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As the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo interferometers, soon to be joined by the KAGRA interferometer, increase their sensitivity, they detect an ever-larger number of gravitational waves with a significant presence of higher multipoles in addition to the dominant $(2, 2)$ multipole. These higher multipoles can be detected with different approaches, such as the minimally-modeled burst search methods, and here we discuss one such approach based on the coherent WaveBurst pipeline (cWB). During the inspiral phase the higher multipoles produce chirps whose instantaneous frequency is a multiple of the dominant (2, 2) multipole, and here we describe how cWB can be used to detect these spectral features. The search is performed within suitable regions of the time-frequency representation; their shape is determined by optimizing the Receiver Operating Characteristics. This novel method has already been used in the GW190814 discovery paper (Astrophys. J. Lett. 896 L44) and is very fast and flexible. Here we describe in full detail the procedure used to detect the (3,3) multipole in GW190814 as well as searches for other higher multipoles during the inspiral phase, and apply it to another event that displays higher multipoles, GW190412, replicating the results obtained with different methods. The procedure described here can be used for the fast analysis of higher multipoles and to support the findings obtained with the model-based Bayesian parameter estimates
Coincident observations with gravitational wave (GW) detectors and other astronomical instruments are in the focus of the experiments with the network of LIGO, Virgo and GEO detectors. They will become a necessary part of the future GW astronomy as t he next generation of advanced detectors comes online. The success of such joint observations directly depends on the source localization capabilities of the GW detectors. In this paper we present studies of the sky localization of transient sources with the future advanced detector networks and describe their fundamental properties. By reconstructing sky coordinates of ad hoc signals injected into simulated detector noise we study the accuracy of the source localization and its dependence on the strength of injected signals, waveforms and network configurations.
The new Data Acquisition system for the gravitational wave detector AURIGA has been designed from the ground up in order to take advantage of hardware and software platforms that became available in recent years; namely, i386 computers running Linux- based free software. This paper describes how advanced software development technologies, such as Object Oriented design and programming and CORBA infrastructure, were exploited to realize a robust, distributed, flexible, and extensible system. Every agent of the Data Acquisition System runs inside an heavyweight framework, conceived to transparently take care of all the agents intercommunication, synchronization, dataflow. It also presents an unified interface to the command and monitoring tools. The DAQ logic is entirely contained in each agents specialized code. In the case of AURIGA the dataflow is designed as a three tier: frontend, builder, consumer. Each tier is represented by a set of agents possibly running on different hosts. This system is well fit for projects on scales comparable to the AURIGA experiment: permanent and temporary data storage is based on the Frame format adopted by the gravitational wave community, and the design is reliable and fault-tolerant for low rate systems.

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