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189 - Daegene Song 2019
The orthodox interpretation of quantum theory treats the subject and the object on an equal footing. It has been suggested that the cyclical-time process, which resolves self-reference in consciousness, interconnects the observed universe and the min d of the subject. Based on the analogy between cryptography and language, the concept of the common innate structure of language, also known as universal grammar, may be associated with the continuity in consciousness. Extending this connection, Levi-Strausss proposal on universal culture may be considered as a shared structure of continuity among the consciousness of multiple subjects.
79 - Daegene Song 2017
One of the most important concepts in logic and the foundations of mathematics may be useful in providing an explanation for the cosmological constant problem. A connection between self-reference and consciousness has been previously discussed due to their similar nature of making a reference to itself. Vacuum observation has the property of self-reference and consciousness in the sense that the observer is observing ones own reference frame of energy. In this paper, the cyclical loop model of self-reference is applied to the vacuum observation, such that the discrepancy between the energy density resulting from the first part of the causal loop (i.e., the classical irreversible computation of the observers reference frame) and the other part of the causal loop (i.e., nondeterministic quantum evolution) corresponds to 10^(123). This effectively provides a consistent explanation of the difference between the observed and the theoretical values of the vacuum energy, namely, the cosmological constant problem.
123 - Daegene Song 2016
Due to the self-referencing aspect, consciousness is placed in a unique non-computable position among natural phenomena. Non-computable consciousness was previously analyzed on the basis of self-referential cyclical time. This paper extends the cycli cal model of vacuum observation and posits that choice, or the experience of reality, may be expressed as the initial part of the self-referencing loop, while the conscious awareness of the experience is the other part of the loop. In particular, the inseparability of the two sides of the loop is established through the cyclical time process, which bears a resemblance to Heideggers analysis of existence. The cyclical looping model is also discussed in terms of Wittgensteins analysis of language as attaching semantic meaning, or continuous or infinite conscious awareness, to physical reality. We also discuss the proposed model of subjectivity and cyclical time - as opposed to objectivity and linear time - which may be considered similar to Hebrew thought.
81 - Daegene Song 2016
Based on the equivalence of the two different types of measurement protocols and the asymmetry between the Schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures, it has been previously proposed that negative sea fills the universe as a nondeterministic computation - a time-reversal process of the irreversible computations presented since the big bang. The goal of this paper is to extend the proposed subjective universe model, i.e., the universe as a quantum measurement: Motivated by the relationship between quantum theory and classical probability theory with continuity, it is argued that the frame of reference of the observer may be identified with classical probability theory where its choice, along with big bang singularity, should correspond to the quantum observable. That is, the physical version of singularity resolution corresponds to the case, where big bang singularity is equivalent to the continuity of the negative sea, or aether, filling the universe as a frame of reference of the observer. Moreover, based on the holographic principle, we identify the choice of the observer with the degrees of freedom proportional to the Planck area on the horizon. We also discuss that the continuity or infinity present in every formal language of choice acceptable in nondeterministic computation may be associated with the universal grammar proposed by Chomsky in linguistics.
55 - Daegene Song 2015
In this paper, we discuss that an observable-based single-system Copenhagen and entanglement-based two-system von Neumann measurement protocols in quantum theory can be made equivalent by considering the second part of the two-system scheme to be a D irac-type negative sea filling up the first system. Based on this equivalence, and by considering the universe as a computational process, the choice of the apparatus state in the two-system protocol can be identified with the choice of the observable in the single-system scheme as negative sea filling up the observable universe. In particular, the measuring partys state is considered to be evolving backwards in time to the big bang as a nondeterministic computational process, which chooses the acceptable path as a time-reversal process of irreversible computation. The suggested model proposes that the prepared microstate of the universe, or reality, corresponds to the observers choice, therefore, subjective reality. Thus, this effectively provides a specific description of the subjective universe model previously proposed, which is based on the symmetry breakdown between the Schrodinger and the Heisenberg pictures of quantum theory.
57 - Daegene Song 2013
Based on negative entropy in entanglement, it is shown that a single-system Copenhagen measurement protocol is equivalent to the two-system von Neumann scheme with the memory filling up the system with negative information similar to the Dirac sea of negative energy. After equating the two quantum measurement protocols, we then apply this equivalence to the black hole radiation. That is, the black hole evaporation corresponds to the quantum measurement process and the two evaporation approaches, the observable-based single-system and the two-system entanglement-based protocols, can be made equivalent using quantum memory. In particular, the measurement choice, theta, with the memory state inside the horizon in the entanglement-based scheme is shown to correspond to the observable of the measurement choice, theta, outside the horizon in the single-system protocol, that is, O_{theta}^{out} = Q_{theta}^{in}. This indicates that the black hole as quantum memory is filling up with negative information outside the horizon, and its entropy corresponds to the logarithm of a number of equally probable measurement choices. This shows that the black hole radiation is no different than ordinary quantum theory.
346 - Daegene Song 2007
With the great success in simulating many intelligent behaviors using computing devices, there has been an ongoing debate whether all conscious activities are computational processes. In this paper, the answer to this question is shown to be no. A ce rtain phenomenon of consciousness is demonstrated to be fully represented as a computational process using a quantum computer. Based on the computability criterion discussed with Turing machines, the model constructed is shown to necessarily involve a non-computable element. The concept that this is solely a quantum effect and does not work for a classical case is also discussed.
64 - Daegene Song 2007
A huge discrepancy between the zero-point energy calculated from quantum theory and the observed quantity in the Universe has been one of the most illusive problems in physics. In order to examine the measurability of zero-point energy, we construct reference frames in a given measurement using observables. Careful and explicit construction of the reference frames surprisingly reveals that not only is the harmonic oscillator fluctuating at the ground level, but so is the reference frame when the measurement is realized. The argument is then extended to examine the measurability of vacuum energy for a quantized electromagnetic field, and it is shown that while zero-point energy calculated from quantum theory diverges to infinity, it is not measurable.
120 - Daegene Song 2007
A number of philosophers and scientists have discussed the possibility of inseparability between the subject (i.e., the observer) and the object (i.e., the observed universe). In particular, it has recently been proposed that this inseparability may be obtained through the discrete physical universe being filled with the observers continuous consciousness through quantum evolution with time going backwards. The proposal of a universe view with interwoven matter and mind through cyclical time bears a resemblance to Immanuel Kants discussion of the Copernican Revolution in philosophy, where the priority shifted from the object to the subject.
348 - Daegene Song 2007
It has been suggested that the locality of information transfer in quantum entanglement indicates that reality is subjective, meaning that there is an innate inseparability between the physical system and the conscious mind of the observer. This pape r attempts to outline the relation between macroscopic and microscopic worlds in the measurement process in regards to whether observation creates reality. Indeed, the Maxwells demon thought experiment suggests a correlation between a microscopic (quantum) system and a macroscopic (classical) apparatus, which leads to an energy transfer from the quantum vacuum to the physical world, similar to particle creation from a vacuum. This explanation shows that observation in quantum theory conserves, rather than creates, energy.

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