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The intriguing phenomenon of many-body localization (MBL) has attracted significant interest recently, but a complete characterization is still lacking. In this work, we introduce the total correlations, a concept from quantum information theory capt uring multi-partite correlations, to the study of this phenomenon. We demonstrate that the total correlations of the diagonal ensemble provides a meaningful diagnostic tool to pin-down, probe, and better understand the MBL transition and ergodicity breaking in quantum systems. In particular, we show that the total correlations has sub-linear dependence on the system size in delocalized, ergodic phases, whereas we find that it scales extensively in the localized phase developing a pronounced peak at the transition. We exemplify the power of our approach by means of an exact diagonalization study of a Heisenberg spin chain in a disordered field.
We analyze the non-Markovian character of the dynamics of an open two-level atom interacting with a gas of ultra-cold fermions. In particular, we discuss the connection between the phenomena of orthogonality catastrophe and Fermi edge singularity occ urring in such a kind of environment and the memory-keeping effects which are displayed in the time evolution of the open system.
The local quench of a Fermi gas, giving rise to the Fermi edge singularity and the Anderson orthogonality catastrophe, is a rare example of an analytically tractable out of equilibrium problem in condensed matter. It describes the universal physics w hich occurs when a localized scattering potential is suddenly introduced in a Fermi sea leading to a brutal disturbance of the quantum state. It has recently been proposed that the effect could be efficiently simulated in a controlled manner using the tunability of ultra-cold atoms. In this work, we analyze the quench problem in a gas of trapped ultra-cold fermions from a thermodynamic perspective using the full statistics of the so called work distribution. The statistics of work are shown to provide an accurate insight into the fundamental physics of the process.

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