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Kubo formulas for Hall, transverse thermoelectric and thermal Hall conductivities are simplified into on-shell commutators of degeneracy projected polarizations. The new expressions are computationally economical, and apply to general Hamiltonians wi thout a gap restriction. We show that Hall currents in open boundaries are carried by gapless chiral excitations. Extrapolation of finite lattice calculations to the DC-thermodynamic limit is demonstrated for a disordered metal.
A recently developed formula for the Hall coefficient [A. Auerbach, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 66601 (2018)] is applied to nodal line and Weyl semimetals (including graphene), and to spin-orbit split semiconductor bands in two and three dimensions. The ca lculation reduces to a ratio of two equilibrium susceptibilities, where corrections are negligible at weak disorder. Deviations from Drudes inverse carrier density are associated with band degeneracies, Fermi surface topology, and interband scattering. Experiments which can measure these deviations are proposed.
Magnetotransport theory of layered superconductors in the flux flow steady state is revisited. Longstanding controversies concerning observed Hall sign reversals are resolved. The conductivity separates into a Bardeen-Stephen vortex core contribution , and a Hall conductivity due to moving vortex charge. This charge, which is responsible for Hall anomaly, diverges logarithmically at weak magnetic field. Its values can be extracted from magetoresistivity data by extrapolation of vortex core Hall angle from the normal phase. Hall anomalies in YBCO, BSCCO, and NCCO data are consistent with theoretical estimates based on doping dependence of London penetration depths. In the appendices, we derive the Streda formula for the hydrodynamical Hall conductivity, and refute previously assumed relevance of Galilean symmetry to Hall anomalies.
75 - Assa Auerbach 2018
Exact formulas for the Hall coefficient, modified Nernst coefficient, and thermal Hall coefficient of metals are derived from the Kubo formula. These coefficients depend exclusively on equilibrium (time independent) susceptibilities, which are signif icantly easier to compute than conductivities. For weak isotropic scattering, Boltzmann theory is recovered. For strong scattering, well controlled methods for thermodynamic functions are available. As an example, the Hall sign reversals of lattice bosons near the Mott insulator phases are determined. Appendices include mathematical supplements and instructions for calculating the coefficients.
73 - Assa Auerbach 2018
An exact formula for the temperature dependent Hall number of metals is derived. It is valid for non-relativistic fermions or bosons, with arbitrary potential and interaction. This DC transport coefficient is proven to (remarkably) depend solely on e quilibrium susceptibilities, which are more amenable to numerical algorithms than the conductivity. An application to strongly correlated phases is demonstrated by calculating the Hall sign in the vicinity of Mott phases of lattice bosons.
The superconductor-insulator transition (SIT) is considered an excellent example of a quantum phase transition which is driven by quantum fluctuations at zero temperature. The quantum critical point is characterized by a diverging correlation length and a vanishing energy scale. Low energy fluctuations near quantum criticality may be experimentally detected by specific heat, $c_{rm p}$, measurements. Here, we use a unique highly sensitive experiment to measure $c_{rm p}$ of two-dimensional granular Pb films through the SIT. The specific heat shows the usual jump at the mean field superconducting transition temperature $T_{rm c}^{rm {mf}}$ marking the onset of Cooper pairs formation. As the film thickness is tuned toward the SIT, $T_{rm c}^{rm {mf}}$ is relatively unchanged, while the magnitude of the jump and low temperature specific heat increase significantly. This behaviour is taken as the thermodynamic fingerprint of quantum criticality in the vicinity of a quantum phase transition.
For weakly disordered fractional quantum Hall phases, the non linear photoconductivity is related to the charge susceptibility of the clean system by a Floquet boost. Thus, it may be possible to probe collective charge modes at finite wavevectors by electrical transport. Incompressible phases, irradiated at slightly above the magneto-roton gap, are predicted to exhibit negative photoconductivity and zero resistance states with spontaneous internal electric fields. Non linear conductivity can probe composite fermions charge excitations in compressible filling factors.
The Kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet is mapped onto an effective Hamiltonian on the star superlattice by Contractor Renormalization. Comparison of ground state energies on large lattices to Density Matrix Renormalization Group justifies truncation o f effective interactions at range 3. Within our accuracy, magnetic and translational symmetries are not broken (i.e. a spin liquid ground state). However, we discover doublet spectral degeneracies which signal the onset of p6 - chirality symmetry breaking. This is understood by simple mean field analysis. Experimentally, the p6 chiral order parameter should split the optical phonons degeneracy near the zone center. Addition of weak next to nearest neighbor coupling is discussed.
Magneto-transport of hard core bosons (HCB) is studied using an XXZ quantum spin model representation, appropriately gauged on the torus to allow for an external magnetic field. We find strong lattice effects near half filling. An effective quantum m echanical description of the vortex degrees of freedom is derived. Using semiclassical and numerical analysis we compute the vortex hopping energy, which at half filling is close to magnitude of the boson hopping energy. The critical quantum melting density of the vortex lattice is estimated at 6.5x10-5 vortices per unit cell. The Hall conductance is computed from the Chern numbers of the low energy eigenstates. At zero temperature, it reverses sign abruptly at half filling. At precisely half filling, all eigenstates are doubly degenerate for any odd number of flux quanta. We prove the exact degeneracies on the torus by constructing an SU(2) algebra of point-group symmetries, associated with the center of vorticity. This result is interpreted as if each vortex carries an internal spin-half degree of freedom (vspin), which can manifest itself as a charge density modulation in its core. Our findings suggest interesting experimental implications for vortex motion of cold atoms in optical lattices, and magnet-transport of short coherence length superconductors.
A model of charged hole-pair bosons, with long range Coulomb interactions and very weak interlayer coupling, is used to calculate the order parameter -Phi- of underdoped cuprates. Model parameters are extracted from experimental superfluid densities and plasma frequencies. The temperature dependence -Phi(T)- is characterized by a trapezoidal shape. At low temperatures, it declines slowly due to harmonic phase fluctuations which are suppressed by anisotropic plasma gaps. Above the single layer Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) temperature, Phi(T) falls rapidly toward the three dimensional transition temperature. The theoretical curves are compared to c-axis superfluid density data by H. Kitano et al., (J. Low Temp. Phys. 117, 1241 (1999)) and to the -transverse nodal velocity- measured by angular resolved photoemmission spectra on BSCCO samples by W.S. Lee et al., (Nature 450, 81 (2007)), and by A. Kanigel, et al., (Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 157001 (2007)).

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