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We show that the probability distribution of the stationary state of a dissipative ac-driven two-level system exhibits discontinuities, i.e. jumps, for parameters at which coherent destruction of tunneling takes place. These discontinuities can be ob served as jumps in the emission of the Mollow triplet. The jumps are the consequence of discontinuities in the transition rates, which we calculate numerically and analytically based on the secular Floquet-Redfield formalism.
We investigate quantum transport and thermoelectrical properties of a finite-size Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, a paradigmatic model for a one-dimensional topological insulator, which displays topologically protected edge states. By coupling the model to two fermionic reservoirs at its ends, we can explore the non-equilibrium dynamics of the system. Investigating the energy-resolved transmission, the current and the noise, we find that these observables can be used to detect the topologically non-trivial phase. With specific parameters and asymmetric reservoir coupling strengths, we show that we can dissipatively prepare the edge states as stationary states of a non-equilibrium configuration. In addition, we point out that the edge states can be exploited to design a refrigerator driven by chemical work or a heat engine driven by a thermal gradient, respectively. These thermal devices do not require asymmetric couplings and are topologically protected against symmetry-preserving perturbations. Their maximum efficiencies significantly exceed that of a single quantum dot device at comparable coupling strengths.
We investigate theoretically the non-linear dynamics of a coupled nanomechanical oscillator. Under a weak radio frequency excitation, the resonators can be parametrically tuned into a self-sustained oscillatory regime. The transfer of electrons from one contact to the other is then mechanically assisted, generating a rectified current. The direction of the rectified current is, in most unstable regions, determined by the phase shift between the mechanical oscillations and the signal. However, we locate intriguing parametrical regions of uni-directional rectified current, suggesting a practical scheme for the realization of a self-powered device in the nanoscale. In these regions, a dynamical symmetry breaking is induced by the non-linear coupling of the mechanical and electrical degrees of freedom. When operating within the Coulomb blockade limit, we locate bands of instability of enhanced gain.
We analyze the charge and spin dynamics in a DC biased double quantum dot driven by crossed DC and AC magnetic fields. In this configuration, spatial delocalization due to inter-dot tunnel competes with intra-dot spin rotations induced by the time de pendent magnetic field, giving rise to a complicated time dependent behavior of the tunnelling current. When the Zeeman splitting has the same value in both dots and spin flip is negligible, the electrons remain in the triplet subspace (dark subspace) performing coherent spin rotations and the current does not flow. This electronic trapping is removed either by finite spin relaxation or when the Zeeman splitting is different in each quantum dot. In the first case, our results show that measuring the current will allow to get information on the spin relaxation time. In the last case, we will show that applying a resonant bichromatic magnetic field, the electrons become trapped in a coherent superposition of states and electronic transport is blocked. Then, manipulating AC magnetic fields, electrons are driven to perform coherent spin rotations which can be unambiguously detected by direct measurement of the tunneling current.
190 - Ramon Aguado 1997
We propose a selfconsistent microscopic model of vertical sequential tunneling through a multi-quantum well.The model includes a detailed description of the contacts,uses the Transfer Hamiltonian for expressions of the current and it treats the Coulo mb interaction within a mean field approximation. We analyze the current density through a double well and a superlattice and study the formation of electric field domains and multistability coming from the Coulomb interaction. Phase diagrams of parameter regions (bias, doping in the heterostructure and in the contacts,etc) where the different solutions exist are given.
We have analyzed theoretically the effect of a laser on the tunneling current through a double barrier in the presence of a parallel magnetic field. The mag netotunneling current is modified by the light due to the photon emission and absorption proc esses which assist the tunneling of electrons through the struc ture. We observe that the effect of the light can be controlled by tuning the ration between the cyclotron and the photon frequencies, turning out that the when this ratio is one the accumulated charge into the well due to the light is drastically reduced. The change of the accumulated charge into the well due to the light and therefore the modification of the number of Landau levels contri- buting to the current is discussed.

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