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Improving our knowledge of the global properties of the Milky Way (MW) is critical for connecting the detailed measurements only possible within our own galaxy to our understanding of the broader galaxy population. To do this we utilise Gaussian Proc ess Regression (GPR), a method for making predictions from sparsely-sampled, multi-dimensional datasets that can capture both local and large-scale trends. We train GPR models to map from galaxy properties that are well-measured for both the MW and external galaxies to broadband fluxes in a wide variety of photometric bands. The galaxy properties we use to predict photometric characteristics are stellar mass, apparent axis ratio, star formation rate, bulge-to-total ratio, disk scale length, and bar vote fraction. We use these models to estimate the global UV (GALEX $FUV/NUV$), optical (SDSS $ugriz$) and IR (2MASS $JHKs$ and WISE $W1/W2/W3/W4$) photometric properties for the MW as they would be measured from outside, resulting in a full UV-to-IR spectral energy distribution (SED). We show for the first time that the MW must lie in the star-forming regime in standard UV and IR diagnostic diagrams, in contrast to its position in the green valley in optical colour-mass diagrams. This is characteristic of the population of red spiral galaxies, suggesting that the MW may be a member of that class. Although each GPR model only predicts one band at a time, we find that the resulting MW UV-IR SED is in good agreement with SEDs of local spirals with characteristics broadly similar to the MW, suggesting that we can combine the individual band fluxes with confidence. Our MW UV-IR SED will serve as a valuable tool for reconstructing the Milky Ways star formation history via the same tools used for external galaxies, allowing for comparisons of results from $textit{in situ}$ measurements to those from the methods used for extra-galactic objects.
Gas-phase abundances and abundance gradients provide much information on past stellar generations, and are powerful probes of how galaxies evolve. Gas abundance gradients in galaxies have been studied as functions of galaxies mass and size individual ly, but have largely not been considered across the galaxy mass--size plane. Thus, we investigate gas-phase abundance gradients across this plane, using a sample of over 1000 galaxies selected from the MApping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) spectroscopic survey. We find that gradients vary systematically such that above $10^{10}M_{odot}$, smaller galaxies display flatter gradients than larger galaxies at a given stellar mass. This mass--size behaviour cannot be explained by instrumental effects, nor is it simply a reflection of known trends between gradients and morphology. We explore multiple possibilities for a physical origin for this pattern, though further work is needed to establish a firm physical interpretation.
The DESI survey will observe more than 8 million candidate luminous red galaxies (LRGs) in the redshift range $0.3<z<1.0$. Here we present a preliminary version of the DESI LRG target selection developed using Legacy Surveys Data Release 8 $g$, $r$, $z$ and $W1$ photometry. This selection yields a sample with a uniform surface density of ${sim},600$ deg$^{-2}$and very low predicted stellar contamination and redshift failure rates. During DESI Survey Validation, updat
We present measurements of the redshift-dependent clustering of a DESI-like luminous red galaxy (LRG) sample selected from the Legacy Survey imaging dataset, and use the halo occupation distribution (HOD) framework to fit the clustering signal. The p hotometric LRG sample in this study contains 2.7 million objects over the redshift range of $0.4 < z < 0.9$ over 5655 deg$^2$. We have developed new photometric redshift (photo-$z$) estimates using the Legacy Survey DECam and WISE photometry, with $sigma_{mathrm{NMAD}} = 0.02$ precision for LRGs. We compute the projected correlation function using new methods that maximize signal-to-noise ratio while incorporating redshift uncertainties. We present a novel algorithm for dividing irregular survey geometries into equal-area patches for jackknife resampling. For a five-parameter HOD model fit using the MultiDark halo catalog, we find that there is little evolution in HOD parameters except at the highest redshifts. The inferred large-scale structure bias is largely consistent with constant clustering amplitude over time. In an appendix, we explore limitations of Markov chain Monte Carlo fitting using stochastic likelihood estimates resulting from applying HOD methods to N-body catalogs, and present a new technique for finding best-fit parameters in this situation. Accompanying this paper we have released the Photometric Redshifts for the Legacy Surveys (PRLS) catalog of photo-$z$s obtained by applying the methods used in this work to the full Legacy Survey Data Release 8 dataset. This catalog provides accurate photometric redshifts for objects with $z < 21$ over more than 16,000 deg$^2$ of sky.
Community access to deep (i ~ 25), highly-multiplexed optical and near-infrared multi-object spectroscopy (MOS) on 8-40m telescopes would greatly improve measurements of cosmological parameters from LSST. The largest gain would come from improvements to LSST photometric redshifts, which are employed directly or indirectly for every major LSST cosmological probe; deep spectroscopic datasets will enable reduced uncertainties in the redshifts of individual objects via optimized training. Such spectroscopy will also determine the relationship of galaxy SEDs to their environments, key observables for studies of galaxy evolution. The resulting data will also constrain the impact of blending on photo-zs. Focused spectroscopic campaigns can also improve weak lensing cosmology by constraining the intrinsic alignments between the orientations of galaxies. Galaxy cluster studies can be enhanced by measuring motions of galaxies in and around clusters and by testing photo-z performance in regions of high density. Photometric redshift and intrinsic alignment studies are best-suited to instruments on large-aperture telescopes with wider fields of view (e.g., Subaru/PFS, MSE, or GMT/MANIFEST) but cluster investigations can be pursued with smaller-field instruments (e.g., Gemini/GMOS, Keck/DEIMOS, or TMT/WFOS), so deep MOS work can be distributed amongst a variety of telescopes. However, community access to large amounts of nights for surveys will still be needed to accomplish this work. In two companion white papers we present gains from shallower, wide-area MOS and from single-target imaging and spectroscopy.
We present catalogs of calibrated photometry and spectroscopic redshifts in the Extended Groth Strip, intended for studies of photometric redshifts (photo-zs). The data includes ugriz photometry from CFHTLS and Y-band photometry from the Subaru Supri me camera, as well as spectroscopic redshifts from the DEEP2, DEEP3 and 3D-HST surveys. These catalogs incorporate corrections to produce effectively matched-aperture photometry across all bands, based upon object size information available in the catalog and Moffat profile point spread function fits. We test this catalog with a simple machine learning-based photometric redshift algorithm based upon Random Forest regression, and find that the corrected aperture photometry leads to significant improvement in photo-z accuracy compared to the original SExtractor catalogs from CFHTLS and Subaru. The deep ugrizY photometry and spectroscopic redshifts are well-suited for empirical tests of photometric redshift algorithms for LSST. The resulting catalogs are publicly available. We include a basic summary of the strategy of the DEEP3 Galaxy Redshift Survey to accompany the recent public release of DEEP3 data.
We describe the algorithm used to select the Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) sample for the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV) using photometric data from both the SDSS and the Wide-Field I nfrared Survey Explorer (WISE). LRG targets are required to meet a set of color selection criteria and have z-band and i-band MODEL magnitudes z < 19.95 and 19.9 < i < 21.8, respectively. Our algorithm selects roughly 50 LRG targets per square degree, the great majority of which lie in the redshift range 0.6 < z < 1.0 (median redshift 0.71). We demonstrate that our methods are highly effective at eliminating stellar contamination and lower-redshift galaxies. We perform a number of tests using spectroscopic data from SDSS-III/BOSS to determine the redshift reliability of our target selection and its ability to meet the science requirements of eBOSS. The SDSS spectra are of high enough signal-to-noise ratio that at least 89% of the target sample yields secure redshift measurements. We also present tests of the uniformity and homogeneity of the sample, demonstrating that it should be clean enough for studies of the large-scale structure of the universe at higher redshifts than SDSS-III/BOSS LRGs reached.
Using data from the DEEP2 galaxy redshift survey and the All Wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey we obtain stacked X-ray maps of galaxies at 0.7 < z < 1.0 as a function of stellar mass. We compute the total X-ray counts of these gala xies and show that in the soft band (0.5--2,kev) there exists a significant correlation between galaxy X-ray counts and stellar mass at these redshifts. The best-fit relation between X-ray counts and stellar mass can be characterized by a power law with a slope of 0.58 +/- 0.1. We do not find any correlation between stellar mass and X-ray luminosities in the hard (2--7,kev) and ultra-hard (4--7,kev) bands. The derived hardness ratios of our galaxies suggest that the X-ray emission is degenerate between two spectral models, namely point-like power-law emission and extended plasma emission in the interstellar medium. This is similar to what has been observed in low redshift galaxies. Using a simple spectral model where half of the emission comes from power-law sources and the other half from the extended hot halo we derive the X-ray luminosities of our galaxies. The soft X-ray luminosities of our galaxies lie in the range 10^39-8x10^40, ergs/s. Dividing our galaxy sample by the criteria U-B > 1, we find no evidence that our results for X-ray scaling relations depend on optical color.
We describe a new method of combining optical and infrared photometry to select Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) at redshifts $z > 0.6$. We explore this technique using a combination of optical photometry from CFHTLS and HST, infrared photometry from the WISE satellite, and spectroscopic or photometric redshifts from the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey or COSMOS. We present a variety of methods for testing the success of our selection, and present methods for optimization given a set of rest-frame color and redshift requirements. We have tested this selection in two different regions of the sky, the COSMOS and Extended Groth Strip (EGS) fields, to reduce the effect of cosmic/sample variance. We have used these methods to assemble large samples of LRGs for two different ancillary programs as a part of the SDSS-III/ BOSS spectroscopic survey. This technique is now being used to select $sim$600,000 LRG targets for SDSS-IV/eBOSS, which began observations in Fall 2014, and will be adapted for the proposed DESI survey. We have found these methods can select high-redshift LRGs efficiently with minimal stellar contamination; this is extremely difficult to achieve with selections that rely on optical photometry alone.
This paper describes a new catalog that supplements the existing DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey photometric and spectroscopic catalogs with ugriz photometry from two other surveys; the Canada-France-Hawaii Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) and the Sloan Digital S ky Survey (SDSS). Each catalog is cross-matched by position on the sky in order to assign ugriz photometry to objects in the DEEP2 catalogs. We have recalibrated the CFHTLS photometry where it overlaps DEEP2 in order to provide a more uniform dataset. We have also used this improved photometry to predict DEEP2 BRI photometry in regions where only poorer measurements were available previously. In addition, we have included improved astrometry tied to SDSS rather than USNO-A2.0 for all DEEP2 objects. In total this catalog contains ~27,000 objects with full ugriz photometry as well as robust spectroscopic redshift measurements, 64% of which have r > 23. By combining the secure and accurate redshifts of the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey with ugriz photometry, we have created a catalog that can be used as an excellent testbed for future photo-z studies, including tests of algorithms for surveys such as LSST and DES.

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