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This paper is the first to explore an automatic way to detect bias in deep convolutional neural networks by simply looking at their weights. Furthermore, it is also a step towards understanding neural networks and how they work. We show that it is in deed possible to know if a model is biased or not simply by looking at its weights, without the model inference for an specific input. We analyze how bias is encoded in the weights of deep networks through a toy example using the Colored MNIST database and we also provide a realistic case study in gender detection from face images using state-of-the-art methods and experimental resources. To do so, we generated two databases with 36K and 48K biased models each. In the MNIST models we were able to detect whether they presented a strong or low bias with more than 99% accuracy, and we were also able to classify between four levels of bias with more than 70% accuracy. For the face models, we achieved 90% accuracy in distinguishing between models biased towards Asian, Black, or Caucasian ethnicity.
This work presents a new deep learning approach for keystroke biometrics based on a novel Distance Metric Learning method (DML). DML maps input data into a learned representation space that reveals a semantic structure based on distances. In this wor k, we propose a novel DML method specifically designed to address the challenges associated to free-text keystroke identification where the classes used in learning and inference are disjoint. The proposed SetMargin Loss (SM-L) extends traditional DML approaches with a learning process guided by pairs of sets instead of pairs of samples, as done traditionally. The proposed learning strategy allows to enlarge inter-class distances while maintaining the intra-class structure of keystroke dynamics. We analyze the resulting representation space using the mathematical problem known as Circle Packing, which provides neighbourhood structures with a theoretical maximum inter-class distance. We finally prove experimentally the effectiveness of the proposed approach on a challenging task: keystroke biometric identification over a large set of 78,000 subjects. Our method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on a comparison performed with the best existing approaches.
Extreme Learning Machine is a powerful classification method very competitive existing classification methods. It is extremely fast at training. Nevertheless, it cannot perform face verification tasks properly because face verification tasks require comparison of facial images of two individuals at the same time and decide whether the two faces identify the same person. The structure of Extreme Leaning Machine was not designed to feed two input data streams simultaneously, thus, in 2-input scenarios Extreme Learning Machine methods are normally applied using concatenated inputs. However, this setup consumes two times more computational resources and it is not optimized for recognition tasks where learning a separable distance metric is critical. For these reasons, we propose and develop a Siamese Extreme Learning Machine (SELM). SELM was designed to be fed with two data streams in parallel simultaneously. It utilizes a dual-stream Siamese condition in the extra Siamese layer to transform the data before passing it along to the hidden layer. Moreover, we propose a Gender-Ethnicity-Dependent triplet feature exclusively trained on a variety of specific demographic groups. This feature enables learning and extracting of useful facial features of each group. Experiments were conducted to evaluate and compare the performances of SELM, Extreme Learning Machine, and DCNN. The experimental results showed that the proposed feature was able to perform correct classification at 97.87% accuracy and 99.45% AUC. They also showed that using SELM in conjunction with the proposed feature provided 98.31% accuracy and 99.72% AUC. They outperformed the well-known DCNN and Extreme Leaning Machine methods by a wide margin.
Parkinsons Disease (PD) is a neurological disorder that affects facial movements and non-verbal communication. Patients with PD present a reduction in facial movements called hypomimia which is evaluated in item 3.2 of the MDS-UPDRS-III scale. In thi s work, we propose to use facial expression analysis from face images based on affective domains to improve PD detection. We propose different domain adaptation techniques to exploit the latest advances in face recognition and Face Action Unit (FAU) detection. The principal contributions of this work are: (1) a novel framework to exploit deep face architectures to model hypomimia in PD patients; (2) we experimentally compare PD detection based on single images vs. image sequences while the patients are evoked various face expressions; (3) we explore different domain adaptation techniques to exploit existing models initially trained either for Face Recognition or to detect FAUs for the automatic discrimination between PD patients and healthy subjects; and (4) a new approach to use triplet-loss learning to improve hypomimia modeling and PD detection. The results on real face images from PD patients show that we are able to properly model evoked emotions using image sequences (neutral, onset-transition, apex, offset-transition, and neutral) with accuracy improvements up to 5.5% (from 72.9% to 78.4%) with respect to single-image PD detection. We also show that our proposed affective-domain adaptation provides improvements in PD detection up to 8.9% (from 78.4% to 87.3% detection accuracy).
Machine learning methods are growing in relevance for biometrics and personal information processing in domains such as forensics, e-health, recruitment, and e-learning. In these domains, white-box (human-readable) explanations of systems built on ma chine learning methods can become crucial. Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is a subfield of symbolic AI aimed to automatically learn declarative theories about the process of data. Learning from Interpretation Transition (LFIT) is an ILP technique that can learn a propositional logic theory equivalent to a given black-box system (under certain conditions). The present work takes a first step to a general methodology to incorporate accurate declarative explanations to classic machine learning by checking the viability of LFIT in a specific AI application scenario: fair recruitment based on an automatic tool generated with machine learning methods for ranking Curricula Vitae that incorporates soft biometric information (gender and ethnicity). We show the expressiveness of LFIT for this specific problem and propose a scheme that can be applicable to other domains.
This work explores facial expression bias as a security vulnerability of face recognition systems. Despite the great performance achieved by state-of-the-art face recognition systems, the algorithms are still sensitive to a large range of covariates. We present a comprehensive analysis of how facial expression bias impacts the performance of face recognition technologies. Our study analyzes: i) facial expression biases in the most popular face recognition databases; and ii) the impact of facial expression in face recognition performances. Our experimental framework includes two face detectors, three face recognition models, and three different databases. Our results demonstrate a huge facial expression bias in the most widely used databases, as well as a related impact of face expression in the performance of state-of-the-art algorithms. This work opens the door to new research lines focused on mitigating the observed vulnerability.
We propose a discrimination-aware learning method to improve both accuracy and fairness of biased face recognition algorithms. The most popular face recognition benchmarks assume a distribution of subjects without paying much attention to their demog raphic attributes. In this work, we perform a comprehensive discrimination-aware experimentation of deep learning-based face recognition. We also propose a general formulation of algorithmic discrimination with application to face biometrics. The experiments include tree popular face recognition models and three public databases composed of 64,000 identities from different demographic groups characterized by gender and ethnicity. We experimentally show that learning processes based on the most used face databases have led to popular pre-trained deep face models that present a strong algorithmic discrimination. We finally propose a discrimination-aware learning method, Sensitive Loss, based on the popular triplet loss function and a sensitive triplet generator. Our approach works as an add-on to pre-trained networks and is used to improve their performance in terms of average accuracy and fairness. The method shows results comparable to state-of-the-art de-biasing networks and represents a step forward to prevent discriminatory effects by automatic systems.
The most popular face recognition benchmarks assume a distribution of subjects without much attention to their demographic attributes. In this work, we perform a comprehensive discrimination-aware experimentation of deep learning-based face recogniti on. The main aim of this study is focused on a better understanding of the feature space generated by deep models, and the performance achieved over different demographic groups. We also propose a general formulation of algorithmic discrimination with application to face biometrics. The experiments are conducted over the new DiveFace database composed of 24K identities from six different demographic groups. Two popular face recognition models are considered in the experimental framework: ResNet-50 and VGG-Face. We experimentally show that demographic groups highly represented in popular face databases have led to popular pre-trained deep face models presenting strong algorithmic discrimination. That discrimination can be observed both qualitatively at the feature space of the deep models and quantitatively in large performance differences when applying those models in different demographic groups, e.g. for face biometrics.

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