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Novel categories of electronic devices and quantum materials are obtained by pipelining the unitary evolution of electron quantum states as described by Schroedingers equation with non-unitary processes that interrupt the coherent propagation of elec trons. These devices and materials reside in the fascinating transition regime between quantum mechanics and classical physics. The devices are designed such that a nonreciprocal unitary state evolution is achieved by means of a broken inversion symmetry, for example as induced at material interfaces. This coherent state evolution is interrupted by individual inelastic scattering events caused by defects coupled to an environment. Two-terminal non-unitary quantum devices, for example, feature nonreciprocal conductance in linear response. Thus, they are exemptions to Onsagers reciprocal relation, and they challenge the second law of thermodynamics. Implementing the device function into the unit cells of materials or meta-materials yields novel functionalities in 2D and 3D materials, at interfaces, and in heterostructures.
161 - J. Mannhart , P. Bredol , D. Braak 2018
We present the concept of nonreciprocal interferometers. These two-way devices let particles pass in both directions, but in one direction break the phase of the particles wave functions. Such filters can be realized by using, for example, asymmetric quantum rings. Furthermore, we propose arrangements of these interferometers to obtain larger interferometers which are expected to exhibit a puzzling behavior that resembles Maxwell demon action. We indicate an opportunity to resolve this puzzle experimentally.
A superconducting phase with an extremely low carrier density of the order of 10^13 cm^-2 is present at LaAlO3-SrTiO3 interfaces. If depleted from charge carriers by means of a gate field, this superconducting phase undergoes a transition into a meta llic/insulating state that is still characterized by a gap in the spectral density of states. Measuring and analyzing the critical field of this gap, we provide evidence that macroscopically phase-coherent Cooper pairs are present in the metallic/insulating state. This is characterized by fluctuating vortex-antivortex pairs, and not by individual, immobile Cooper pairs. The measurements furthermore yield the carrier-density dependence of the superconducting coherence length of the two-dimensional system.
We discuss a scenario for interface-induced superconductivity involving pairing by dipolar excitations proximate to a two-dimensional electron system controlled by a transverse electric field. If the interface consists of transition metal oxide mater ials, the repulsive on-site Coulomb interaction is typically strong and a superconducting state is formed via exchange of non-local dipolar excitations in the d-wave channel. Perspectives to enhance the superconducting transition temperature are discussed.
This article addresses the question whether the magnetic flux of stationary vortices or of half flux quanta generated by frustrated superconducting rings is noisy. It is found that the flux noise generated intrinsically by a superconductor is, in goo d approximation, not enhanced by stationary vortices. Half flux quanta generated by $pi$-rings are characterized by considerably larger noise.
111 - J. Mannhart 2006
The purpose of this article is to discuss a view concerning key datasets of the properties of grain boundaries in high-Tc superconductors that was recently expressed in Ref. 1. The reference also criticizes our research. Using examples I disprove this criticism.

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