ترغب بنشر مسار تعليمي؟ اضغط هنا

84 - Daniel Schwartz 2020
We report the detection of extended X-ray emission from two high-redshift radio quasars. These quasars, J1405+0415 at $z$=3.208 and J1610+1811 at $z$=3.118, were observed in a Chandra snapshot survey selected from a complete sample of the radio-brigh test quasars in the overlap area of the VLA-FIRST radio survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The extended X-ray emission is located along the line connecting the core to a radio knot or hotspot, favoring the interpretation of X-ray jets. The inferred rest frame jet X-ray luminosities from 2--30 keV would be of order 10$^{45}$ erg~s$^{-1}$ if emitted isotropically and without relativistic beaming. In the scenario of inverse Compton scattering of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), X-ray jets without a coincident radio counterpart may be common, and should be readily detectable to redshifts even beyond 3.2 due to the (1+$z$)$^4$ increase of the CMB energy density compensating for the (1+$z$)$^{-4}$ cosmological diminution of surface brightness. If these can be X-ray confirmed, they would be the second and third examples of quasar X-ray jets without detection of underlying continuous radio jets.
We study the gamma-ray variability of 13 blazars observed with the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). These blazars have the most complete light curves collected during the first 4 years of the Fermi sky survey. We model them with the Ornstein-Uhlenbe ck (OU) process or a mixture of the OU processes. The OU process has power spectral density (PSD) proportional to 1/f^alpha with alpha changing at a characteristic time scale, tau_0, from 0 (tau>>tau_0) to 2 (tau<<tau_0). The PSD of the mixed OU process has two characteristic time scales and an additional intermediate region with 0<alpha<2. We show that the OU model provides a good description of the Fermi/LAT light curves of three blazars in our sample. For the first time we constrain a characteristic gamma-ray time scale of variability in two BL Lac sources, 3C 66A and PKS 2155-304 (tau_0=25 day and tau_0=43 day, respectively, in the observers frame), which are longer than the soft X-ray time scales detected in blazars and Seyfert galaxies. We find that the mixed OU process approximates the light curves of the remaining 10 blazars better than the OU process. We derive limits on their long and short characteristic time scales, and infer that their Fermi/LAT PSDs resemble a power-law function. We constrain the PSD slopes for all but one source in the sample. We find hints for sub-hour Fermi/LAT variability in four flat spectrum radio quasars. We discuss the implications of our results for theoretical models of blazar variability.
We present results from a study of a nuclear emission of a nearby radio galaxy, 4C+29.30, over a broad 0.5-200 keV X-ray band. This study used new XMM-Newton (~17 ksec) and Chandra (~300 ksec) data, and archival Swift/BAT data from the 58-month catal og. The hard (>2 keV) X-ray spectrum of 4C+29.30 can be decomposed into an intrinsic hard power-law (Gamma ~ 1.56) modified by a cold absorber with an intrinsic column density N_{H,z} ~ 5x10^{23} cm^{-2}, and its reflection (|Omega/2pi| ~ 0.3) from a neutral matter including a narrow iron Kalpha emission line at the rest frame energy ~6.4 keV. The reflected component is less absorbed than the intrinsic one with an upper limit on the absorbing column of N^{refl}_{H,z} < 2.5x10^{22} cm^{-2}. The X-ray spectrum varied between the XMM-Newton and Chandra observations. We show that a scenario invoking variations of the normalization of the power-law is favored over a model with variable intrinsic column density. X-rays in the 0.5-2 keV band are dominated by diffuse emission modeled with a thermal bremsstrahlung component with temperature ~0.7 keV, and contain only a marginal contribution from the scattered power-law component. We hypothesize that 4C+29.30 belongs to a class of `hidden AGN containing a geometrically thick torus. However, unlike the majority of them, 4C+29.30 is radio-loud. Correlations between the scattering fraction and Eddington luminosity ratio, and the one between black hole mass and stellar velocity dispersion, imply that 4C+29.30 hosts a black hole with ~10^8 M_{Sun} mass.
An accretion flow onto a supermassive black hole is the primary process powering quasars. However, a geometry of this flow is not well constrained. Both global MHD simulations and observations suggest that there are several emission components presen t in the nucleus: an accretion disk, hot plasma (corona or sphere) with electrons scattering the optical and UV photons, and an outflow (wind/jet). The relative location and size of these emission components, as well as their interplay affect the emerging quasar spectrum. I review briefly standard accretion disk models and the recent progress, point out discrepancies between the predicted and observed spectra and discuss some issues in fitting these models to the broad-band spectral energy distribution of quasars. I present examples of models fitted simultaneously to the optical-UV-X-ray data and possible constraints on the parameters.
We report results from our deep Chandra X-ray observations of a nearby radio galaxy, 4C+29.30 (z=0.0647). The Chandra image resolves structures on sub-arcsec to arcsec scales, revealing complex X-ray morphology and detecting the main radio features: the nucleus, a jet, hotspots, and lobes. The nucleus is absorbed (N(H)=3.95 (+0.27/-0.33)x10^23 atoms/cm^2) with an unabsorbed luminosity of L(2-10 keV) ~ (5.08 +/-0.52) 10^43 erg/s characteristic of Type 2 AGN. Regions of soft (<2 keV) X-ray emission that trace the hot interstellar medium (ISM) are correlated with radio structures along the main radio axis indicating a strong relation between the two. The X-ray emission beyond the radio source correlates with the morphology of optical line-emitting regions. We measured the ISM temperature in several regions across the galaxy to be kT ~ 0.5 with slightly higher temperatures (of a few keV) in the center and in the vicinity of the radio hotspots. Assuming these regions were heated by weak shocks driven by the expanding radio source, we estimated the corresponding Mach number of 1.6 in the southern regions. The thermal pressure of the X-ray emitting gas in the outermost regions suggest the hot ISM is slightly under-pressured with respect to the cold optical-line emitting gas and radio-emitting plasma, which both seem to be in a rough pressure equilibrium. We conclude that 4C+29.30 displays a complex view of interactions between the jet-driven radio outflow and host galaxy environment, signaling feedback processes closely associated with the central active nucleus.
We present the first results from a new, deep (200ks) Chandra observation of the X-ray luminous galaxy cluster surrounding the powerful (L ~10^47 erg/s), high-redshift (z=1.067), compact-steep-spectrum radio-loud quasar 3C186. The diffuse X-ray emiss ion from the cluster has a roughly ellipsoidal shape and extends out to radii of at least ~60 arcsec (~500 kpc). The centroid of the diffuse X-ray emission is offset by 0.68(+/-0.11) arcsec (5.5+/-0.9 kpc) from the position of the quasar. We measure a cluster mass within the radius at which the mean enclosed density is 2500 times the critical density, r_2500=283(+18/-13)kpc, of 1.02 (+0.21/-0.14)x10^14 M_sun. The gas mass fraction within this radius is f_gas=0.129(+0.015/-0.016). This value is consistent with measurements at lower redshifts and implies minimal evolution in the f_gas(z) relation for hot, massive clusters at 0<z<1.1. The measured metal abundance of 0.42(+0.08/-0.07) Solar is consistent with the abundance observed in other massive, high redshift clusters. The spatially-resolved temperature profile for the cluster shows a drop in temperature, from kT~8 keV to kT~3 keV, in its central regions that is characteristic of cooling core clusters. This is the first spectroscopic identification of a cooling core cluster at z>1. We measure cooling times for the X-ray emitting gas at radii of 50 kpc and 25 kpc of 1.7(+/-0.2)x10^9 years and 7.5(+/-2.6)x 10^8 years, as well as a nominal cooling rate (in the absence of heating) of 400(+/-190)M_sun/year within the central 100 kpc. In principle, the cooling gas can supply enough fuel to support the growth of the supermassive black hole and to power the luminous quasar. The radiative power of the quasar exceeds by a factor of 10 the kinematic power of the central radio source, suggesting that radiative heating may be important at intermittent intervals in cluster cores.
Large scale X-ray jets that extend to >100 kpc distances from the host galaxy indicate the importance of jets interactions with the environment on many different physical scales. Morphology of X-ray clusters indicate that the radio-jet activity of a cD galaxy is intermittent. This intermittency might be a result of a feedback and/or interactions between galaxies within the cluster. Here we consider the radiation pressure instability operating on short timescales (<10^5 years) as the origin of the intermittent behaviour. We test whether this instability can be responsible for short ages (< 10^4 years) of Compact Symmetric Objects measured by hot spots propagation velocities in VLBI observations. We model the accretion disk evolution and constrain model parameters that may explain the observed compact radio structures and over-abundance of GPS sources. We also describe effects of consequent outbursts.
295 - Bozena Czerny 2009
We associate the existence of short-lived compact radio sources with the intermittent activity of the central engine caused by a radiation pressure instability within an accretion disk. Such objects may constitute a numerous sub-class of Giga-Hertz P eaked Spectrum sources, in accordance with the population studies of radio-loud active galaxies, as well as detailed investigations of their radio morphologies. We perform the model computations assuming the viscosity parametrization as proportional to a geometrical mean of the total and gas pressure. The implied timescales are consistent with the observed ages of the sources. The duration of an active phase for a moderate accretion rate is short enough (< 10^3-10^4 years) that the ejecta are confined within the host galaxy and thus these sources cannot evolve into large size radio galaxies unless they are close to the Eddington limit.
Many X-ray observations of GigaHertz Peaked Spectrum and Compact Steep Spectrum sources have been made with Chandra X-ray Observatory and XMM-Newton Observatory over the last few years. The X-ray spectra contribute the important information to the to tal energy distribution of the compact radio sources. In addition the spatial resolution of Chandra allows for studies of the X-ray morphology of these sources on arcsec scales and provide a direct view of their environments. This paper gives a review of the current status of the X-ray observations and their contribution to our understanding of the nature of these compact radio sources. It also describes primary physical processes that lead to the observed X-ray emission and summarize X-ray emission properties expected from interactions between an expanding radio source and the intergalactic environment.
We present {it Chandra} X-ray Observatory observations of Giga-Hertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) and Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) radio sources. The {it Chandra} sample contains 13 quasars and 3 galaxies with measured 2-10 keV X-ray luminosity within $10^{ 42} - 10^{46}$ erg s$^{-1}$. We detect all of the sources, five of which are observed in X-ray for the first time. We study the X-ray spectral properties of the sample. The measured absorption columns in the quasars are different than those in the galaxies in the sense that the quasars show no absorption (with limits $sim 10^{21} rm cm^{-2}$) while the galaxies have large absorption columns ($> 10^{22} rm cm^{-2}$) consistent with previous findings. The median photon index of the sources with high S/N is $Gamma=1.84 pm0.24$ and it is larger than the typical index of radio loud quasars. The arcsec resolution of {it Chandra} telescope allows us to investigate X-ray extended emission, and look for diffuse components and X-ray jets. We found X-ray jets in two quasars (PKS 1127-145, B2 0738+32), an X-ray cluster surrounding a CSS quasar (z=1.1, 3C 186), detected a possible binary structure in 0941-080 galaxy and an extended diffuse emission in galaxy PKS B2 1345+12. We discuss our results in the context of X-ray emission processes and radio source evolution. We conclude that the X-ray emission in these sources is most likely unrelated to a relativistic jet, while the sources radio-loudness may suggest a high radiative efficiency of the jet power in these sources.

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