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Generative adversarial models (GANs) continue to produce advances in terms of the visual quality of still images, as well as the learning of temporal correlations. However, few works manage to combine these two interesting capabilities for the synthe sis of video content: Most methods require an extensive training dataset in order to learn temporal correlations, while being rather limited in the resolution and visual quality of their output frames. In this paper, we present a novel approach to the video synthesis problem that helps to greatly improve visual quality and drastically reduce the amount of training data and resources necessary for generating video content. Our formulation separates the spatial domain, in which individual frames are synthesized, from the temporal domain, in which motion is generated. For the spatial domain we make use of a pre-trained StyleGAN network, the latent space of which allows control over the appearance of the objects it was trained for. The expressive power of this model allows us to embed our training videos in the StyleGAN latent space. Our temporal architecture is then trained not on sequences of RGB frames, but on sequences of StyleGAN latent codes. The advantageous properties of the StyleGAN space simplify the discovery of temporal correlations. We demonstrate that it suffices to train our temporal architecture on only 10 minutes of footage of 1 subject for about 6 hours. After training, our model can not only generate new portrait videos for the training subject, but also for any random subject which can be embedded in the StyleGAN space.
Photorealistic editing of portraits is a challenging task as humans are very sensitive to inconsistencies in faces. We present an approach for high-quality intuitive editing of the camera viewpoint and scene illumination in a portrait image. This req uires our method to capture and control the full reflectance field of the person in the image. Most editing approaches rely on supervised learning using training data captured with setups such as light and camera stages. Such datasets are expensive to acquire, not readily available and do not capture all the rich variations of in-the-wild portrait images. In addition, most supervised approaches only focus on relighting, and do not allow camera viewpoint editing. Thus, they only capture and control a subset of the reflectance field. Recently, portrait editing has been demonstrated by operating in the generative model space of StyleGAN. While such approaches do not require direct supervision, there is a significant loss of quality when compared to the supervised approaches. In this paper, we present a method which learns from limited supervised training data. The training images only include people in a fixed neutral expression with eyes closed, without much hair or background variations. Each person is captured under 150 one-light-at-a-time conditions and under 8 camera poses. Instead of training directly in the image space, we design a supervised problem which learns transformations in the latent space of StyleGAN. This combines the best of supervised learning and generative adversarial modeling. We show that the StyleGAN prior allows for generalisation to different expressions, hairstyles and backgrounds. This produces high-quality photorealistic results for in-the-wild images and significantly outperforms existing methods. Our approach can edit the illumination and pose simultaneously, and runs at interactive rates.
We present Non-Rigid Neural Radiance Fields (NR-NeRF), a reconstruction and novel view synthesis approach for general non-rigid dynamic scenes. Our approach takes RGB images of a dynamic scene as input (e.g., from a monocular video recording), and cr eates a high-quality space-time geometry and appearance representation. We show that a single handheld consumer-grade camera is sufficient to synthesize sophisticated renderings of a dynamic scene from novel virtual camera views, e.g. a `bullet-time video effect. NR-NeRF disentangles the dynamic scene into a canonical volume and its deformation. Scene deformation is implemented as ray bending, where straight rays are deformed non-rigidly. We also propose a novel rigidity network to better constrain rigid regions of the scene, leading to more stable results. The ray bending and rigidity network are trained without explicit supervision. Our formulation enables dense correspondence estimation across views and time, and compelling video editing applications such as motion exaggeration. Our code will be open sourced.
We present the first deep implicit 3D morphable model (i3DMM) of full heads. Unlike earlier morphable face models it not only captures identity-specific geometry, texture, and expressions of the frontal face, but also models the entire head, includin g hair. We collect a new dataset consisting of 64 people with different expressions and hairstyles to train i3DMM. Our approach has the following favorable properties: (i) It is the first full head morphable model that includes hair. (ii) In contrast to mesh-based models it can be trained on merely rigidly aligned scans, without requiring difficult non-rigid registration. (iii) We design a novel architecture to decouple the shape model into an implicit reference shape and a deformation of this reference shape. With that, dense correspondences between shapes can be learned implicitly. (iv) This architecture allows us to semantically disentangle the geometry and color components, as color is learned in the reference space. Geometry is further disentangled as identity, expressions, and hairstyle, while color is disentangled as identity and hairstyle components. We show the merits of i3DMM using ablation studies, comparisons to state-of-the-art models, and applications such as semantic head editing and texture transfer. We will make our model publicly available.
Most 3D face reconstruction methods rely on 3D morphable models, which disentangle the space of facial deformations into identity geometry, expressions and skin reflectance. These models are typically learned from a limited number of 3D scans and thu s do not generalize well across different identities and expressions. We present the first approach to learn complete 3D models of face identity geometry, albedo and expression just from images and videos. The virtually endless collection of such data, in combination with our self-supervised learning-based approach allows for learning face models that generalize beyond the span of existing approaches. Our network design and loss functions ensure a disentangled parameterization of not only identity and albedo, but also, for the first time, an expression basis. Our method also allows for in-the-wild monocular reconstruction at test time. We show that our learned models better generalize and lead to higher quality image-based reconstructions than existing approaches.
Editing of portrait images is a very popular and important research topic with a large variety of applications. For ease of use, control should be provided via a semantically meaningful parameterization that is akin to computer animation controls. Th e vast majority of existing techniques do not provide such intuitive and fine-grained control, or only enable coarse editing of a single isolated control parameter. Very recently, high-quality semantically controlled editing has been demonstrated, however only on synthetically created StyleGAN images. We present the first approach for embedding real portrait images in the latent space of StyleGAN, which allows for intuitive editing of the head pose, facial expression, and scene illumination in the image. Semantic editing in parameter space is achieved based on StyleRig, a pretrained neural network that maps the control space of a 3D morphable face model to the latent space of the GAN. We design a novel hierarchical non-linear optimization problem to obtain the embedding. An identity preservation energy term allows spatially coherent edits while maintaining facial integrity. Our approach runs at interactive frame rates and thus allows the user to explore the space of possible edits. We evaluate our approach on a wide set of portrait photos, compare it to the current state of the art, and validate the effectiveness of its components in an ablation study.
175 - Mallikarjun B R. 2020
The reflectance field of a face describes the reflectance properties responsible for complex lighting effects including diffuse, specular, inter-reflection and self shadowing. Most existing methods for estimating the face reflectance from a monocular image assume faces to be diffuse with very few approaches adding a specular component. This still leaves out important perceptual aspects of reflectance as higher-order global illumination effects and self-shadowing are not modeled. We present a new neural representation for face reflectance where we can estimate all components of the reflectance responsible for the final appearance from a single monocular image. Instead of modeling each component of the reflectance separately using parametric models, our neural representation allows us to generate a basis set of faces in a geometric deformation-invariant space, parameterized by the input light direction, viewpoint and face geometry. We learn to reconstruct this reflectance field of a face just from a monocular image, which can be used to render the face from any viewpoint in any light condition. Our method is trained on a light-stage training dataset, which captures 300 people illuminated with 150 light conditions from 8 viewpoints. We show that our method outperforms existing monocular reflectance reconstruction methods, in terms of photorealism due to better capturing of physical premitives, such as sub-surface scattering, specularities, self-shadows and other higher-order effects.
Implicit surface representations, such as signed-distance functions, combined with deep learning have led to impressive models which can represent detailed shapes of objects with arbitrary topology. Since a continuous function is learned, the reconst ructions can also be extracted at any arbitrary resolution. However, large datasets such as ShapeNet are required to train such models. In this paper, we present a new mid-level patch-based surface representation. At the level of patches, objects across different categories share similarities, which leads to more generalizable models. We then introduce a novel method to learn this patch-based representation in a canonical space, such that it is as object-agnostic as possible. We show that our representation trained on one category of objects from ShapeNet can also well represent detailed shapes from any other category. In addition, it can be trained using much fewer shapes, compared to existing approaches. We show several applications of our new representation, including shape interpolation and partial point cloud completion. Due to explicit control over positions, orientations and scales of patches, our representation is also more controllable compared to object-level representations, which enables us to deform encoded shapes non-rigidly.
Efficient rendering of photo-realistic virtual worlds is a long standing effort of computer graphics. Modern graphics techniques have succeeded in synthesizing photo-realistic images from hand-crafted scene representations. However, the automatic gen eration of shape, materials, lighting, and other aspects of scenes remains a challenging problem that, if solved, would make photo-realistic computer graphics more widely accessible. Concurrently, progress in computer vision and machine learning have given rise to a new approach to image synthesis and editing, namely deep generative models. Neural rendering is a new and rapidly emerging field that combines generative machine learning techniques with physical knowledge from computer graphics, e.g., by the integration of differentiable rendering into network training. With a plethora of applications in computer graphics and vision, neural rendering is poised to become a new area in the graphics community, yet no survey of this emerging field exists. This state-of-the-art report summarizes the recent trends and applications of neural rendering. We focus on approaches that combine classic computer graphics techniques with deep generative models to obtain controllable and photo-realistic outputs. Starting with an overview of the underlying computer graphics and machine learning concepts, we discuss critical aspects of neural rendering approaches. This state-of-the-art report is focused on the many important use cases for the described algorithms such as novel view synthesis, semantic photo manipulation, facial and body reenactment, relighting, free-viewpoint video, and the creation of photo-realistic avatars for virtual and augmented reality telepresence. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of the social implications of such technology and investigate open research problems.
StyleGAN generates photorealistic portrait images of faces with eyes, teeth, hair and context (neck, shoulders, background), but lacks a rig-like control over semantic face parameters that are interpretable in 3D, such as face pose, expressions, and scene illumination. Three-dimensional morphable face models (3DMMs) on the other hand offer control over the semantic parameters, but lack photorealism when rendered and only model the face interior, not other parts of a portrait image (hair, mouth interior, background). We present the first method to provide a face rig-like control over a pretrained and fixed StyleGAN via a 3DMM. A new rigging network, RigNet is trained between the 3DMMs semantic parameters and StyleGANs input. The network is trained in a self-supervised manner, without the need for manual annotations. At test time, our method generates portrait images with the photorealism of StyleGAN and provides explicit control over the 3D semantic parameters of the face.

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