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The theory of spectral filtering is a remarkable tool to understand the statistical properties of learning with kernels. For least squares, it allows to derive various regularization schemes that yield faster convergence rates of the excess risk than with Tikhonov regularization. This is typically achieved by leveraging classical assumptions called source and capacity conditions, which characterize the difficulty of the learning task. In order to understand estimators derived from other loss functions, Marteau-Ferey et al. have extended the theory of Tikhonov regularization to generalized self concordant loss functions (GSC), which contain, e.g., the logistic loss. In this paper, we go a step further and show that fast and optimal rates can be achieved for GSC by using the iterated Tikhonov regularization scheme, which is intrinsically related to the proximal point method in optimization, and overcomes the limitation of the classical Tikhonov regularization.
Unsupervised image representations have significantly reduced the gap with supervised pretraining, notably with the recent achievements of contrastive learning methods. These contrastive methods typically work online and rely on a large number of exp licit pairwise feature comparisons, which is computationally challenging. In this paper, we propose an online algorithm, SwAV, that takes advantage of contrastive methods without requiring to compute pairwise comparisons. Specifically, our method simultaneously clusters the data while enforcing consistency between cluster assignments produced for different augmentations (or views) of the same image, instead of comparing features directly as in contrastive learning. Simply put, we use a swapped prediction mechanism where we predict the cluster assignment of a view from the representation of another view. Our method can be trained with large and small batches and can scale to unlimited amounts of data. Compared to previous contrastive methods, our method is more memory efficient since it does not require a large memory bank or a special momentum network. In addition, we also propose a new data augmentation strategy, multi-crop, that uses a mix of views with different resolutions in place of two full-resolution views, without increasing the memory or compute requirements much. We validate our findings by achieving 75.3% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet with ResNet-50, as well as surpassing supervised pretraining on all the considered transfer tasks.
We introduce a family of multilayer graph kernels and establish new links between graph convolutional neural networks and kernel methods. Our approach generalizes convolutional kernel networks to graph-structured data, by representing graphs as a seq uence of kernel feature maps, where each node carries information about local graph substructures. On the one hand, the kernel point of view offers an unsupervised, expressive, and easy-to-regularize data representation, which is useful when limited samples are available. On the other hand, our model can also be trained end-to-end on large-scale data, leading to new types of graph convolutional neural networks. We show that our method achieves competitive performance on several graph classification benchmarks, while offering simple model interpretation. Our code is freely available at https://github.com/claying/GCKN.
Substring kernels are classical tools for representing biological sequences or text. However, when large amounts of annotated data are available, models that allow end-to-end training such as neural networks are often preferred. Links between recurre nt neural networks (RNNs) and substring kernels have recently been drawn, by formally showing that RNNs with specific activation functions were points in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). In this paper, we revisit this link by generalizing convolutional kernel networks---originally related to a relaxation of the mismatch kernel---to model gaps in sequences. It results in a new type of recurrent neural network which can be trained end-to-end with backpropagation, or without supervision by using kernel approximation techniques. We experimentally show that our approach is well suited to biological sequences, where it outperforms existing methods for protein classification tasks.
In this paper, we introduce various mechanisms to obtain accelerated first-order stochastic optimization algorithms when the objective function is convex or strongly convex. Specifically, we extend the Catalyst approach originally designed for determ inistic objectives to the stochastic setting. Given an optimization method with mild convergence guarantees for strongly convex problems, the challenge is to accelerate convergence to a noise-dominated region, and then achieve convergence with an optimal worst-case complexity depending on the noise variance of the gradients. A side contribution of our work is also a generic analysis that can handle inexact proximal operators, providing new insights about the robustness of stochastic algorithms when the proximal operator cannot be exactly computed.
In this paper, we propose a unified view of gradient-based algorithms for stochastic convex composite optimization by extending the concept of estimate sequence introduced by Nesterov. This point of view covers the stochastic gradient descent method, variants of the approaches SAGA, SVRG, and has several advantages: (i) we provide a generic proof of convergence for the aforementioned methods; (ii) we show that this SVRG variant is adaptive to strong convexity; (iii) we naturally obtain new algorithms with the same guarantees; (iv) we derive generic strategies to make these algorithms robust to stochastic noise, which is useful when data is corrupted by small random perturbations. Finally, we show that this viewpoint is useful to obtain new accelerated algorithms in the sense of Nesterov.
Pre-training general-purpose visual features with convolutional neural networks without relying on annotations is a challenging and important task. Most recent efforts in unsupervised feature learning have focused on either small or highly curated da tasets like ImageNet, whereas using uncurated raw datasets was found to decrease the feature quality when evaluated on a transfer task. Our goal is to bridge the performance gap between unsupervised methods trained on curated data, which are costly to obtain, and massive raw datasets that are easily available. To that effect, we propose a new unsupervised approach which leverages self-supervision and clustering to capture complementary statistics from large-scale data. We validate our approach on 96 million images from YFCC100M, achieving state-of-the-art results among unsupervised methods on standard benchmarks, which confirms the potential of unsupervised learning when only uncurated data are available. We also show that pre-training a supervised VGG-16 with our method achieves 74.9% top-1 classification accuracy on the validation set of ImageNet, which is an improvement of +0.8% over the same network trained from scratch. Our code is available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/DeeperCluster.
In this paper, we propose a unified view of gradient-based algorithms for stochastic convex composite optimization by extending the concept of estimate sequence introduced by Nesterov. More precisely, we interpret a large class of stochastic optimiza tion methods as procedures that iteratively minimize a surrogate of the objective, which covers the stochastic gradient descent method and variants of the incremental approaches SAGA, SVRG, and MISO/Finito/SDCA. This point of view has several advantages: (i) we provide a simple generic proof of convergence for all of the aforementioned methods; (ii) we naturally obtain new algorithms with the same guarantees; (iii) we derive generic strategies to make these algorithms robust to stochastic noise, which is useful when data is corrupted by small random perturbations. Finally, we propose a new accelerated stochastic gradient descent algorithm and an accelerated SVRG algorithm with optimal complexity that is robust to stochastic noise.
145 - Arthur Mensch 2018
Cognitive brain imaging is accumulating datasets about the neural substrate of many different mental processes. Yet, most studies are based on few subjects and have low statistical power. Analyzing data across studies could bring more statistical pow er; yet the current brain-imaging analytic framework cannot be used at scale as it requires casting all cognitive tasks in a unified theoretical framework. We introduce a new methodology to analyze brain responses across tasks without a joint model of the psychological processes. The method boosts statistical power in small studies with specific cognitive focus by analyzing them jointly with large studies that probe less focal mental processes. Our approach improves decoding performance for 80% of 35 widely-different functional-imaging studies. It finds commonalities across tasks in a data-driven way, via common brain representations that predict mental processes. These are brain networks tuned to psychological manipulations. They outline interpretable and plausible brain structures. The extracted networks have been made available; they can be readily reused in new neuro-imaging studies. We provide a multi-study decoding tool to adapt to new data.
55 - Nikita Dvornik 2018
Performing data augmentation for learning deep neural networks is well known to be important for training visual recognition systems. By artificially increasing the number of training examples, it helps reducing overfitting and improves generalizatio n. For object detection, classical approaches for data augmentation consist of generating images obtained by basic geometrical transformations and color changes of original training images. In this work, we go one step further and leverage segmentation annotations to increase the number of object instances present on training data. For this approach to be successful, we show that modeling appropriately the visual context surrounding objects is crucial to place them in the right environment. Otherwise, we show that the previous strategy actually hurts. With our context model, we achieve significant mean average precision improvements when few labeled examples are available on the VOC12 benchmark.

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