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This paper considers two-player zero-sum finite-horizon Markov games with simultaneous moves. The study focuses on the challenging settings where the value function or the model is parameterized by general function classes. Provably efficient algorit hms for both decoupled and {coordinated} settings are developed. In the {decoupled} setting where the agent controls a single player and plays against an arbitrary opponent, we propose a new model-free algorithm. The sample complexity is governed by the Minimax Eluder dimension -- a new dimension of the function class in Markov games. As a special case, this method improves the state-of-the-art algorithm by a $sqrt{d}$ factor in the regret when the reward function and transition kernel are parameterized with $d$-dimensional linear features. In the {coordinated} setting where both players are controlled by the agent, we propose a model-based algorithm and a model-free algorithm. In the model-based algorithm, we prove that sample complexity can be bounded by a generalization of Witness rank to Markov games. The model-free algorithm enjoys a $sqrt{K}$-regret upper bound where $K$ is the number of episodes. Our algorithms are based on new techniques of alternate optimism.
Eluder dimension and information gain are two widely used methods of complexity measures in bandit and reinforcement learning. Eluder dimension was originally proposed as a general complexity measure of function classes, but the common examples of wh ere it is known to be small are function spaces (vector spaces). In these cases, the primary tool to upper bound the eluder dimension is the elliptic potential lemma. Interestingly, the elliptic potential lemma also features prominently in the analysis of linear bandits/reinforcement learning and their nonparametric generalization, the information gain. We show that this is not a coincidence -- eluder dimension and information gain are equivalent in a precise sense for reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces.
This work introduces Bilinear Classes, a new structural framework, which permit generalization in reinforcement learning in a wide variety of settings through the use of function approximation. The framework incorporates nearly all existing models in which a polynomial sample complexity is achievable, and, notably, also includes new models, such as the Linear $Q^*/V^*$ model in which both the optimal $Q$-function and the optimal $V$-function are linear in some known feature space. Our main result provides an RL algorithm which has polynomial sample complexity for Bilinear Classes; notably, this sample complexity is stated in terms of a reduction to the generalization error of an underlying supervised learning sub-problem. These bounds nearly match the best known sample complexity bounds for existing models. Furthermore, this framework also extends to the infinite dimensional (RKHS) setting: for the the Linear $Q^*/V^*$ model, linear MDPs, and linear mixture MDPs, we provide sample complexities that have no explicit dependence on the explicit feature dimension (which could be infinite), but instead depends only on information theoretic quantities.
One of the central problems in machine learning is domain adaptation. Unlike past theoretical work, we consider a new model for subpopulation shift in the input or representation space. In this work, we propose a provably effective framework for doma in adaptation based on label propagation. In our analysis, we use a simple but realistic expansion assumption, proposed in citet{wei2021theoretical}. Using a teacher classifier trained on the source domain, our algorithm not only propagates to the target domain but also improves upon the teacher. By leveraging existing generalization bounds, we also obtain end-to-end finite-sample guarantees on the entire algorithm. In addition, we extend our theoretical framework to a more general setting of source-to-target transfer based on a third unlabeled dataset, which can be easily applied in various learning scenarios. Inspired by our theory, we adapt consistency-based semi-supervised learning methods to domain adaptation settings and gain significant improvements.
Over-parametrization is an important technique in training neural networks. In both theory and practice, training a larger network allows the optimization algorithm to avoid bad local optimal solutions. In this paper we study a closely related tensor decomposition problem: given an $l$-th order tensor in $(R^d)^{otimes l}$ of rank $r$ (where $rll d$), can variants of gradient descent find a rank $m$ decomposition where $m > r$? We show that in a lazy training regime (similar to the NTK regime for neural networks) one needs at least $m = Omega(d^{l-1})$, while a variant of gradient descent can find an approximate tensor when $m = O^*(r^{2.5l}log d)$. Our results show that gradient descent on over-parametrized objective could go beyond the lazy training regime and utilize certain low-rank structure in the data.
Self-supervised representation learning solves auxiliary prediction tasks (known as pretext tasks), that do not require labeled data, to learn semantic representations. These pretext tasks are created solely using the input features, such as predicti ng a missing image patch, recovering the color channels of an image from context, or predicting missing words, yet predicting this $known $information helps in learning representations effective for downstream prediction tasks. This paper posits a mechanism based on conditional independence to formalize how solving certain pretext tasks can learn representations that provably decreases the sample complexity of downstream supervised tasks. Formally, we quantify how approximate independence between the components of the pretext task (conditional on the label and latent variables) allows us to learn representations that can solve the downstream task with drastically reduced sample complexity by just training a linear layer on top of the learned representation.
This paper proposes a new mean-field framework for over-parameterized deep neural networks (DNNs), which can be used to analyze neural network training. In this framework, a DNN is represented by probability measures and functions over its features ( that is, the function values of the hidden units over the training data) in the continuous limit, instead of the neural network parameters as most existing studies have done. This new representation overcomes the degenerate situation where all the hidden units essentially have only one meaningful hidden unit in each middle layer, and further leads to a simpler representation of DNNs, for which the training objective can be reformulated as a convex optimization problem via suitable re-parameterization. Moreover, we construct a non-linear dynamics called neural feature flow, which captures the evolution of an over-parameterized DNN trained by Gradient Descent. We illustrate the framework via the standard DNN and the Residual Network (Res-Net) architectures. Furthermore, we show, for Res-Net, when the neural feature flow process converges, it reaches a global minimal solution under suitable conditions. Our analysis leads to the first global convergence proof for over-parameterized neural network training with more than $3$ layers in the mean-field regime.
Deep neural networks can empirically perform efficient hierarchical learning, in which the layers learn useful representations of the data. However, how they make use of the intermediate representations are not explained by recent theories that relat e them to shallow learners such as kernels. In this work, we demonstrate that intermediate neural representations add more flexibility to neural networks and can be advantageous over raw inputs. We consider a fixed, randomly initialized neural network as a representation function fed into another trainable network. When the trainable network is the quadratic Taylor model of a wide two-layer network, we show that neural representation can achieve improved sample complexities compared with the raw input: For learning a low-rank degree-$p$ polynomial ($p geq 4$) in $d$ dimension, neural representation requires only $tilde{O}(d^{lceil p/2 rceil})$ samples, while the best-known sample complexity upper bound for the raw input is $tilde{O}(d^{p-1})$. We contrast our result with a lower bound showing that neural representations do not improve over the raw input (in the infinite width limit), when the trainable network is instead a neural tangent kernel. Our results characterize when neural representations are beneficial, and may provide a new perspective on why depth is important in deep learning.
Although model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) is a very successful algorithm in meta-learning practice, it can have high computational cost because it updates all model parameters over both the inner loop of task-specific adaptation and the outer-loop of meta initialization training. A more efficient algorithm ANIL (which refers to almost no inner loop) was proposed recently by Raghu et al. 2019, which adapts only a small subset of parameters in the inner loop and thus has substantially less computational cost than MAML as demonstrated by extensive experiments. However, the theoretical convergence of ANIL has not been studied yet. In this paper, we characterize the convergence rate and the computational complexity for ANIL under two representative inner-loop loss geometries, i.e., strongly-convexity and nonconvexity. Our results show that such a geometric property can significantly affect the overall convergence performance of ANIL. For example, ANIL achieves a faster convergence rate for a strongly-convex inner-loop loss as the number $N$ of inner-loop gradient descent steps increases, but a slower convergence rate for a nonconvex inner-loop loss as $N$ increases. Moreover, our complexity analysis provides a theoretical quantification on the improved efficiency of ANIL over MAML. The experiments on standard few-shot meta-learning benchmarks validate our theoretical findings.
A recent line of work studies overparametrized neural networks in the kernel regime, i.e. when the network behaves during training as a kernelized linear predictor, and thus training with gradient descent has the effect of finding the minimum RKHS no rm solution. This stands in contrast to other studies which demonstrate how gradient descent on overparametrized multilayer networks can induce rich implicit biases that are not RKHS norms. Building on an observation by Chizat and Bach, we show how the scale of the initialization controls the transition between the kernel (aka lazy) and rich (aka active) regimes and affects generalization properties in multilayer homogeneous models. We also highlight an interesting role for the width of a model in the case that the predictor is not identically zero at initialization. We provide a complete and detailed analysis for a family of simple depth-$D$ models that already exhibit an interesting and meaningful transition between the kernel and rich regimes, and we also demonstrate this transition empirically for more complex matrix factorization models and multilayer non-linear networks.

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