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We demonstrate that dislocations in two-dimensional non-Hermitian systems can give rise to density accumulation or depletion through the localization of an extensive number of states. These effects are shown by numerical simulations in a prototype la ttice model and expose a completely new face of non-Hermitian skin effect, by disentangling it from the need for boundaries. We identify a topological invariant responsible for the dislocation skin effect, which takes the form of a ${mathbb Z}_2$ Hopf index that depends on the Burgers vector characterizing the dislocations. Remarkably, we find that this effect and its corresponding signature for defects in Hermitian systems falls outside of the known topological classification based on bulk-defect correspondence.
There is a number of contradictory findings with regard to whether the theory describing easy-plane quantum antiferromagnets undergoes a second-order phase transition. The traditional Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson approach suggests a first-order phase trans ition, as there are two different competing order parameters. On the other hand, it is known that the theory has the property of self-duality which has been connected to the existence of a deconfined quantum critical point. The latter regime suggests that order parameters are not the elementary building blocks of the theory, but rather consist of fractionalized particles that are confined in both phases of the transition and only appear - deconfine - at the critical point. Nevertheless, numerical Monte Carlo simulations disagree with the claim of deconfined quantum criticality in the system, indicating instead a first-order phase transition. Here these contradictions are resolved by demonstrating via a duality transformation that a new critical regime exists analogous to the zero temperature limit of a certain classical statistical mechanics system. Because of this analogy, we dub this critical regime frozen. A renormalization group analysis bolsters this claim, allowing us to go beyond it and align previous numerical predictions of the first-order phase transition with the deconfined criticality in a consistent framework.
We derive an S=1 spin polaron model which describes the motion of a single hole introduced into the S=1 spin antiferromagnetic ground state of Ca2RuO4. We solve the model using the self-consistent Born approximation and show that its hole spectral fu nction qualitatively agrees with the experimentally observed high-binding energy part of the Ca2RuO4 photoemission spectrum. We explain the observed peculiarities of the photoemission spectrum by linking them to two anisotropies present in the employed model---the spin anisotropy and the hopping anisotropy. We verify that these anisotropies, and not the possible differences between the ruthenate (S=1) and the cuprate (S=1/2) spin polaron models, are responsible for the strong qualitative differences between the photoemission spectrum of Ca2RuO4 and of the undoped cuprates.
The electromagnetic response of topological insulators and superconductors is governed by a modified set of Maxwell equations that derive from a topological Chern-Simons (CS) term in the effective Lagrangian with coupling constant $kappa$. Here we co nsider a topological superconductor or, equivalently, an Abelian Higgs model in $2+1$ dimensions with a global $O(2N)$ symmetry in the presence of a CS term, but without a Maxwell term. At large $kappa$, the gauge field decouples from the complex scalar field, leading to a quantum critical behavior in the $O(2N)$ universality class. When the Higgs field is massive, the universality class is still governed by the $O(2N)$ fixed point. However, we show that the massless theory belongs to a completely different universality class, exhibiting an exotic critical behavior beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm. For finite $kappa$ above a certain critical value $kappa_c$, a quantum critical behavior with continuously varying critical exponents arises. However, as a function $kappa$ a transition takes place for $|kappa| < kappa_c$ where conformality is lost. Strongly modified scaling relations ensue. For instance, in the case where $kappa^2>kappa_c^2$, leading to the existence of a conformal fixed point, critical exponents are a function of $kappa$.
We develop a theory of the phonon mediated Casimir interaction between two point-like impurities, which is based on the single impurity scattering T-matrix approach. Within this, we show that the Casimir interaction at $T = 0$ falls off as a power la w with the distance between the impurities. We find that the power in the weak and in the unitary phonon-impurity scattering limits differs, and we relate the power law to the low-energy properties of the single impurity scattering T-matrix. In addition, we consider the Casimir interaction at finite temperature and show that at finite temperatures the Casimir interaction becomes exponential at large distances.
The Casimir effect, a two-body interaction via vacuum fluctuations, is a fundamental property of quantum systems. In solid state physics it emerges as a long-range interaction between two impurity atoms via virtual phonons. In the classical limit for the impurity atoms in $D$ dimensions the interaction is known to follow the universal power-law $U(r)sim r^{-D}$. However, for finite masses of the impurity atoms on a lattice, it was predicted to be $U(r)sim r^{-2D-1}$ at large distances. We examine how one power-law can change into another with increase of the impurity mass and in presence of an external potential. We provide the exact solution for the system in one-dimension. At large distances indeed $U(r)sim r^{-3}$ for finite impurity masses, while for the infinite impurity masses or in an external potential it crosses over to $U(r)sim r^{-1}$ . At short distances the Casimir interaction is not universal and depends on the impurity mass and the external potential.
We studied the nonlinear electric response in WTe2 and MoTe2 monolayers. When the inversion symmetry is breaking but the the time-reversal symmetry is preserved, a second-order Hall effect called the nonlinear anomalous Hall effect (NLAHE) emerges ow ing to the nonzero Berry curvature on the nonequilibrium Fermi surface. We reveal a strong NLAHE with a Hall-voltage that is quadratic with respect to the longitudinal current. The optimal current direction is normal to the mirror plane in these two-dimensional (2D) materials. The NLAHE can be sensitively tuned by an out-of-plane electric field, which induces a transition from a topological insulator to a normal insulator. Crossing the critical transition point, the magnitude of the NLAHE increases, and its sign is reversed. Our work paves the way to discover exotic nonlinear phenomena in inversion-symmetry-breaking 2D materials.
We study the competition between unconventional superconducting pairing and charge density wave (CDW) formation for the two-dimensional Edwards Hamiltonian at half filling, a very general two-dimensional transport model in which fermionic charge carr iers couple to a correlated background medium. Using the projective renormalization method we find that a strong renormalization of the original fermionic band causes a new hole-like Fermi surface to emerge near the center of the Brillouin zone, before it eventually gives rise to the formation of a charge density wave. On the new, disconnected parts of the Fermi surface superconductivity is induced with a sign-changing order parameter. We discuss these findings in the light of recent experiments on iron-based oxypnictide superconductors.
Using density-functional theory, we calculate the electronic bandstructure of single-layer graphene on top of hexagonal In_2Te_2 monolayers. The geometric configuration with In and Te atoms at centers of carbon hexagons leads to a Kekule texture with an ensuing bandgap of 20 meV. The alternative structure, nearly degenerate in energy, with the In and Te atoms on top of carbon sites is characterized instead by gapless spectrum with the original Dirac cones of graphene reshaped, depending on the graphene-indium chalcogenide distance, either in the form of an undoubled pseudo-spin one Dirac cone or in a quadratic band crossing point at the Fermi level. These electronic phases harbor charge fractionalization and topological Mott insulating states of matter.

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