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We present rest-frame $B$ and $I$ imaging of 35 low-redshift ($z < 0.5$) Palomar-Green quasars using the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3. We perform multi-component two-dimensional image decomposition to separate the host galaxy from its b right active nucleus, characterize its morphology, and measure its photometric properties. Special care is devoted to quantifying the structural parameters of the galaxy bulge, determine its $B-I$ color, and estimate its stellar mass. Roughly half of the sample, comprising the less luminous ($L_{5100} lesssim 10^{45},mathrm{erg,s^{-1}}$) but most high Eddington ratio quasars, reside in disk galaxies that are often barred and possess pseudo bulges. The large stellar masses, large effective radii, and faint surface brightnesses suggest that the host galaxies of the most luminous quasars are mostly ellipticals. Major mergers constitute only a minority ($lesssim 20%$) of our sample. Our quasar sample roughly obeys the scaling relations between black hole mass and host galaxy (bulge, core, total) stellar mass. Hosts with black holes more massive than $sim 10^8,M_odot$ behave similarly to classical bulges and early-type galaxies, while those with less massive black holes, particular the narrow-line Seyfert 1s, are consistent with pseudo bulges in late-type galaxies. The host galaxy bulges, irrespective of whether they are classical or pseudo, follow the relatively tight inverse relation between effective radius and mean effective surface brightness of inactive classical bulges and ellipticals. We argue that pseudo bulges experience recent or ongoing nuclear star formation.
The molecular gas serves as a key probe of the complex interplay between black hole accretion and star formation in the host galaxies of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). We use CO(2-1) observations from a new ALMA survey, in conjunction with literature measurements, to investigate the molecular gas properties of a representative sample of 40 z<0.3 Palomar-Green quasars, the largest and most sensitive study of molecular gas emission to date for nearby quasars. We find that the AGN luminosity correlates with both the CO luminosity and black hole mass, suggesting that AGN activity is loosely coupled to the cold gas reservoir of the host. The observed strong correlation between host galaxy total infrared luminosity and AGN luminosity arises from their common dependence on the molecular gas. We argue that the total infrared luminosity, at least for low-redshift quasars, can be used to derive reliable star formation rates for the host galaxy. The host galaxies of low-redshift quasars have molecular gas content similar to that of star-forming galaxies of comparable stellar mass. Moreover, they share similar gas kinematics, as evidenced by their CO Tully-Fisher relation and the absence of detectable molecular outflows down to sensitive limits. There is no sign that AGN feedback quenches star formation for the quasars in our sample. On the contrary, the abundant gas supply forms stars prodigiously, at a rate that places most of them above the star-forming main sequence and with an efficiency that rivals that of starburst systems.
The properties of the molecular gas can shed light on the physical conditions of quasar host galaxies and the effect of feedback from accreting supermassive black holes. We present a new CO(2-1) survey of 23 z<0.1 Palomar-Green quasars conducted with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. CO emission was successfully detected in 91% (21/23) of the objects, from which we derive CO luminosities, molecular gas masses, and velocity line widths. Together with CO(1-0) measurements in the literature for 32 quasars (detection rate 53%), there are 15 quasars with both CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) measurements and in total 40 sources with CO measurements. We find that the line ratio R_21 = L_CO(2-1)/L_CO(1-0) is subthermal, broadly consistent with nearby galaxies and other quasars previously studied. No clear correlation is found between R_21 and the intensity of the interstellar radiation field or the luminosity of the active nucleus. As with the general galaxy population, quasar host galaxies exhibit a strong, tight, linear L_IR-L_CO relation, with a normalization consistent with that of starburst systems. We investigate the molecular-to-total gas mass fraction with the aid of total gas masses inferred from dust masses previously derived from infrared observations. Although the scatter is considerable, the current data do not suggest that the CO-to-H_2 conversion factor of quasar host galaxies significantly differs from that of normal star-forming galaxies.
In a popular scenario for the coevolution of massive black holes and galaxies, major mergers of gas-rich galaxies fuel vigorous star formation and obscured (type 2) quasar activity until energy feedback from the active galactic nucleus clears away th e gas and dust to reveal an unobscured (type 1) quasar. Under this scenario, the precursor type 2 quasars should be more gas-rich than their type 1 counterparts, and both types of quasars are expected to be gas-deficient relative to normal, star-forming galaxies of similar stellar mass. We test this evolutionary hypothesis by investigating the infrared (~ 1-500 micron) spectral energy distribution of 86 optically selected z < 0.5 type 2 quasars, matched in redshift and [O III] luminosity to a comparison sample of type 1 quasars. Contrary to expectations, the gas content of the host galaxies of type 2 quasars is nearly indistinguishable from that of type 1 quasar hosts, and neither type exhibits the predicted deficit in gas relative to normal galaxies. The gas mass fraction of quasar hosts appears unaffected by the bolometric luminosity of the active nucleus, although their interstellar radiation field is preferentially higher than that of normal galaxies, potentially implicating active galactic nucleus heating of the large-scale galactic dust.
The interstellar medium is a key ingredient that governs star formation in galaxies. We present a detailed study of the infrared (~ 1-500 micron) spectral energy distributions of a large sample of 193 nearby (z ~ 0.088) luminous infrared galaxies (LI RGs) covering a wide range of evolutionary stages along the merger sequence. The entire sample has been observed uniformly by 2MASS, WISE, Spitzer, and Herschel. We perform multi-component decomposition of the spectra to derive physical parameters of the interstellar medium, including the intensity of the interstellar radiation field and the mass and luminosity of the dust. We also constrain the presence and strength of nuclear dust heated by active galactic nuclei. The radiation field of LIRGs tends to have much higher intensity than in quiescent galaxies, and it increases toward advanced merger stages as a result of central concentration of the interstellar medium and star formation. The total gas mass is derived from the dust mass and the galaxy stellar mass. We find that the gas fraction of LIRGs is on average ~ 0.3 dex higher than that of main-sequence star-forming galaxies, rising moderately toward advanced merger stages. All LIRGs have star formation rates that place them above the galaxy star formation main sequence. Consistent with recent observations and numerical simulations, the global star formation efficiency of the sample spans a wide range, filling the gap between normal star-forming galaxies and extreme starburst systems.
The interstellar medium is crucial to understanding the physics of active galaxies and the coevolution between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies. However, direct gas measurements are limited by sensitivity and other uncertainties. Dust provides an efficient indirect probe of the total gas. We apply this technique to a large sample of quasars, whose total gas content would be prohibitively expensive to measure. We present a comprehensive study of the full (1 to 500 micron) infrared spectral energy distributions of 87 redshift <0.5 quasars selected from the Palomar-Green sample, using photometric measurements from 2MASS, WISE, and Herschel, combined with Spitzer mid-infrared (5 to 40 micron) spectra. With a newly developed Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo fitting method, we decompose various overlapping contributions to the integrated spectral energy distribution, including starlight, warm dust from the torus, and cooler dust on galaxy scales. This procedure yields a robust dust mass, which we use to infer the gas mass, using a gas-to-dust ratio constrained by the host galaxy stellar mass. Most (90%) quasar hosts have gas fractions similar to those of massive, star-forming galaxies, although a minority (10%) seem genuinely gas-deficient, resembling present-day massive early-type galaxies. This result indicates that quasar mode feedback does not occur or is ineffective in the host galaxies of low-redshift quasars. We also find that quasars can boost the interstellar radiation field and heat dust on galactic scales. This cautions against the common practice of using the far-infrared luminosity to estimate the host galaxy star formation rate.
Binary active galactic nuclei (AGNs) provide clues to how gas-rich mergers trigger and fuel AGNs and how supermassive black hole (SMBH) pairs evolve in a gas-rich environment. While significant effort has been invested in their identification, the de tailed properties of binary AGNs and their host galaxies are still poorly constrained. In a companion paper, we examined the nature of ionizing sources in the double nuclei of four kpc-scale binary AGNs with redshifts between 0.1~0.2. Here, we present their host galaxy morphology based on F336W (U-band) and F105W (Y-band) images taken by the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. Our targets have double-peaked narrow emission lines and were confirmed to host binary AGNs with follow up observations. We find that kpc-scale binary AGNs occur in galaxy mergers with diverse morphological types. There are three major mergers with intermediate morphologies and a minor merger with a dominant disk component. We estimate the masses of the SMBHs from their host bulge stellar masses and obtain Eddington ratios for each AGN. Compared with a representative control sample drawn at the same redshift and stellar mass, the AGN luminosities and Eddington ratios of our binary AGNs are similar to those of single AGNs. The U-Y color maps indicate that clumpy star forming regions could significantly affect the X-ray detection of binary AGNs, e.g., the hardness ratio. Considering the weak X-ray emission in AGNs triggered in merger systems, we suggest that samples of X-ray selected AGNs may be biased against gas-rich mergers.
We demonstrate a new way of studying interplanetary magnetic field -- Ground State Alignment (GSA). Instead of sending thousands of space probes, GSA allows magnetic mapping with any ground telescope facilities equipped with spectropolarimeter. The p olarization of spectral lines that are pumped by the anisotropic radiation from the Sun is influenced by the magnetic realignment, which happens for magnetic field (<1G). As a result, the linear polarization becomes an excellent tracer of the embedded magnetic field. The method is illustrated by our synthetic observations of the Jupiters Io and comet Halley. Polarization at each point was constructed according to the local magnetic field detected by spacecrafts. Both spatial and temporal variations of turbulent magnetic field can be traced with this technique as well. The influence of magnetic field on the polarization of scattered light is discussed in detail. For remote regions like the IBEX ribbons discovered at the boundary of interstellar medium, GSA provides a unique diagnostics of magnetic field.

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