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Studying a single atomic ion confined in a time-dependent periodic anharmonic potential, we find large amplitude trajectories stable for millions of oscillation periods in the presence of stochastic laser cooling. The competition between energy gain from the time-dependent drive and damping leads to the stabilization of such stochastic limit cycles. Instead of converging to the global minimum of the averaged potential, the steady-state phase-space distribution develops multiple peaks in the regions of phase space where the frequency of the motion is close to a multiple of the periodic drive. Such distinct nonequilibrium behaviour can be observed in realistic radio-frequency traps with laser-cooled ions, suggesting that Paul traps offer a well-controlled test-bed for studying transport and dynamics of microscopically driven systems.
We study the stochastic dynamics of a particle in a periodically driven potential. For atomic ions trapped in radio-frequency Paul traps, noise heating and laser cooling typically act slowly in comparison with the unperturbed motion. These stochastic processes can be accounted for in terms of a probability distribution defined over the action variables, which would otherwise be conserved within the regular regions of the Hamiltonian phase space. We present a semiclassical theory of low-saturation laser cooling applicable from the limit of low-amplitude motion to large-amplitude motion, accounting fully for the time-dependent and anharmonic trap. We employ our approach to a detailed study of the stochastic dynamics of a single ion, drawing general conclusions regarding the nonequilibrium dynamics of laser-cooled trapped ions. We predict a regime of anharmonic motion in which laser cooling becomes diffusive (i.e., it is equally likely to cool the ion as it is to heat it), and can also turn into effective heating. This implies that a high-energy ion could be easily lost from the trap despite being laser cooled; however, we find that this loss can be counteracted using a laser detuning much larger than Doppler detuning.
We present a comprehensive phase-space treatment of the motion of charged particles in electrodynamic traps. Focusing on five-wire surface-electrode Paul traps, we study the details of integrable and chaotic motion of a single ion. We introduce appro priate phase-space measures and give a universal characterization of the trap effectiveness as a function of the parameters. We rigorously derive the commonly used (time-independent) pseudopotential approximation, quantify its regime of validity and analyze the mechanism of its breakdown within the time-dependent potential. The phase space approach that we develop gives a general framework for describing ion dynamics in a broad variety of surface Paul traps. To probe this framework experimentally, we propose and analyze, using numerical simulations, an experiment that can be realized with an existing four-wire trap. We predict a robust experimental signature of the existence of trapping pockets within a mixed regular and chaotic phase-space structure. Intricately rich escape dynamics suggest that surface traps give access to exploring microscopic Hamiltonian transport phenomena in phase space.
We implement faster-than-adiabatic two-qubit phase gates using smooth state-dependent forces. The forces are designed to leave no final motional excitation, independently of the initial motional state in the harmonic, small-oscillations limit. They a re simple, explicit functions of time and the desired logical phase of the gate, and are based on quadratic invariants of motion and Lewis-Riesenfeld phases of the normal modes.
We report techniques for the fabrication of multi-zone linear RF Paul traps that exploit the machinability and electrical conductivity of degenerate silicon. The approach was tested by trapping and laser cooling 24Mg+ ions in two trap geometries: a s ingle-zone two-layer trap and a multi-zone surface-electrode trap. From the measured ion motional heating rate we determine an electric field spectral density at the ions position of approximately 1E-10 (V/m)^2/Hz at a frequency of 1.125 MHz when the ion lies 40 micron above the trap surface. One application of these devices is controlled manipulation of atomic ion qubits, the basis of one form of quantum information processing.
This submission is an introduction to microfabricated ion traps. We cover the basics of Paul traps, various geometries for realizing the traps, a number of design considerations, and, finally, a review of existing microfabricated traps.
We have measured motional heating rates of trapped atomic ions, a factor that can influence multi-ion quantum logic gate fidelities. Two simplified techniques were developed for this purpose: one relies on Raman sideband detection implemented with a single laser source, while the second is even simpler and is based on time-resolved fluorescence detection during Doppler recooling. We applied these methods to determine heating rates in a microfrabricated surface-electrode trap made of gold on fused quartz, which traps ions 40 microns above its surface. Heating rates obtained from the two techniques were found to be in reasonable agreement. In addition, the trap gives rise to a heating rate of 300 plus or minus 30 per second for a motional frequency of 5.25 MHz, substantially below the trend observed in other traps.
We investigate the temporal dynamics of Doppler cooling of an initially hot single trapped atom in the weak binding regime using a semiclassical approach. We develop an analytical model for the simplest case of a single vibrational mode for a harmoni c trap, and show how this model allows us to estimate the initial energy of the trapped particle by observing the fluorescence rate during the cooling process. The experimental implementation of this temperature measurement provides a way to measure atom heating rates by observing the temperature rise in the absence of cooling. This method is technically relatively simple compared to conventional sideband detection methods, and the two methods are in reasonable agreement. We also discuss the effects of RF micromotion, relevant for a trapped atomic ion, and the effect of coupling between the vibrational modes on the cooling dynamics.
A key requirement for scalable quantum computing is that elementary quantum gates can be implemented with sufficiently low error. One method for determining the error behavior of a gate implementation is to perform process tomography. However, standa rd process tomography is limited by errors in state preparation, measurement and one-qubit gates. It suffers from inefficient scaling with number of qubits and does not detect adverse error-compounding when gates are composed in long sequences. An additional problem is due to the fact that desirable error probabilities for scalable quantum computing are of the order of 0.0001 or lower. Experimentally proving such low errors is challenging. We describe a randomized benchmarking method that yields estimates of the computationally relevant errors without relying on accurate state preparation and measurement. Since it involves long sequences of randomly chosen gates, it also verifies that error behavior is stable when used in long computations. We implemented randomized benchmarking on trapped atomic ion qubits, establishing a one-qubit error probability per randomized pi/2 pulse of 0.00482(17) in a particular experiment. We expect this error probability to be readily improved with straightforward technical modifications.
The prospect of building a quantum information processor underlies many recent advances ion trap fabrication techniques. Potentially, a quantum computer could be constructed from a large array of interconnected ion traps. We report on a micrometer-sc ale ion trap, fabricated from bulk silicon using micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) techniques. The trap geometry is relatively simple in that the electrodes lie in a single plane beneath the ions. In such a trap we confine laser-cooled 24Mg+ ions approximately 40 microns above the surface. The fabrication technique and planar electrode geometry together make this approach amenable to scaling up to large trap arrays. In addition we observe that little laser cooling light is scattered by the electrodes.

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