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Current induced forces are not only related with the discrete nature of electrons but also with its quantum character. It is natural then to wonder about the effect of decoherence. Here, we develop the theory of current induced forces including depha sing processes and we apply it to study adiabatic quantum motors (AQMs). The theory is based on Buttikers fictitious probe model which here is reformulated for this particular case. We prove that it accomplishes fluctuation-dissipation theorem. We also show that, in spite of decoherence, the total work performed by the current induced forces remains equal to the pumped charge per cycle times the voltage. We find that decoherence affects not only the current induced forces of the system but also its intrinsic friction and noise, modifying in a non trivial way the efficiency of AQMs. We apply the theory to study an AQM inspired by a classical peristaltic pump where we surprisingly find that decoherence can play a crucial role by triggering its operation. Our results can help to understand how environmentally induced dephasing affects the quantum behavior of nano-mechanical devices.
In a completely systematic and geometric way, we derive maximal and half-maximal supersymmetric gauged double field theories in lower than ten dimensions. To this end, we apply a simple twisting ansatz to the $D=10$ ungauged maximal and half-maximal supersymmetric double field theories constructed previously within the so-called semi-covariant formalism. The twisting ansatz may not satisfy the section condition. Nonetheless, all the features of the semi-covariant formalism, including its complete covariantizability, are still valid after the twist under alternative consistency conditions. The twist allows gaugings as supersymmetry preserving deformations of the $D=10$ untwisted theories after Scherk-Schwarz-type dimensional reductions. The maximal supersymmetric twist requires an extra condition to ensure both the Ramond-Ramond gauge symmetry and the $32$ supersymmetries unbroken.
We present a model for decoherence in time-dependent transport. It boils down into a form of wave function that undergoes a smooth stochastic drift of the phase in a local basis, the Quantum Drift (QD) model. This drift is nothing else but a local en ergy fluctuation. Unlike Quantum Jumps (QJ) models, no jumps are present in the density as the evolution is unitary. As a first application, we address the transport through a resonant state $leftvert 0rightrangle $ that undergoes decoherence. We show the equivalence with the decoherent steady state transport in presence of a B{u}ttikers voltage probe. In order to test the dynamics, we consider two many-spin systems whith a local energy fluctuation. A two-spin system is reduced to a two level system (TLS) that oscillates among $leftvert 0rightrangle $ $equiv $ $ leftvert uparrow downarrow rightrangle $ and $leftvert 1rightrangle equiv $ $leftvert downarrow uparrow rightrangle $. We show that QD model recovers not only the exponential damping of the oscillations in the low perturbation regime, but also the non-trivial bifurcation of the damping rates at a critical point, i.e. the quantum dynamical phase transition. We also address the spin-wave like dynamics of local polarization in a spin chain. The QD average solution has about half the dispersion respect to the mean dynamics than QJ. By evaluating the Loschmidt Echo (LE), we find that the pure states $leftvert 0rightrangle $ and $leftvert 1right rangle $ are quite robust against the local decoherence. In contrast, the LE, and hence coherence, decays faster when the system is in a superposition state. Because its simple implementation, the method is well suited to assess decoherent transport problems as well as to include decoherence in both one-body and many-body dynamics.
We report electrical conductance measurements of Bi nanocontacts created by repeated tip-surface indentation using a scanning tunneling microscope at temperatures of 4 K and 300 K. As a function of the elongation of the nanocontact we measure robust, tens of nanometers long plateaus of conductance G0 = 2e^2/h at room temperature. This observation can be accounted for by the mechanical exfoliation of a Bi(111) bilayer, a predicted QSH insulator, in the retracing process following a tip-surface contact. The formation of the bilayer is further supported by the additional observation of conductance steps below G0 before break-up at both temperatures. Our finding provides the first experimental evidence of the possibility of mechanical exfoliation of Bi bilayers, of the existence of the QSH phase in a two-dimensional crystal, and, most importantly, of the observation of the QSH phase at room temperature.
We have investigated the antiferromagnetic insulating phase of the Mott-Hubbard insulator V$_2$O$_3$ by resonant x-ray Bragg diffraction at the vanadium K-edge. Combining the information obtained from azimuthal angle scans, linear incoming polarizati on scans and by fitting collected data to the scattering amplitude derived from the established chemical I2/a and magnetic space groups we provide evidence of the ordering motif of anapolar moments (which results from parity violation coupling to an electromagnetic field). Experimental data (azimuthal dependence and polarization analysis) collected at space-group forbidden Bragg reflections are successfully accounted within our model in terms of vanadium magnetoelectric multipoles. We demonstrate that resonant x-ray diffraction intensities in all space-group forbidden Bragg reflections of the kind $(hkl)_m$ with odd $h$ are produced by an E1-E2 event. The determined tensorial parameters offer a test for ab-initio calculations in this material, that can lead to a deeper and more quantitative understanding of the physical properties of V$_2$O$_3$.
We provide a list of explicit eigenfunctions of the trigonometric Calogero-Sutherland Hamiltonian associated to the root system of the exceptional Lie algebra E8. The quantum numbers of these solutions correspond to the first and second order weights of the Lie algebra.
By computing spin-polarized electronic transport across a finite zigzag graphene ribbon bridging two metallic graphene electrodes, we demonstrate, as a proof of principle, that devices featuring 100% magnetoresistance can be built entirely out of car bon. In the ground state a short zig-zag ribbon is an antiferromagnetic insulator which, when connecting two metallic electrodes, acts as a tunnel barrier that suppresses the conductance. Application of a magnetic field turns the ribbon ferromagnetic and conducting, increasing dramatically the current between electrodes. We predict large magnetoresistance in this system at liquid nitrogen temperature and 10 Tesla or at liquid helium temperature and 300 Gauss.
The optical spectroscopy of a single InAs quantum dot doped with a single Mn atom is studied using a model Hamiltonian that includes the exchange interactions between the spins of the quantum dot electron-hole pair, the Mn atom and the acceptor hole. Our model permits to link the photoluminescence spectra to the Mn spin states after photon emission. We focus on the relation between the charge state of the Mn, $A^0$ or $A^-$, and the different spectra which result through either band-to-band or band-to-acceptor transitions. We consider both neutral and negatively charged dots. Our model is able to account for recent experimental results on single Mn doped InAs PL spectra and can be used to account for future experiments in GaAs quantum dots. Similarities and differences with the case of single Mn doped CdTe quantum dots are discussed.
We present ab initio calculations of the evolution of anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) in Ni nanocontacts from the ballistic to the tunnel regime. We find an extraordinary enhancement of AMR, compared to bulk, in two scenarios. In systems without localized states, like chemically pure break junctions, large AMR only occurs if the orbital polarization of the current is large, regardless of the anisotropy of the density of states. In systems that display localized states close to the Fermi energy, like a single electron transistor with ferromagnetic electrodes, large AMR is related to the variation of the Fermi energy as a function of the magnetization direction.
We address the electronic structure and magnetic properties of vacancies and voids both in graphene and graphene ribbons. Using a mean field Hubbard model, we study the appearance of magnetic textures associated to removing a single atom (vacancy) an d multiple adjacent atoms (voids) as well as the magnetic interactions between them. A simple set of rules, based upon Lieb theorem, link the atomic structure and the spatial arrangement of the defects to the emerging magnetic order. The total spin $S$ of a given defect depends on its sublattice imbalance, but some defects with S=0 can still have local magnetic moments. The sublattice imbalance also determines whether the defects interact ferromagnetically or antiferromagnetically with one another and the range of these magnetic interactions is studied in some simple cases. We find that in semiconducting armchair ribbons and two-dimensional graphene without global sublattice imbalance there is maximum defect density above which local magnetization disappears. Interestingly, the electronic properties of semiconducting graphene ribbons with uncoupled local moments are very similar to those of diluted magnetic semiconductors, presenting giant Zeeman splitting.

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