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Rydberg chains provide an appealing platform for probing conformal field theories (CFTs) that capture universal behavior in a myriad of physical settings. Focusing on a Rydberg chain at the Ising transition separating charge density wave and disorder ed phases, we establish a detailed link between microscopics and low-energy physics emerging at criticality. We first construct lattice incarnations of primary fields in the underlying Ising CFT including chiral fermions -- a nontrivial task given that the Rydberg chain Hamiltonian does not admit an exact fermionization. With this dictionary in hand, we compute correlations of microscopic Rydberg operators, paying special attention to finite, open chains of immediate experimental relevance. We further develop a method to quantify how second-neighbor Rydberg interactions tune the sign and strength of four-fermion couplings in the Ising CFT. Finally, we determine how the Ising fields evolve when four-fermion couplings drive an instability to Ising tricriticality. Our results pave the way to a thorough experimental characterization of Ising criticality in Rydberg arrays, and can also be exploited to design novel higher-dimensional phases based on coupled critical chains.
We develop a method for generating the complete set of basic data under the torsorial actions of $H^2_{[rho]}(G,mathcal{A})$ and $H^3(G,U(1))$ on a $G$-crossed braided tensor category $mathcal{C}_G^times$, where $mathcal{A}$ is the set of invertible simple objects in the braided tensor category $mathcal{C}$. When $mathcal{C}$ is a modular tensor category, the $H^2_{[rho]}(G,mathcal{A})$ and $H^3(G,U(1))$ torsorial action gives a complete generation of possible $G$-crossed extensions, and hence provides a classification. This torsorial classification can be (partially) collapsed by relabeling equivalences that appear when computing the set of $G$-crossed braided extensions of $mathcal{C}$. The torsor method presented here reduces these redundancies by systematizing relabelings by $mathcal{A}$-valued $1$-cochains.
Motivated by recent experiments on the Kitaev honeycomb magnet $alphatext{-RuCl}_3$, we introduce time-domain probes of the edge and quasiparticle content of non-Abelian spin liquids. Our scheme exploits ancillary quantum spins that communicate via t ime-dependent tunneling of energy into and out of the spin liquids chiral Majorana edge state. We show that the ancillary-spin dynamics reveals the edge-state velocity and, in suitable geometries, detects individual non-Abelian anyons and emergent fermions via a time-domain counterpart of quantum-Hall anyon interferometry. We anticipate applications to a wide variety of topological phases in solid-state and cold-atoms settings.
We construct topological defects in two-dimensional classical lattice models and quantum chains. The defects satisfy local commutation relations guaranteeing that the partition function is independent of their path. These relations and their solution s are extended to allow defect lines to fuse, branch and satisfy all the properties of a fusion category. We show how the two-dimensional classical lattice models and their topological defects are naturally described by boundary conditions of a Turaev-Viro-Barrett-Westbury partition function. These defects allow Kramers-Wannier duality to be generalized to a large class of models, explaining exact degeneracies between non-symmetry-related ground states as well as in the low-energy spectrum. They give a precise and general notion of twisted boundary conditions and the universal behaviour under Dehn twists. Gluing a topological defect to a boundary yields linear identities between partition functions with different boundary conditions, allowing ratios of the universal g-factor to be computed exactly on the lattice. We develop this construction in detail in a variety of examples, including the Potts, parafermion and height models.
Fracton phases exhibit striking behavior which appears to render them beyond the standard topological quantum field theory (TQFT) paradigm for classifying gapped quantum matter. Here, we explore fracton phases from the perspective of defect TQFTs and show that topological defect networks---networks of topological defects embedded in stratified 3+1D TQFTs---provide a unified framework for describing various types of gapped fracton phases. In this picture, the sub-dimensional excitations characteristic of fractonic matter are a consequence of mobility restrictions imposed by the defect network. We conjecture that all gapped phases, including fracton phases, admit a topological defect network description and support this claim by explicitly providing such a construction for many well-known fracton models, including the X-Cube and Haahs B code. To highlight the generality of our framework, we also provide a defect network construction of a novel fracton phase hosting non-Abelian fractons. As a byproduct of this construction, we obtain a generalized membrane-net description for fractonic ground states as well as an argument that our conjecture implies no type-II topological fracton phases exist in 2+1D gapped systems. Our work also sheds light on new techniques for constructing higher order gapped boundaries of 3+1D TQFTs.
Recent thermal-conductivity measurements evidence a magnetic-field-induced non-Abelian spin liquid phase in the Kitaev material $alpha$-$mathrm{RuCl}_{3}$. Although the platform is a good Mott insulator, we propose experiments that electrically probe the spin liquids hallmark chiral Majorana edge state and bulk anyons, including their exotic exchange statistics. We specifically introduce circuits that exploit interfaces between electrically active systems and Kitaev materials to `perfectly convert electrons from the former into emergent fermions in the latter---thereby enabling variations of transport probes invented for topological superconductors and fractional quantum Hall states. Along the way we resolve puzzles in the literature concerning interacting Majorana fermions, and also develop an anyon-interferometry framework that incorporates nontrivial energy-partitioning effects. Our results illuminate a partial pathway towards topological quantum computation with Kitaev materials.
Foliated fracton order is a qualitatively new kind of phase of matter. It is similar to topological order, but with the fundamental difference that a layered structure, referred to as a foliation, plays an essential role and determines the mobility r estrictions of the topological excitations. In this work, we introduce a new kind of field theory to describe these phases: a foliated field theory. We also introduce a new lattice model and string-membrane-net condensation picture of these phases, which is analogous to the string-net condensation picture of topological order.
We study fermionic topological phases using the technique of fermion condensation. We give a prescription for performing fermion condensation in bosonic topological phases which contain a fermion. Our approach to fermion condensation can roughly be u nderstood as coupling the parent bosonic topological phase to a phase of physical fermions, and condensing pairs of physical and emergent fermions. There are two distinct types of objects in fermionic theories, which we call m-type and q-type particles. The endomorphism algebras of q-type particles are complex Clifford algebras, and they have no analogues in bosonic theories. We construct a fermionic generalization of the tube category, which allows us to compute the quasiparticle excitations in fermionic topological phases. We then prove a series of results relating data in condensed theories to data in their parent theories; for example, if $mathcal{C}$ is a modular tensor category containing a fermion, then the tube category of the condensed theory satisfies $textbf{Tube}(mathcal{C}/psi) cong mathcal{C} times (mathcal{C}/psi)$. We also study how modular transformations, fusion rules, and coherence relations are modified in the fermionic setting, prove a fermionic version of the Verlinde dimension formula, construct a commuting projector lattice Hamiltonian for fermionic theories, and write down a fermionic version of the Turaev-Viro-Barrett-Westbury state sum. A large portion of this work is devoted to three detailed examples of performing fermion condensation to produce fermionic topological phases: we condense fermions in the Ising theory, the $SO(3)_6$ theory, and the $frac{1}{2}text{E}_6$ theory, and compute the quasiparticle excitation spectrum in each of these examples.
Interfacing s-wave superconductors and quantum spin Hall edges produces time-reversal-invariant topological superconductivity of a type that can not arise in strictly 1D systems. With the aim of establishing sharp fingerprints of this novel phase, we use renormalization group methods to extract universal transport characteristics of superconductor/quantum spin Hall heterostructures where the native edge states serve as leads. We determine scaling forms for the conductance through a grounded superconductor and show that the results depend sensitively on the interaction strength in the leads, the size of the superconducting region, and the presence or absence of time-reversal-breaking perturbations. We also study transport across a floating superconducting island isolated by magnetic barriers. Here we predict e-periodic Coulomb-blockade peaks, as recently observed in nanowire devices [Albrecht et al., Nature 531, 206 (2016)], with the added feature that the island can support fractional charge tunable via the relative orientation of the barrier magnetizations. As an interesting corollary, when the magnetic barriers arise from strong interactions at the edge that spontaneously break time-reversal symmetry, the Coulomb-blockade periodicity changes from e to e/2. These findings suggest several future experiments that probe unique characteristics of topological superconductivity at the quantum spin Hall edge.
Recent experiments have produced mounting evidence of Majorana zero modes in nanowire-superconductor hybrids. Signatures of an expected topological phase transition accompanying the onset of these modes nevertheless remain elusive. We investigate a f undamental question concerning this issue: Do well-formed Majorana modes necessarily entail a sharp phase transition in these setups? Assuming reasonable parameters, we argue that finite-size effects can dramatically smooth this putative transition into a crossover, even in systems large enough to support well-localized Majorana modes. We propose overcoming such finite-size effects by examining the behavior of low-lying excited states through tunneling spectroscopy. In particular, the excited-state energies exhibit characteristic field and density dependence, and scaling with system size, that expose an approaching topological phase transition. We suggest several experiments for extracting the predicted behavior. As a useful byproduct, the protocols also allow one to measure the wires spin-orbit coupling directly in its superconducting environment.

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