependent nonlinearity in a spintronic device, and measure up to 4th harmonic spin-signals via nonlocal spin-valve and Hanle spin-precession measurements. We demonstrate its application for analog signal processing over pure spin-signals such as amplitude modulation and heterodyne detection operations which require nonlinearity as an essential element. Furthermore, we show that the presence of nonlinearity in the spin-signal has an amplifying effect on the energy-dependent conductivity induced nonlinear spin-to-charge conversion effect. The interaction of the two spin-dependent nonlinear effects in the spin transport channel leads to a highly efficient detection of the spin-signal without using ferromagnets. These effects are measured both at 4K and room temperature, and are suitable for their applications as nonlinear circuit elements in the fields of advanced-spintronics and spin-based neuromorphic computing.
The ability to control the strength of interaction is essential for studying quantum phenomena emerging from a system of correlated fermions. For example, the isotope effect illustrates the effect of electron-phonon coupling on superconductivity, pro viding an important experimental support for the BCS theory. In this work, we report a new device geometry where the magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) is placed in close proximity to a Bernal bilayer graphene (BLG) separated by a 3 nm thick barrier. Using charge screening from the Bernal bilayer, the strength of electron-electron Coulomb interaction within the twisted bilayer can be continuously tuned. Transport measurements show that tuning Coulomb screening has opposite effect on the insulating and superconducting states: as Coulomb interaction is weakened by screening, the insulating states become less robust, whereas the stability of superconductivity is enhanced. Out results demonstrate the ability to directly probe the role of Coulomb interaction in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene. Most importantly, the effect of Coulomb screening points toward electron-phonon coupling as the dominant mechanism for Cooper pair formation, and therefore superconductivity, in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene.
Coherent charge transport along ballistic paths can be introduced into graphene by Andreev reflection, for which an electron reflects from a superconducting contact as a hole, while a Cooper pair is transmitted. We use a liquid-helium cooled scanning gate microscope (SGM) to image Andreev reflection in graphene in the magnetic focusing regime, where carriers move along cyclotron orbits between contacts. Images of flow are obtained by deflecting carrier paths and displaying the resulting change in conductance. When electrons enter the the superconductor, Andreev-reflected holes leave for the collecting contact. To test the results, we destroy Andreev reflection with a large current and by heating above the critical temperature. In both cases, the reflected carriers change from holes to electrons.
The universal quantization of thermal conductance provides information on the topological order of a state beyond electrical conductance. Such measurements have become possible only recently, and have discovered, in particular, that the value of the observed thermal conductance of the 5/2 state is not consistent with either the Pfaffian or the anti-Pfaffian model, motivating several theoretical articles. The analysis of the experiments has been made complicated by the presence of counter-propagating edge channels arising from edge reconstruction, an inevitable consequence of separating the dopant layer from the GaAs quantum well. In particular, it has been found that the universal quantization requires thermalization of downstream and upstream edge channels. Here we measure the thermal conductance in hexagonal boron nitride encapsulated graphene devices of sizes much smaller than the thermal relaxation length of the edge states. We find the quantization of thermal conductance within 5% accuracy for { u} = 1, 4/3, 2 and 6 plateaus and our results strongly suggest the absence of edge reconstruction for fractional quantum Hall in graphene, making it uniquely suitable for interference phenomena exploiting paths of exotic quasiparticles along the edge.
We have developed multi-gap resistive plate chambers (MRPCs) with 2.5 x 200 cm2 readout strips for the time-of-flight (TOF) detector system of the LEPS2 experiment at SPring-8. These chambers consist of 2 stacks and 5 gas gaps per stack, in a mirrore d configuration. A time resolution of sigma ~ 80 ps was achieved for any position within a strip (at above 99% detection efficiency); after performing the time-charge slewing correction, this value could be reduced to 60 ps. A link between the small contribution of the slewing correction to timing and the suppression of modal dispersion in the detector could be established.

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