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Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs), comprising large numbers of low-cost and passive metamaterials with tunable reflection properties, have been recently proposed as an enabler for programmable radio propagation environments. However, the rol e of the channel conditions near the RISs on their optimizability has not been analyzed adequately. In this paper, we present an asymptotic closed-form expression for the mutual information of a multi-antenna transmitter-receiver pair in the presence of multiple RISs, in the large-antenna limit, using the random matrix and replica theories. Under mild assumptions, asymptotic expressions for the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of the channel covariance matrices are derived. We find that, when the channel close to an RIS is correlated, for instance due to small angle spread, the communication link benefits significantly from the RIS optimization, resulting in gains that are surprisingly higher than the nearly uncorrelated case. Furthermore, when the desired reflection from the RIS departs significantly from geometrical optics, the surface can be optimized to provide robust communication links. Building on the properties of the eigenvectors of the covariance matrices, we are able to find the optimal response of the RISs in closed form, bypassing the need for brute-force optimization.
Using the properties of random M{o}bius transformations, we investigate the statistical properties of the reflection coefficient in a random chain of lossy scatterers. We explicitly determine the support of the distribution and the condition for cohe rent perfect absorption to be possible. We show that at its boundaries the distribution has Lifshits-like tails, which we evaluate. We also obtain the extent of penetration of incoming waves into the medium via the Lyapunov exponent. Our results agree well when compared to numerical simulations in a specific random system.
Coherent wave propagation in disordered media gives rise to many fascinating phenomena as diverse as universal conductance fluctuations in mesoscopic metals and speckle patterns in light scattering. Here, the theory of electromagnetic wave propagatio n in diffusive media is combined with information theory to show how interference affects the information transmission rate between antenna arrays. Nontrivial dependencies of the information capacity on the nature of the antenna arrays are found, such as the dimensionality of the arrays and their direction with respect to the local scattering medium. This approach provides a physical picture for understanding the importance of scattering in the transfer of information through wireless communications.

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