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146 - DinhDuy Vu , Ke Huang , Xiao Li 2021
We study many-body localization (MBL) for interacting one-dimensional lattice fermions in random (Anderson) and quasiperiodic (Aubry-Andre) models, focusing on the role of interaction range. We obtain the MBL quantum phase diagrams by calculating the experimentally relevant inverse participation ratio (IPR) at half-filling using exact diagonalization methods and extrapolating to {the infinite system size}. For short-range interactions, our results produce in the phase diagram a qualitative symmetry between weak and strong interaction limits. For long-range interactions, no such symmetry exists as the strongly interacting system is always many-body localized, independent of the effective disorder strength, and the system is analogous to a pinned Wigner crystal. We obtain various scaling exponents for the IPR, suggesting conditions for different MBL regimes arising from interaction effects.
An interacting electron liquid in two (2D) and three (3D) dimensions may undergo a paramagnetic-to-ferromagnetic quantum spin polarization transition at zero applied magnetic field, driven entirely by exchange interactions, as the system density ($n$ ) is decreased. This is known as Bloch ferromagnetism. We show theoretically that the application of an external magnetic field ($B$), which directly spin polarizes the system through Zeeman spin splitting, has an interesting effect on Bloch ferromagnetism if the applied field and carrier density are both decreased (from some initial applied high magnetic field at a high carrier density) in a power-law manner, $Bsim n^p$. For $p<p_c$, with $p_c= 1 (2/3)$ in $2(3)$D, the system remains either fully spin-polarized or undergoes a single transition from a partially spin-polarized (with two Fermi surfaces corresponding to spin up and down electrons) to a fully spin-polarized state (with a single Fermi surface of one spin) as the density and field decrease, depending on whether the starting point is partially spin-polarized or fully spin-polarized. However, for $p>p_c$, the system may undergo two transitions if starting from the fully spin-polarized state: first, a weak second order transition at high density and field from the field-induced fully polarized phase to the partially polarized phase; and then, at a lower field and density, a reentrant first order transition back to the fully spin-polarized phase again with a single Fermi surface.
We develop a general theory for two-dimensional (2D) anomalous Floquet higher-order topological superconductors (AFHOTSC), which are dynamical Majorana-carrying phases of matter with no static counterpart. Despite the triviality of its bulk Floquet b ands, an AFHOTSC generically features the simultaneous presence of corner-localized Majorana modes at both zero and $pi/T$ quasi-energies, a phenomenon beyond the scope of any static topological band theory. We show that the key to AFHOTSC is its unavoidable singular behavior in the phase spectrum of the bulk time-evolution operator. By mapping such evolution-phase singularities to the stroboscopic boundary signatures, we classify all 2D AFHOTSCs that are protected by a rotation group symmetry in symmetry class D. We further extract a higher-order topological index for unambiguously predicting the presence of Floquet corner Majorana modes, which we confirm numerically. Our theory serves as a milestone towards a dynamical topological theory for Floquet superconducting systems.
We theoretically consider Fermi surface anomalies manifesting in the temperature dependent quasiparticle properties of two-dimensional (2D) interacting electron systems, comparing and contrasting with the corresponding 3D Fermi liquid situation. In p articular, employing microscopic many body perturbative techniques, we obtain analytically the leading-order and the next-to-leading-order interaction corrections to the renormalized effective mass for three distinct physical interaction models: electron-phonon, electron-paramagnon, and electron-electron Coulomb coupling. We find that the 2D renormalized effective mass does not develop any Fermi surface anomaly due to electron-phonon interaction, manifesting $mathcal{O}(T^2)$ temperature correction and thus remaining consistent with the Sommerfeld expansion of the non-interacting Fermi function, in contrast to the corresponding 3D situation where the temperature correction to the renormalized effective mass has the anomalous $T^2 log T$ behavior. By contrast, both electron-paramagnon and electron-electron interactions lead to the anomalous $mathcal{O}(T)$ corrections to the 2D effective mass renormalization in contrast to $T^2 log T$ behavior in the corresponding 3D interacting systems. We provide detailed analytical results, and comment on the conditions under which a $T^2 log T$ term could possibly arise in the 2D quasiparticle effective mass from electron-phonon interactions. We also compare results for the temperature dependent specific heat in the interacting 2D and 3D Fermi systems, using the close connection between the effective mass and specific heat.
58 - DinhDuy Vu , S. Das Sarma 2020
Inspired by the rich physics of twisted 2D bilayer moir{e} systems, we study Coulomb interacting systems subjected to two overlapping finite 1D lattice potentials of unequal periods through exact numerical diagonalization. Unmatching underlying latti ce periods lead to a 1D bichromatic `moir{e} superlattice with a large unit cell and consequently a strongly flattened band, exponentially enhancing the effective dimensionless electron-electron interaction strength and manifesting clear signatures of enhanced Mott gaps at discrete fillings. An important non-perturbative finding is a remarkable fine-tuning effect of the precise lattice commensuration, where slight variations in the relative lattice periods may lead to a suppression of the correlated insulating phase, in qualitative agreement with the observed fragility of the correlated insulating phase in twisted bilayer graphene. Our predictions, which should be directly verifiable in bichromatic optical lattices, establish that the competition between interaction and incommensuration is a key element of the physics of moir{e} superlattices.
We propose a minimal lattice model for two-dimensional class DIII superconductors with $C_2$-protected higher-order topology. While this class of superconductors cannot be topologically characterized by symmetry eigenvalues at high symmetry momenta, we propose a simple Wannier-orbital-based real-space diagnosis to unambiguously capture the corresponding higher-order topology. We further identify and characterize a variety of conventional topological phases in our minimal model, including a weak topological superconductor and a nodal topological superconductor with chiral-symmetry protection. The disorder effect is also systematically studied to demonstrate the robustness of higher-order bulk-boundary correspondence. Our theory lays the groundwork for predicting and diagnosing $C_2$-protected higher-order topology in class DIII superconductors.
The theoretical model of the short-range interacting Luttinger liquid predicts a power-law scaling of the density of states and the momentum distribution function around the Fermi surface, which can be readily tested through tunneling experiments. Ho wever, some physical systems have long-range interaction, most notably the Coulomb interaction, leading to significantly different behaviors from the short-range interacting system. In this paper, we revisit the tunneling theory for the one-dimensional electrons interacting via the long-range Coulomb force. We show that even though in a small dynamic range of temperature and bias voltage, the tunneling conductance may appear to have a power-law decay similar to short-range interacting systems, the effective exponent is scale-dependent and slowly increases with decreasing energy. This factor may lead to the sample-to-sample variation in the measured tunneling exponents. We also discuss the crossover to a free Fermi gas at high energy and the effect of the finite size. Our work demonstrates that experimental tunneling measurements in one-dimensional electron systems should be interpreted with great caution when the system is a Coulomb Luttinger liquid.
Motivated by recent developments on the fabrication and control of semiconductor-based quantum dot qubits, we theoretically study a finite system of tunnel-coupled quantum dots with the electrons interacting through the long-range Coulomb interaction . When the inter-electron separation is large and the quantum dot confinement potential is weak, the system behaves as an effective Wigner crystal with a period determined by the electron average density with considerable electron hopping throughout the system. For stronger periodic confinement potentials, however, the system makes a crossover to a Mott-type strongly correlated ground state where the electrons are completely localized at the individual dots with little inter-dot tunneling. In between these two phases, the system is essentially a strongly correlated electron liquid with inter-site electron hopping constrained by strong Coulomb interaction. We characterize this Wigner-Mott-liquid quantum crossover with detailed numerical finite-size diagonalization calculations of the coupled interacting qubit system, showing that these phases can be smoothly connected by tuning the system parameters. Experimental feasibility of observing such a hopping-tuned Wigner-Mott-liquid crossover in currently available semiconductor quantum dot qubits is discussed. In particular, we connect our theoretical results to recent quantum-dot-based quantum emulation experiments where collective Coulomb blockade was demonstrated. One conclusion of our theory is that currently available realistic quantum dot arrays are unable to explore the low-density Wigner phase with only the Mott-liquid crossover being accessible experimentally.
A system of confined charged electrons interacting via the long-range Coulomb force can form a Wigner crystal due to their mutual repulsion. This happens when the potential energy of the system dominates over its kinetic energy, i.e., at low temperat ures for a classical system and at low densities for a quantum one. At $T=0$, the system is governed by quantum mechanics, and hence, the spatial density peaks associated with crystalline charge localization are sharpened for a lower average density. Conversely, in the classical limit of high temperatures, the crystalline spatial density peaks are suppressed (recovered) at a lower (higher) average density. In this paper, we study those two limits separately using an exact diagonalization of small one-dimensional (1D) systems containing few ($<10$) electrons and propose an approximate method to connect them into a unified effective phase diagram for Wigner few-electron crystallization. The result is a qualitative quantum-classical crossover phase diagram of an effective 1D Wigner crystal. We show that the spatial density peaks associated with the quasi-crystallization should be experimentally observable in a few-electron 1D system. We find that the effective crystalline structure slowly disappears with both the crossover average density and crossover temperature for crystallization decreasing with increasing particle number, consistent with the absence of any true long-range 1D order. In fact, one peculiar aspect of the effective finite-size nature of 1D Wigner crystallization we find is that even a short-range interaction would lead to a finite-size 1D crystal, except that the crystalline order vanishes much faster with increasing system size in the short-range interacting system compared with the long-range interacting one.

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