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The Szekeres system with cosmological constant term describes the evolution of the kinematic quantities for Einstein field equations in $mathbb{R}^4$. In this study, we investigate the behavior of trajectories in the presence of cosmological constant . It has been shown that the Szekeres system is a Hamiltonian dynamical system. It admits at least two conservation laws, $h$ and $I_{0}$ which indicate the integrability of the Hamiltonian system. We solve the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, and we reduce the Szekeres system from $mathbb{R}^4$ to an equivalent system defined in $mathbb{R}^2$. Global dynamics are studied where we find that there exists an attractor in the finite regime only for positive valued cosmological constant and $I_0<2.08$. Otherwise, trajectories reach infinity. For $I_ {0}>0$ the origin of trajectories in $mathbb{R}^2$ is also at infinity. Finally, we investigate the evolution of physical properties by using dimensionless variables different from that of Hubble-normalization conducing to a dynamical system in $mathbb{R}^5$. We see that the attractor at the finite regime in $mathbb{R}^5$ is related with the de Sitter universe for a positive cosmological constant.
We solve the group classification problem for the $2+1$ generalized quantum Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation. Particularly we consider the generalized equation $u_{t}+fleft( uright) u_{z}+u_{zzz}+u_{xxz}=0$, and the time-dependent Zakharov-Kuznetsov equat ion $u_{t}+delta left( tright) uu_{z}+lambda left( tright) u_{zzz}+varepsilon left( tright) u_{xxz}=0$% . Function $fleft( uright) $ and $delta left( tright) ,~lambda left( tright) $,~$varepsilon left( tright) $ are determine in order the equations to admit additional Lie symmetries. Finally, we apply the Lie invariants to find similarity solutions for the generalized quantum Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation.
We consider a cosmological scenario endowed with an interaction between the universes dark components $-$ dark matter and dark energy. Specifically, we assume the dark matter component to be a pressure-less fluid, while the dark energy component is a quintessence scalar field with Lagrangian function modified by the quadratic Generalized Uncertainty Principle. The latter modification introduces new higher-order terms of fourth-derivative due to quantum corrections in the scalar fields equation of motion. Then we investigate asymptotic dynamics and general behaviour of solutions of the field equations for some interacting models of special interests in the literature. At the background level, the present interacting model exhibits the matter-dominated and de Sitter solutions which are absent in the corresponding quintessence model. Furthermore, to boost the background analysis, we study cosmological linear perturbations in the Newtonian gauge where we show how perturbations are modified by quantum corrected terms from the quadratic Generalized Uncertainty Principle. Depending on the coupling parameters, scalar perturbations show a wide range of behavior.
We apply the Painleve Test for the Benney and the Benney-Gjevik equations which describe waves in falling liquids. We prove that these two nonlinear 1+1 evolution equations pass the singularity test for the travelling-wave solutions. The algebraic so lutions in terms of Laurent expansions are presented.
We consider the generic quadratic first integral (QFI) of the form $I=K_{ab}(t,q)dot{q}^{a}dot{q}^{b}+K_{a}(t,q)dot{q}^{a}+K(t,q)$ and require the condition $dI/dt=0$. The latter results in a system of partial differential equations which involve the tensors $K_{ab}(t,q)$, $K_{a}(t,q)$, $K(t,q)$ and the dynamical quantities of the dynamical equations. These equations divide in two sets. The first set involves only geometric quantities of the configuration space and the second set contains the interaction of these quantities with the dynamical fields. A theorem is presented which provides a systematic solution of the system of equations in terms of the collineations of the kinetic metric in the configuration space. This solution being geometric and covariant, applies to higher dimensions and curved spaces. The results are applied to the simple but interesting case of two-dimensional (2d) autonomous conservative Newtonian potentials. It is found that there are two classes of 2d integrable potentials and that superintegrable potentials exist in both classes. We recover most main previous results, which have been obtained by various methods, in a single and systematic way.
We apply the theory of Lie symmetries in order to study a fourth-order $1+2$ evolutionary partial differential equation which has been proposed for the image processing noise reduction. In particular we determine the Lie point symmetries for the spec ific 1+2 partial differential equations and we apply the invariant functions to determine similarity solutions. For the static solutions we observe that the reduced fourth-order ordinary differential equations are reduced to second-order ordinary differential equations which are maximally symmetric. Finally, nonstatic closed-form solutions are also determined.
The 1 + 2 dimensional Bogoyavlensky-Konopelchenko Equation is investigated for its solution and conservation laws using the Lie point symmetry analysis. In the recent past, certain work has been done describing the Lie point symmetries for the equati on and this work seems to be incomplete (Ray S (2017) Compt. Math. Appl. 74, 1157). We obtained certain new symmetries and corresponding conservation laws. The travelling-wave solution and some other similarity solutions are studied.
In the present article we study the cosmological evolution of a two-scalar field gravitational theory defined in the Jordan frame. Specifically, we assume one of the scalar fields to be minimally coupled to gravity, while the second field which is th e Brans-Dicke scalar field is nonminimally coupled to gravity and also coupled to the other scalar field. In the Einstein frame this theory reduces to a two-scalar field theory where the two fields can interact only in the potential term, which means that the quintom theory is recovered. The cosmological evolution is studied by analyzing the equilibrium points of the field equations in the Jordan frame. We find that the theory can describe the cosmological evolution in large scales, while inflationary solutions are also provided.
We consider the generalized Painleve--Ince equation, begin{equation*} ddot{x}+alpha xdot{x}+beta x^{3}=0 end{equation*} and we perform a detailed study in terms of symmetry analysis and of the singularity analysis. When the free parameters are relate d as $beta =alpha ^{2}/9~$the given differential equation is maximally symmetric and well-known that it pass the Painlev{e} test. For arbitrary parameters we find that there exists only two Lie point symmetries which can be used to reduce the differential equation into an algebraic equation. However, the generalized Painlev{e}--Ince equation fails at the Painlev{e} test, except if we apply the singularity analysis for the new second-order differential equation which follows from the change of variable $x=1/y.$ We conclude that the Painlev{e}--Ince equation is integrable is terms of Lie symmetries and of the Painlev{e} test.
We investigate the existence of analytic solutions for the field equations in the Einstein-ae ther theory for a static spherically symmetric spacetime and provide a detailed dynamical system analysis of the field equations. In particular, we investig ate if the gravitational field equations in the Einstein-ae ther model in the static spherically symmetric spacetime possesses the Painlev`e property, so that an analytic explicit integration can be performed. We find that analytic solutions can be presented in terms of Laurent expansion only when the matter source consists of a perfect fluid with linear equation of state (EoS) $mu =mu _{0}+left( texttt{h} -1right) p,~texttt{h} >1$. In order to study the field equations we apply the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) approach and other approaches. We find that the relativistic TOV equations are drastically modified in Einstein-ae ther theory, and we explore the physical implications of this modification. We study perfect fluid models with a scalar field with an exponential potential. We discuss all of the equilibrium points and discuss their physical properties.

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