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Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been used in digital forensics to identify fake facial images. We investigated several DNN-based forgery forensics models (FFMs) to examine whether they are secure against adversarial attacks. We experimentally demons trated the existence of individual adversarial perturbations (IAPs) and universal adversarial perturbations (UAPs) that can lead a well-performed FFM to misbehave. Based on iterative procedure, gradient information is used to generate two kinds of IAPs that can be used to fabricate classification and segmentation outputs. In contrast, UAPs are generated on the basis of over-firing. We designed a new objective function that encourages neurons to over-fire, which makes UAP generation feasible even without using training data. Experiments demonstrated the transferability of UAPs across unseen datasets and unseen FFMs. Moreover, we conducted subjective assessment for imperceptibility of the adversarial perturbations, revealing that the crafted UAPs are visually negligible. These findings provide a baseline for evaluating the adversarial security of FFMs.
The rapid development of deep learning techniques has created new challenges in identifying the origin of digital images because generative adversarial networks and variational autoencoders can create plausible digital images whose contents are not p resent in natural scenes. In this paper, we consider the origin that can be broken down into three categories: natural photographic image (NPI), computer generated graphic (CGG), and deep network generated image (DGI). A method is presented for effectively identifying the origin of digital images that is based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) and uses a local-to-global framework to reduce training complexity. By feeding labeled data, the CNN is trained to predict the origin of local patches cropped from an image. The origin of the full-size image is then determined by majority voting. Unlike previous forensic methods, the CNN takes the raw pixels as input without the aid of residual map. Experimental results revealed that not only the high-frequency components but also the middle-frequency ones contribute to origin identification. The proposed method achieved up to 95.21% identification accuracy and behaved robustly against several common post-processing operations including JPEG compression, scaling, geometric transformation, and contrast stretching. The quantitative results demonstrate that the proposed method is more effective than handcrafted feature-based methods.
Advanced neural language models (NLMs) are widely used in sequence generation tasks because they are able to produce fluent and meaningful sentences. They can also be used to generate fake reviews, which can then be used to attack online review syste ms and influence the buying decisions of online shoppers. To perform such attacks, it is necessary for experts to train a tailored LM for a specific topic. In this work, we show that a low-skilled threat model can be built just by combining publicly available LMs and show that the produced fake reviews can fool both humans and machines. In particular, we use the GPT-2 NLM to generate a large number of high-quality reviews based on a review with the desired sentiment and then using a BERT based text classifier (with accuracy of 96%) to filter out reviews with undesired sentiments. Because none of the words in the review are modified, fluent samples like the training data can be generated from the learned distribution. A subjective evaluation with 80 participants demonstrated that this simple method can produce reviews that are as fluent as those written by people. It also showed that the participants tended to distinguish fake reviews randomly. Three countermeasures, Grover, GLTR, and OpenAI GPT-2 detector, were found to be difficult to accurately detect fake review.
Detecting manipulated images and videos is an important topic in digital media forensics. Most detection methods use binary classification to determine the probability of a query being manipulated. Another important topic is locating manipulated regi ons (i.e., performing segmentation), which are mostly created by three commonly used attacks: removal, copy-move, and splicing. We have designed a convolutional neural network that uses the multi-task learning approach to simultaneously detect manipulated images and videos and locate the manipulated regions for each query. Information gained by performing one task is shared with the other task and thereby enhance the performance of both tasks. A semi-supervised learning approach is used to improve the networks generability. The network includes an encoder and a Y-shaped decoder. Activation of the encoded features is used for the binary classification. The output of one branch of the decoder is used for segmenting the manipulated regions while that of the other branch is used for reconstructing the input, which helps improve overall performance. Experiments using the FaceForensics and FaceForensics++ databases demonstrated the networks effectiveness against facial reenactment attacks and face swapping attacks as well as its ability to deal with the mismatch condition for previously seen attacks. Moreover, fine-tuning using just a small amount of data enables the network to deal with unseen attacks.
The social media revolution has produced a plethora of web services to which users can easily upload and share multimedia documents. Despite the popularity and convenience of such services, the sharing of such inherently personal data, including spee ch data, raises obvious security and privacy concerns. In particular, a users speech data may be acquired and used with speech synthesis systems to produce high-quality speech utterances which reflect the same users speaker identity. These utterances may then be used to attack speaker verification systems. One solution to mitigate these concerns involves the concealing of speaker identities before the sharing of speech data. For this purpose, we present a new approach to speaker anonymization. The idea is to extract linguistic and speaker identity features from an utterance and then to use these with neural acoustic and waveform models to synthesize anonymized speech. The original speaker identity, in the form of timbre, is suppressed and replaced with that of an anonymous pseudo identity. The approach exploits state-of-the-art x-vector speaker representations. These are used to derive anonymized pseudo speaker identities through the combination of multiple, random speaker x-vectors. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is effective in concealing speaker identities. It increases the equal error rate of a speaker verification system while maintaining high quality, anonymized speech.
We investigated the training of a shared model for both text-to-speech (TTS) and voice conversion (VC) tasks. We propose using an extended model architecture of Tacotron, that is a multi-source sequence-to-sequence model with a dual attention mechani sm as the shared model for both the TTS and VC tasks. This model can accomplish these two different tasks respectively according to the type of input. An end-to-end speech synthesis task is conducted when the model is given text as the input while a sequence-to-sequence voice conversion task is conducted when it is given the speech of a source speaker as the input. Waveform signals are generated by using WaveNet, which is conditioned by using a predicted mel-spectrogram. We propose jointly training a shared model as a decoder for a target speaker that supports multiple sources. Listening experiments show that our proposed multi-source encoder-decoder model can efficiently achieve both the TTS and VC tasks.
An audiovisual speaker conversion method is presented for simultaneously transforming the facial expressions and voice of a source speaker into those of a target speaker. Transforming the facial and acoustic features together makes it possible for th e converted voice and facial expressions to be highly correlated and for the generated target speaker to appear and sound natural. It uses three neural networks: a conversion network that fuses and transforms the facial and acoustic features, a waveform generation network that produces the waveform from both the converted facial and acoustic features, and an image reconstruction network that outputs an RGB facial image also based on both the converted features. The results of experiments using an emotional audiovisual database showed that the proposed method achieved significantly higher naturalness compared with one that separately transformed acoustic and facial features.
Automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems use a playback detector to filter out playback attacks and ensure verification reliability. Since current playback detection models are almost always trained using genuine and played-back speech, it may be possible to degrade their performance by transforming the acoustic characteristics of the played-back speech close to that of the genuine speech. One way to do this is to enhance speech stolen from the target speaker before playback. We tested the effectiveness of a playback attack using this method by using the speech enhancement generative adversarial network to transform acoustic characteristics. Experimental results showed that use of this enhanced stolen speech method significantly increases the equal error rates for the baseline used in the ASVspoof 2017 challenge and for a light convolutional neural network-based method. The results also showed that its use degrades the performance of a Gaussian mixture model-universal background model-based ASV system. This type of attack is thus an urgent problem needing to be solved.
Although voice conversion (VC) algorithms have achieved remarkable success along with the development of machine learning, superior performance is still difficult to achieve when using nonparallel data. In this paper, we propose using a cycle-consist ent adversarial network (CycleGAN) for nonparallel data-based VC training. A CycleGAN is a generative adversarial network (GAN) originally developed for unpaired image-to-image translation. A subjective evaluation of inter-gender conversion demonstrated that the proposed method significantly outperformed a method based on the Merlin open source neural network speech synthesis system (a parallel VC system adapted for our setup) and a GAN-based parallel VC system. This is the first research to show that the performance of a nonparallel VC method can exceed that of state-of-the-art parallel VC methods.

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