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Hyperbolic lattices are a new form of synthetic quantum matter in which particles effectively hop on a discrete tessellation of two-dimensional hyperbolic space, a non-Euclidean space of uniform negative curvature. To describe the single-particle eig enstates and eigenenergies for hopping on such a lattice, a hyperbolic generalization of band theory was previously constructed, based on ideas from algebraic geometry. In this hyperbolic band theory, eigenstates are automorphic functions, and the Brillouin zone is a higher-dimensional torus, the Jacobian of the compactified unit cell understood as a higher-genus Riemann surface. Three important questions were left unanswered: (1) whether a band theory can be expected to hold for a non-Euclidean lattice, where translations do not generally commute; (2) whether a formal Bloch theorem can be rigorously established; and (3) whether hyperbolic band theory can describe finite lattices realized in experiment. In the present work, we address all three questions simultaneously. By formulating periodic boundary conditions for finite but arbitrarily large lattices, we show that a generalized Bloch theorem can be rigorously proved, but may or may not involve higher-dimensional irreducible representations (irreps) of the nonabelian translation group, depending on the lattice geometry. Higher-dimensional irreps corrrespond to points in a moduli space of higher-rank stable holomorphic vector bundles, which further generalizes the notion of Brillouin zone beyond the Jacobian. For a large class of finite lattices, only one-dimensional irreps appear, and the hyperbolic band theory previously developed becomes exact.
In the presence of certain symmetries, three-dimensional Dirac semimetals can harbor not only surface Fermi arcs, but also surface Dirac cones. Motivated by the experimental observation of rotation-symmetry-protected Dirac semimetal states in iron-ba sed superconductors, we investigate the potential intrinsic topological phases in a $C_{4z}$-rotational invariant superconducting Dirac semimetal with $s_{pm}$-wave pairing. When the normal state harbors only surface Fermi arcs on the side surfaces, we find that an interesting gapped superconducting state with a quartet of Majorana cones on each side surface can be realized, even though the first-order topology of its bulk is trivial. When the normal state simultaneously harbors surface Fermi arcs and surface Dirac cones, we find that a second-order time-reversal invariant topological superconductor with helical Majorana hinge states can be realized. The criteria for these two distinct topological phases have a simple geometric interpretation in terms of three characteristic surfaces in momentum space. By reducing the bulk material to a thin film normal to the axis of rotation symmetry, we further find that a two-dimensional first-order time-reversal invariant topological superconductor can be realized if the inversion symmetry is broken by applying a gate voltage. Our work reveals that diverse topological superconducting phases and types of Majorana modes can be realized in superconducting Dirac semimetals.
Recent advances in experiment and theory suggest that superfluid $^3$He under planar confinement may form a pair-density wave (PDW) whereby superfluid and crystalline orders coexist. While a natural candidate for this phase is a unidirectional stripe phase predicted by Vorontsov and Sauls in 2007, recent nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of the superfluid order parameter rather suggest a two-dimensional PDW with noncollinear wavevectors, of possibly square or hexagonal symmetry. In this work, we present a general mechanism by which a PDW with the symmetry of a triangular lattice can be stabilized, based on a superfluid generalization of Landaus theory of the liquid-solid transition. A soft-mode instability at finite wavevector within the translationally invariant planar-distorted B phase triggers a transition from uniform superfluid to PDW that is first order due to a cubic term generally present in the PDW free-energy functional. This cubic term also lifts the degeneracy of possible PDW states in favor of those for which wavevectors add to zero in triangles, which in two dimensions uniquely selects the triangular lattice.
We study lanthanum mononitride LaN by first-principles calculations. The commonly reported rock-salt structure of $Fmbar{3}m$ symmetry for rare-earth monopnictides is found dynamically unstable for LaN at zero temperature. Using density functional th eory and evolutionary crystal prediction, we discover a new, dynamically stable structure with $P1$ symmetry at 0 K. This $P1$-LaN exhibits spontaneous electric polarization. Our ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of finite-temperature phonon spectra further suggest that LaN will undergo ferroelectric and structural transitions from $P1$ to $Fmbar{3}m$ symmetry, when temperature is increased. Moreover, $P1$-LaN will transform to a tetragonal structure with $P4/nmm$ symmetry at a critical pressure $P=18$ GPa at 0 K. Electronic structures computed with an advanced hybrid functional show that the high-temperature rock-salt LaN can change from a trivial insulator to a strong topological insulator at $P sim 14$ GPa. Together, our results indicate that when $P=14 - 18$ GPa, LaN can show simultaneous temperature-induced structural, ferroelectric, and topological transitions. Lanthanum monopnictides thereby provide a rich playground for exploring novel phases and phase transitions driven by temperature and pressure.
Compact quantum electrodynamics (CQED$_3$) with Dirac fermionic matter provides an adequate framework for elucidating the universal low-energy physics of a wide variety of (2+1)D strongly correlated systems. Fractionalized states of matter correspond to its deconfined phases, where the gauge field is effectively noncompact, while conventional broken-symmetry phases are associated with confinement triggered by the proliferation of monopole-instantons. While much attention has been devoted lately to the symmetry classification of monopole operators in massless CQED$_3$ and related 3D conformal field theories, explicit derivations of instanton dynamics in parton gauge theories with fermions have been lacking. In this work, we use semiclassical methods analogous to those used by t Hooft in the solution of the $U(1)$ problem in 4D quantum chromodynamics (QCD) to explicitly demonstrate the symmetry-breaking effect of instantons in CQED$_3$ with massive fermions, motivated by a fermionic parton description of hard-core bosons on a lattice. By contrast with the massless case studied by Marston, we find that massive fermions possess Euclidean zero modes exponentially localized to the center of the instanton. Such Euclidean zero modes produce in turn an effective four-fermion interaction -- known as the t Hooft vertex in QCD -- which naturally leads to two possible superfluid phases for the original microscopic bosons: a conventional single-particle condensate or an exotic boson pair condensate without single-particle condensation.
An important yet largely unsolved problem in the statistical mechanics of disordered quantum systems is to understand how quenched disorder affects quantum phase transitions in systems of itinerant fermions. In the clean limit, continuous quantum pha se transitions of the symmetry-breaking type in Dirac materials such as graphene and the surfaces of topological insulators are described by relativistic (2+1)-dimensional quantum field theories of the Gross-Neveu-Yukawa (GNY) type. We study the universal critical properties of the chiral Ising, XY, and Heisenberg GNY models perturbed by quenched random-mass disorder, both uncorrelated or with long-range power-law correlations. Using the replica method combined with a controlled triple epsilon expansion below four dimensions, we find a variety of new finite-randomness critical and multicritical points with nonzero Yukawa coupling between low-energy Dirac fields and bosonic order parameter fluctuations, and compute their universal critical exponents. Analyzing bifurcations of the renormalization-group flow, we find instances of the fixed-point annihilation scenario---continuously tuned by the power-law exponent of long-range disorder correlations and associated with an exponentially large crossover length---as well as the transcritical bifurcation and the supercritical Hopf bifurcation. The latter is accompanied by the birth of a stable limit cycle on the critical hypersurface, which represents the first instance of fermionic quantum criticality with emergent discrete scale invariance.
The notions of Bloch wave, crystal momentum, and energy bands are commonly regarded as unique features of crystalline materials with commutative translation symmetries. Motivated by the recent realization of hyperbolic lattices in circuit quantum ele ctrodynamics, we exploit ideas from algebraic geometry to construct the first hyperbolic generalization of Bloch theory, despite the absence of commutative translation symmetries. For a quantum particle propagating in a hyperbolic lattice potential, we construct a continuous family of eigenstates that acquire Bloch-like phase factors under a discrete but noncommutative group of hyperbolic translations, the Fuchsian group of the lattice. A hyperbolic analog of crystal momentum arises as the set of Aharonov-Bohm phases threading the cycles of a higher-genus Riemann surface associated with this group. This crystal momentum lives in a higher-dimensional Brillouin zone torus, the Jacobian of the Riemann surface, over which a discrete set of continuous energy bands can be computed.
We use determinant quantum Monte Carlo (DQMC) simulations to study the role of electron-electron interactions on three-dimensional (3D) Dirac fermions based on the $pi$-flux model on a cubic lattice. We show that the Hubbard interaction drives the 3D Dirac semimetal to an antiferromagnetic (AF) insulator only above a finite critical interaction strength and the long-ranged AF order persists up to a finite temperature. We evaluate the critical interaction strength and temperatures using finite-size scaling of the spin structure factor. The critical behaviors are consistent with the (3+1)d Gross-Neveu universality class for the quantum critical point and 3D Heisenberg universality class for the thermal phase transitions. We further investigate correlation effects in birefringent Dirac fermion system. It is found that the critical interaction strength $U_c$ is decreased by reducing the velocity of the Dirac cone, quantifying the effect of velocity on the critical interaction strength in 3D Dirac fermion systems. Our findings unambiguously uncover correlation effects in 3D Dirac fermions, and may be observed using ultracold atoms in an optical lattice.
A key problem in the field of quantum criticality is to understand the nature of quantum phase transitions in systems of interacting itinerant fermions, motivated by experiments on a variety of strongly correlated materials. Much attention has been p aid in recent years to two-dimensional (2D) materials in which itinerant fermions acquire a pseudo-relativistic Dirac dispersion, such as graphene, topological insulator surfaces, and certain spin liquids. This article reviews the phenomenology and theoretical description of quantum phase transitions in systems of 2D Dirac fermions.
Recent sign-problem-free quantum Monte Carlo simulations of (2+1)-dimensional lattice quantum electrodynamics (QED$_3$) with $N_f$ flavors of fermions on the square lattice have found evidence of continuous quantum phase transitions between a critica l phase and a gapped valence-bond-solid (VBS) phase for flavor numbers $N_f=4$, $6$, and $8$. We derive the critical theory for these transitions, the chiral $O(2)$ QED$_3$-Gross-Neveu model, and show that the latter is equivalent to the gauged Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. Using known large-$N_f$ results for the latter, we estimate the order parameter anomalous dimension and the correlation length exponent for the transitions mentioned above. We obtain large-$N_f$ results for the dimensions of fermion bilinear operators, in both the gauged and ungauged chiral $O(2)$ Gross-Neveu models, which respectively describe the long-distance power-law decay of two-particle correlation functions at the VBS transition in lattice QED$_3$ and the Kekule-VBS transition for correlated fermions on the honeycomb lattice.

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