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Unsupervised learning methods have recently shown their competitiveness against supervised training. Typically, these methods use a single objective to train the entire network. But one distinct advantage of unsupervised over supervised learning is t hat the former possesses more variety and freedom in designing the objective. In this work, we explore new dimensions of unsupervised learning by proposing the Progressive Stage-wise Learning (PSL) framework. For a given unsupervised task, we design multilevel tasks and define different learning stages for the deep network. Early learning stages are forced to focus on lowlevel tasks while late stages are guided to extract deeper information through harder tasks. We discover that by progressive stage-wise learning, unsupervised feature representation can be effectively enhanced. Our extensive experiments show that PSL consistently improves results for the leading unsupervised learning methods.
Existing neural network architectures in computer vision -- whether designed by humans or by machines -- were typically found using both images and their associated labels. In this paper, we ask the question: can we find high-quality neural architect ures using only images, but no human-annotated labels? To answer this question, we first define a new setup called Unsupervised Neural Architecture Search (UnNAS). We then conduct two sets of experiments. In sample-based experiments, we train a large number (500) of diverse architectures with either supervised or unsupervised objectives, and find that the architecture rankings produced with and without labels are highly correlated. In search-based experiments, we run a well-established NAS algorithm (DARTS) using various unsupervised objectives, and report that the architectures searched without labels can be competitive to their counterparts searched with labels. Together, these results reveal the potentially surprising finding that labels are not necessary, and the image statistics alone may be sufficient to identify good neural architectures.
116 - Wanli Wen , Chenxi Liu , Yaru Fu 2020
In this paper, we propose a novel secure random caching scheme for large-scale multi-antenna heterogeneous wireless networks, where the base stations (BSs) deliver randomly cached confidential contents to the legitimate users in the presence of passi ve eavesdroppers as well as active jammers. In order to safeguard the content delivery, we consider that the BSs transmits the artificial noise together with the useful signals. By using tools from stochastic geometry, we first analyze the average reliable transmission probability (RTP) and the average confidential transmission probability (CTP), which take both the impact of the eavesdroppers and the impact of the jammers into consideration. We further provide tight upper and lower bounds on the average RTP. These analytical results enable us to obtain rich insights into the behaviors of the average RTP and the average CTP with respect to key system parameters. Moreover, we optimize the caching distribution of the files to maximize the average RTP of the system, while satisfying the constraints on the caching size and the average CTP. Through numerical results, we show that our proposed secure random caching scheme can effectively boost the secrecy performance of the system compared to the existing solutions.
In this paper, we study normalization methods for neural networks from the perspective of elimination singularity. Elimination singularities correspond to the points on the training trajectory where neurons become consistently deactivated. They cause degenerate manifolds in the loss landscape which will slow down training and harm model performances. We show that channel-based normalizations (e.g. Layer Normalization and Group Normalization) are unable to guarantee a far distance from elimination singularities, in contrast with Batch Normalization which by design avoids models from getting too close to them. To address this issue, we propose BatchChannel Normalization (BCN), which uses batch knowledge to avoid the elimination singularities in the training of channel-normalized models. Unlike Batch Normalization, BCN is able to run in both large-batch and micro-batch training settings. The effectiveness of BCN is verified on many tasks, including image classification, object detection, instance segmentation, and semantic segmentation. The code is here: https://github.com/joe-siyuan-qiao/Batch-Channel-Normalization.
Deep learning algorithms, in particular 2D and 3D fully convolutional neural networks (FCNs), have rapidly become the mainstream methodology for volumetric medical image segmentation. However, 2D convolutions cannot fully leverage the rich spatial in formation along the third axis, while 3D convolutions suffer from the demanding computation and high GPU memory consumption. In this paper, we propose to automatically search the network architecture tailoring to volumetric medical image segmentation problem. Concretely, we formulate the structure learning as differentiable neural architecture search, and let the network itself choose between 2D, 3D or Pseudo-3D (P3D) convolutions at each layer. We evaluate our method on 3 public datasets, i.e., the NIH Pancreas dataset, the Lung and Pancreas dataset from the Medical Segmentation Decathlon (MSD) Challenge. Our method, named V-NAS, consistently outperforms other state-of-the-arts on the segmentation task of both normal organ (NIH Pancreas) and abnormal organs (MSD Lung tumors and MSD Pancreas tumors), which shows the power of chosen architecture. Moreover, the searched architecture on one dataset can be well generalized to other datasets, which demonstrates the robustness and practical use of our proposed method.
Referring object detection and referring image segmentation are important tasks that require joint understanding of visual information and natural language. Yet there has been evidence that current benchmark datasets suffer from bias, and current sta te-of-the-art models cannot be easily evaluated on their intermediate reasoning process. To address these issues and complement similar efforts in visual question answering, we build CLEVR-Ref+, a synthetic diagnostic dataset for referring expression comprehension. The precise locations and attributes of the objects are readily available, and the referring expressions are automatically associated with functional programs. The synthetic nature allows control over dataset bias (through sampling strategy), and the modular programs enable intermediate reasoning ground truth without human annotators. In addition to evaluating several state-of-the-art models on CLEVR-Ref+, we also propose IEP-Ref, a module network approach that significantly outperforms other models on our dataset. In particular, we present two interesting and important findings using IEP-Ref: (1) the module trained to transform feature maps into segmentation masks can be attached to any intermediate module to reveal the entire reasoning process step-by-step; (2) even if all training data has at least one object referred, IEP-Ref can correctly predict no-foreground when presented with false-premise referring expressions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first direct and quantitative proof that neural modules behave in the way they are intended.
In this paper, we study the problem of parsing structured knowledge graphs from textual descriptions. In particular, we consider the scene graph representation that considers objects together with their attributes and relations: this representation h as been proved useful across a variety of vision and language applications. We begin by introducing an alternative but equivalent edge-centric view of scene graphs that connect to dependency parses. Together with a careful redesign of label and action space, we combine the two-stage pipeline used in prior work (generic dependency parsing followed by simple post-processing) into one, enabling end-to-end training. The scene graphs generated by our learned neural dependency parser achieve an F-score similarity of 49.67% to ground truth graphs on our evaluation set, surpassing best previous approaches by 5%. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of our learned parser on image retrieval applications.
We propose a new method for learning the structure of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that is more efficient than recent state-of-the-art methods based on reinforcement learning and evolutionary algorithms. Our approach uses a sequential model-b ased optimization (SMBO) strategy, in which we search for structures in order of increasing complexity, while simultaneously learning a surrogate model to guide the search through structure space. Direct comparison under the same search space shows that our method is up to 5 times more efficient than the RL method of Zoph et al. (2018) in terms of number of models evaluated, and 8 times faster in terms of total compute. The structures we discover in this way achieve state of the art classification accuracies on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet.
Generating adversarial examples is an intriguing problem and an important way of understanding the working mechanism of deep neural networks. Most existing approaches generated perturbations in the image space, i.e., each pixel can be modified indepe ndently. However, in this paper we pay special attention to the subset of adversarial examples that correspond to meaningful changes in 3D physical properties (like rotation and translation, illumination condition, etc.). These adversaries arguably pose a more serious concern, as they demonstrate the possibility of causing neural network failure by easy perturbations of real-world 3D objects and scenes. In the contexts of object classification and visual question answering, we augment state-of-the-art deep neural networks that receive 2D input images with a rendering module (either differentiable or not) in front, so that a 3D scene (in the physical space) is rendered into a 2D image (in the image space), and then mapped to a prediction (in the output space). The adversarial perturbations can now go beyond the image space, and have clear meanings in the 3D physical world. Though image-space adversaries can be interpreted as per-pixel albedo change, we verify that they cannot be well explained along these physically meaningful dimensions, which often have a non-local effect. But it is still possible to successfully attack beyond the image space on the physical space, though this is more difficult than image-space attacks, reflected in lower success rates and heavier perturbations required.

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