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This paper studies regret minimization in multi-armed bandits, a classical online learning problem. To develop more statistically-efficient algorithms, we propose to use the assumption of a random-effect model. In this model, the mean rewards of arms are drawn independently from an unknown distribution, whose parameters we estimate. We provide an estimator of the arm means in this model and also analyze its uncertainty. Based on these results, we design a UCB algorithm, which we call ReUCB. We analyze ReUCB and prove a Bayes regret bound on its $n$-round regret, which matches an existing lower bound. Our experiments show that ReUCB can outperform Thompson sampling in various scenarios, without assuming that the prior distribution of arm means is known.
We study Thompson sampling (TS) in online decision-making problems where the uncertain environment is sampled from a mixture distribution. This is relevant to multi-task settings, where a learning agent is faced with different classes of problems. We incorporate this structure in a natural way by initializing TS with a mixture prior -- dubbed MixTS -- and develop a novel, general technique for analyzing the regret of TS with such priors. We apply this technique to derive Bayes regret bounds for MixTS in both linear bandits and tabular Markov decision processes (MDPs). Our regret bounds reflect the structure of the problem and depend on the number of components and confidence width of each component of the prior. Finally, we demonstrate the empirical effectiveness of MixTS in both synthetic and real-world experiments.
We propose a bandit algorithm that explores purely by randomizing its past observations. In particular, the sufficient optimism in the mean reward estimates is achieved by exploiting the variance in the past observed rewards. We name the algorithm Ca pitalizing On Rewards (CORe). The algorithm is general and can be easily applied to different bandit settings. The main benefit of CORe is that its exploration is fully data-dependent. It does not rely on any external noise and adapts to different problems without parameter tuning. We derive a $tilde O(dsqrt{nlog K})$ gap-free bound on the $n$-round regret of CORe in a stochastic linear bandit, where $d$ is the number of features and $K$ is the number of arms. Extensive empirical evaluation on multiple synthetic and real-world problems demonstrates the effectiveness of CORe.
Efficient exploration in bandits is a fundamental online learning problem. We propose a variant of Thompson sampling that learns to explore better as it interacts with bandit instances drawn from an unknown prior. The algorithm meta-learns the prior and thus we call it MetaTS. We propose several efficient implementations of MetaTS and analyze it in Gaussian bandits. Our analysis shows the benefit of meta-learning and is of a broader interest, because we derive a novel prior-dependent Bayes regret bound for Thompson sampling. Our theory is complemented by empirical evaluation, which shows that MetaTS quickly adapts to the unknown prior.
Users of recommender systems often behave in a non-stationary fashion, due to their evolving preferences and tastes over time. In this work, we propose a practical approach for fast personalization to non-stationary users. The key idea is to frame th is problem as a latent bandit, where the prototypical models of user behavior are learned offline and the latent state of the user is inferred online from its interactions with the models. We call this problem a non-stationary latent bandit. We propose Thompson sampling algorithms for regret minimization in non-stationary latent bandits, analyze them, and evaluate them on a real-world dataset. The main strength of our approach is that it can be combined with rich offline-learned models, which can be misspecified, and are subsequently fine-tuned online using posterior sampling. In this way, we naturally combine the strengths of offline and online learning.
A latent bandit problem is one in which the learning agent knows the arm reward distributions conditioned on an unknown discrete latent state. The primary goal of the agent is to identify the latent state, after which it can act optimally. This setti ng is a natural midpoint between online and offline learning---complex models can be learned offline with the agent identifying latent state online---of practical relevance in, say, recommender systems. In this work, we propose general algorithms for this setting, based on both upper confidence bounds (UCBs) and Thompson sampling. Our methods are contextual and aware of model uncertainty and misspecification. We provide a unified theoretical analysis of our algorithms, which have lower regret than classic bandit policies when the number of latent states is smaller than actions. A comprehensive empirical study showcases the advantages of our approach.
Off-policy learning is a framework for evaluating and optimizing policies without deploying them, from data collected by another policy. Real-world environments are typically non-stationary and the offline learned policies should adapt to these chang es. To address this challenge, we study the novel problem of off-policy optimization in piecewise-stationary contextual bandits. Our proposed solution has two phases. In the offline learning phase, we partition logged data into categorical latent states and learn a near-optimal sub-policy for each state. In the online deployment phase, we adaptively switch between the learned sub-policies based on their performance. This approach is practical and analyzable, and we provide guarantees on both the quality of off-policy optimization and the regret during online deployment. To show the effectiveness of our approach, we compare it to state-of-the-art baselines on both synthetic and real-world datasets. Our approach outperforms methods that act only on observed context.
Most bandit policies are designed to either minimize regret in any problem instance, making very few assumptions about the underlying environment, or in a Bayesian sense, assuming a prior distribution over environment parameters. The former are often too conservative in practical settings, while the latter require assumptions that are hard to verify in practice. We study bandit problems that fall between these two extremes, where the learning agent has access to sampled bandit instances from an unknown prior distribution $mathcal{P}$ and aims to achieve high reward on average over the bandit instances drawn from $mathcal{P}$. This setting is of a particular importance because it lays foundations for meta-learning of bandit policies and reflects more realistic assumptions in many practical domains. We propose the use of parameterized bandit policies that are differentiable and can be optimized using policy gradients. This provides a broadly applicable framework that is easy to implement. We derive reward gradients that reflect the structure of bandit problems and policies, for both non-contextual and contextual settings, and propose a number of interesting policies that are both differentiable and have low regret. Our algorithmic and theoretical contributions are supported by extensive experiments that show the importance of baseline subtraction, learned biases, and the practicality of our approach on a range problems.
Exploration policies in Bayesian bandits maximize the average reward over problem instances drawn from some distribution $mathcal{P}$. In this work, we learn such policies for an unknown distribution $mathcal{P}$ using samples from $mathcal{P}$. Our approach is a form of meta-learning and exploits properties of $mathcal{P}$ without making strong assumptions about its form. To do this, we parameterize our policies in a differentiable way and optimize them by policy gradients, an approach that is general and easy to implement. We derive effective gradient estimators and introduce novel variance reduction techniques. We also analyze and experiment with various bandit policy classes, including neural networks and a novel softmax policy. The latter has regret guarantees and is a natural starting point for our optimization. Our experiments show the versatility of our approach. We also observe that neural network policies can learn implicit biases expressed only through the sampled instances.
We study two randomized algorithms for generalized linear bandits, GLM-TSL and GLM-FPL. GLM-TSL samples a generalized linear model (GLM) from the Laplace approximation to the posterior distribution. GLM-FPL fits a GLM to a randomly perturbed history of past rewards. We prove $tilde{O}(d sqrt{n log K})$ bounds on the $n$-round regret of GLM-TSL and GLM-FPL, where $d$ is the number of features and $K$ is the number of arms. The regret bound of GLM-TSL improves upon prior work and the regret bound of GLM-FPL is the first of its kind. We apply both GLM-TSL and GLM-FPL to logistic and neural network bandits, and show that they perform well empirically. In more complex models, GLM-FPL is significantly faster. Our results showcase the role of randomization, beyond sampling from the posterior, in exploration.

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