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In this article, we have explored the very important quantity of lepton pair production from a hot and dense QCD medium in presence of an arbitrary magnetic field for simultaneous nonzero values of both the parallel and perpendicular components of mo mentum. As opposed to the zero magnetic field case (the so-called Born rate) or the lowest Landau level approximated rate, where only the annihilation process contributes, here we observe contributions also arising out of the quark and antiquark decay processes. We found the encouraging result of considerable enhancement of lepton pair production in presence of a magnetic field. We further decompose the total rate into different physical processes and make interesting observations for both zero and nonzero baryon density.
102 - Aritra Das , Najmul Haque 2019
We calculate the neutral pion mass in the presence of an external magnetic field of arbitrary strength in the framework of the linear sigma model coupled to quarks at zero temperature. We find nonmonotonic behavior of the pion mass as a function of m agnetic field. We are also able to reproduce existing results for the weak-field approximation.
A Lorenz-like model was set up recently, to study the hydrodynamic instabilities in a driven active matter system. This Lorenz model differs from the standard one in that all three equations contain non-linear terms. The additional non-linear term co mes from the active matter contribution to the stress tensor. In this work, we investigate the non-linear properties of this Lorenz model both analytically and numerically. The significant feature of the model is the passage to chaos through a complete set of period-doubling bifurcations above the Hopf point for inverse Schmidt numbers above a critical value. Interestingly enough, at these Schmidt numbers a strange attractor and stable fixed points coexist beyond the homoclinic point. At the Hopf point, the strange attractor disappears leaving a high-period periodic orbit. This periodic state becomes the expected limit cycle through a set of bifurcations and then undergoes a sequence of period-doubling bifurcations leading to the formation of a strange attractor. This is the first situation where a Lorenz-like model has shown a set of consecutive period-doubling bifurcations in a physically relevant transition to turbulence.
We have computed the hard dilepton production rate from a weakly magnetized deconfined QCD medium within one-loop photon self-energy by considering one hard and one thermomagnetic resummed quark propagator in the loop. In the presence of the magnetic field, the resummed propagator leads to four quasiparticle modes. The production of hard dileptons consists of rates when all four quasiquarks originating from the poles of the propagator individually annihilate with a hard quark coming from a bare propagator in the loop. Besides these, there are also contributions from a mixture of pole and Landau cut part. In weak field approximation, the magnetic field appears as a perturbative correction to the thermal contribution. Since the calculation is very involved, for a first effort as well as for simplicity, we obtained the rate up to first order in the magnetic field, i.e., ${cal O}[(eB)]$, which causes a marginal improvement over that in the absence of magnetic field.
Modern deep learning algorithms have triggered various image segmentation approaches. However most of them deal with pixel based segmentation. However, superpixels provide a certain degree of contextual information while reducing computation cost. In our approach, we have performed superpixel level semantic segmentation considering 3 various levels as neighbours for semantic contexts. Furthermore, we have enlisted a number of ensemble approaches like max-voting and weighted-average. We have also used the Dempster-Shafer theory of uncertainty to analyze confusion among various classes. Our method has proved to be superior to a number of different modern approaches on the same dataset.
It has been extensively shown in past literature that Bayesian Game Theory and Quantum Non-locality have strong ties between them. Pure Entangled States have been used, in both common and conflict interest games, to gain advantageous payoffs, both at the individual and social level. In this paper we construct a game for a Mixed Entangled State such that this state gives higher payoffs than classically possible, both at the individual level and the social level. Also, we use the I-3322 inequality so that states that arent helpful as advice for Bell-CHSH inequality can also be used. Finally, the measurement setting we use is a Restricted Social Welfare Strategy (given this particular state).
We have systematically constructed the general structure of the fermion self-energy and the effective quark propagator in presence of a nontrivial background like hot magnetised medium. This is applicable to both QED and QCD. The hard thermal loop ap proximation has been used for the heat bath. We have also examined transformation properties of the effective fermion propagator under some of the discrete symmetries of the system. Using the effective fermion propagator we have analysed the fermion dispersion spectra in a hot magnetised medium along with the spinor for each fermion mode obtained by solving the modified Dirac equation. The fermion spectra is found to reflect the discrete symmetries of the two-point functions. We note that for a chirally symmetric theory the degenerate left and right handed chiral modes in vacuum or in a heat bath get separated and become asymmetric in presence of magnetic field without disturbing the chiral invariance. The obtained general structure of the two-point functions is verified by computing the three-point function, which agrees with the existing results in one-loop order. Finally, we have computed explicitly the spectral representation of the two-point functions which would be very important to study the spectral properties of the hot magnetised medium corresponding to QED and QCD with background magnetic field.

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