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The right to be forgotten has been legislated in many countries but the enforcement in machine learning would cause unbearable costs: companies may need to delete whole models learned from massive resources due to single individual requests. Existing works propose to remove the knowledge learned from the requested data via its influence function which is no longer naturally well-defined in Bayesian inference. This paper proposes a {it Bayesian inference forgetting} (BIF) framework to realize the right to be forgotten in Bayesian inference. In the BIF framework, we develop forgetting algorithms for variational inference and Markov chain Monte Carlo. We show that our algorithms can provably remove the influence of single datums on the learned models. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that our algorithms have guaranteed generalizability. Experiments of Gaussian mixture models on the synthetic dataset and Bayesian neural networks on the real-world data verify the feasibility of our methods. The source code package is available at url{https://github.com/fshp971/BIF}.
The input space of a neural network with ReLU-like activations is partitioned into multiple linear regions, each corresponding to a specific activation pattern of the included ReLU-like activations. We demonstrate that this partition exhibits the fol lowing encoding properties across a variety of deep learning models: (1) {it determinism}: almost every linear region contains at most one training example. We can therefore represent almost every training example by a unique activation pattern, which is parameterized by a {it neural code}; and (2) {it categorization}: according to the neural code, simple algorithms, such as $K$-Means, $K$-NN, and logistic regression, can achieve fairly good performance on both training and test data. These encoding properties surprisingly suggest that {it normal neural networks well-trained for classification behave as hash encoders without any extra efforts.} In addition, the encoding properties exhibit variability in different scenarios. {Further experiments demonstrate that {it model size}, {it training time}, {it training sample size}, {it regularization}, and {it label noise} contribute in shaping the encoding properties, while the impacts of the first three are dominant.} We then define an {it activation hash phase chart} to represent the space expanded by {model size}, training time, training sample size, and the encoding properties, which is divided into three canonical regions: {it under-expressive regime}, {it critically-expressive regime}, and {it sufficiently-expressive regime}. The source code package is available at url{https://github.com/LeavesLei/activation-code}.
Adversarial training can considerably robustify deep neural networks to resist adversarial attacks. However, some works suggested that adversarial training might comprise the privacy-preserving and generalization abilities. This paper establishes and quantifies the privacy-robustness trade-off and generalization-robustness trade-off in adversarial training from both theoretical and empirical aspects. We first define a notion, {it robustified intensity} to measure the robustness of an adversarial training algorithm. This measure can be approximate empirically by an asymptotically consistent empirical estimator, {it empirical robustified intensity}. Based on the robustified intensity, we prove that (1) adversarial training is $(varepsilon, delta)$-differentially private, where the magnitude of the differential privacy has a positive correlation with the robustified intensity; and (2) the generalization error of adversarial training can be upper bounded by an $mathcal O(sqrt{log N}/N)$ on-average bound and an $mathcal O(1/sqrt{N})$ high-probability bound, both of which have positive correlations with the robustified intensity. Additionally, our generalization bounds do not explicitly rely on the parameter size which would be prohibitively large in deep learning. Systematic experiments on standard datasets, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, are in full agreement with our theories. The source code package is available at url{https://github.com/fshp971/RPG}.
169 - Fengxiang He , Dacheng Tao 2020
Deep learning is usually described as an experiment-driven field under continuous criticizes of lacking theoretical foundations. This problem has been partially fixed by a large volume of literature which has so far not been well organized. This pape r reviews and organizes the recent advances in deep learning theory. The literature is categorized in six groups: (1) complexity and capacity-based approaches for analyzing the generalizability of deep learning; (2) stochastic differential equations and their dynamic systems for modelling stochastic gradient descent and its variants, which characterize the optimization and generalization of deep learning, partially inspired by Bayesian inference; (3) the geometrical structures of the loss landscape that drives the trajectories of the dynamic systems; (4) the roles of over-parameterization of deep neural networks from both positive and negative perspectives; (5) theoretical foundations of several special structures in network architectures; and (6) the increasingly intensive concerns in ethics and security and their relationships with generalizability.
Deep learning is often criticized by two serious issues which rarely exist in natural nervous systems: overfitting and catastrophic forgetting. It can even memorize randomly labelled data, which has little knowledge behind the instance-label pairs. W hen a deep network continually learns over time by accommodating new tasks, it usually quickly overwrites the knowledge learned from previous tasks. Referred to as the {it neural variability}, it is well-known in neuroscience that human brain reactions exhibit substantial variability even in response to the same stimulus. This mechanism balances accuracy and plasticity/flexibility in the motor learning of natural nervous systems. Thus it motivates us to design a similar mechanism named {it artificial neural variability} (ANV), which helps artificial neural networks learn some advantages from ``natural neural networks. We rigorously prove that ANV plays as an implicit regularizer of the mutual information between the training data and the learned model. This result theoretically guarantees ANV a strictly improved generalizability, robustness to label noise, and robustness to catastrophic forgetting. We then devise a {it neural variable risk minimization} (NVRM) framework and {it neural variable optimizers} to achieve ANV for conventional network architectures in practice. The empirical studies demonstrate that NVRM can effectively relieve overfitting, label noise memorization, and catastrophic forgetting at negligible costs. footnote{Code: url{https://github.com/zeke-xie/artificial-neural-variability-for-deep-learning}.
This paper studies the relationship between generalization and privacy preservation in iterative learning algorithms by two sequential steps. We first establish an alignment between generalization and privacy preservation for any learning algorithm. We prove that $(varepsilon, delta)$-differential privacy implies an on-average generalization bound for multi-database learning algorithms which further leads to a high-probability bound for any learning algorithm. This high-probability bound also implies a PAC-learnable guarantee for differentially private learning algorithms. We then investigate how the iterative nature shared by most learning algorithms influence privacy preservation and further generalization. Three composition theorems are proposed to approximate the differential privacy of any iterative algorithm through the differential privacy of its every iteration. By integrating the above two steps, we eventually deliver generalization bounds for iterative learning algorithms, which suggest one can simultaneously enhance privacy preservation and generalization. Our results are strictly tighter than the existing works. Particularly, our generalization bounds do not rely on the model size which is prohibitively large in deep learning. This sheds light to understanding the generalizability of deep learning. These results apply to a wide spectrum of learning algorithms. In this paper, we apply them to stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics and agnostic federated learning as examples.
Understanding the loss surface of a neural network is fundamentally important to the understanding of deep learning. This paper presents how piecewise linear activation functions substantially shape the loss surfaces of neural networks. We first prov e that {it the loss surfaces of many neural networks have infinite spurious local minima} which are defined as the local minima with higher empirical risks than the global minima. Our result demonstrates that the networks with piecewise linear activations possess substantial differences to the well-studied linear neural networks. This result holds for any neural network with arbitrary depth and arbitrary piecewise linear activation functions (excluding linear functions) under most loss functions in practice. Essentially, the underlying assumptions are consistent with most practical circumstances where the output layer is narrower than any hidden layer. In addition, the loss surface of a neural network with piecewise linear activations is partitioned into multiple smooth and multilinear cells by nondifferentiable boundaries. The constructed spurious local minima are concentrated in one cell as a valley: they are connected with each other by a continuous path, on which empirical risk is invariant. Further for one-hidden-layer networks, we prove that all local minima in a cell constitute an equivalence class; they are concentrated in a valley; and they are all global minima in the cell.
94 - Sheng Li , Fengxiang He , Bo Du 2019
Recently, deep learning based video super-resolution (SR) methods have achieved promising performance. To simultaneously exploit the spatial and temporal information of videos, employing 3-dimensional (3D) convolutions is a natural approach. However, straight utilizing 3D convolutions may lead to an excessively high computational complexity which restricts the depth of video SR models and thus undermine the performance. In this paper, we present a novel fast spatio-temporal residual network (FSTRN) to adopt 3D convolutions for the video SR task in order to enhance the performance while maintaining a low computational load. Specifically, we propose a fast spatio-temporal residual block (FRB) that divide each 3D filter to the product of two 3D filters, which have considerably lower dimensions. Furthermore, we design a cross-space residual learning that directly links the low-resolution space and the high-resolution space, which can greatly relieve the computational burden on the feature fusion and up-scaling parts. Extensive evaluations and comparisons on benchmark datasets validate the strengths of the proposed approach and demonstrate that the proposed network significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods.
69 - Fengxiang He , Tongliang Liu , 2019
Residual connections significantly boost the performance of deep neural networks. However, there are few theoretical results that address the influence of residuals on the hypothesis complexity and the generalization ability of deep neural networks. This paper studies the influence of residual connections on the hypothesis complexity of the neural network in terms of the covering number of its hypothesis space. We prove that the upper bound of the covering number is the same as chain-like neural networks, if the total numbers of the weight matrices and nonlinearities are fixed, no matter whether they are in the residuals or not. This result demonstrates that residual connections may not increase the hypothesis complexity of the neural network compared with the chain-like counterpart. Based on the upper bound of the covering number, we then obtain an $mathcal O(1 / sqrt{N})$ margin-based multi-class generalization bound for ResNet, as an exemplary case of any deep neural network with residual connections. Generalization guarantees for similar state-of-the-art neural network architectures, such as DenseNet and ResNeXt, are straight-forward. From our generalization bound, a practical implementation is summarized: to approach a good generalization ability, we need to use regularization terms to control the magnitude of the norms of weight matrices not to increase too much, which justifies the standard technique of weight decay.

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